Michigan Illinois. The Pride and joy of the kingdom called The states.Out of all the the other pieces of this kingdom Michigan was the golden boy, the safe haven, a utopia of sorts. The main reason for this was the pure amount of discoverys and accomplishments made by it's people.From new technology all the way to military advancement. The rate of which this was happening was incredible.
It would have continued to do this, however when the states fell into a civil war and Michigan was forced into it, it stopped.Everyone and everything of use was shipped out and set up for war(Which was a lot by the way). This left Michigan a ghost town, which was then occupied by gangs and criminals of all kinds soon after.It became a lawless and chaotic playground for those higher up on the criminal food chain.
To say the citizens of this once great city was mad when they saw the state it was in,is an understatement.They were absolutely livid. When they asked the states to send help to clean up the criminals infecting the city they denied them. Saying that it was there own fault for leaving the city practically open to corruption, and that it's not there problem as long as it doesn't pose a threat.In reality they where either smirking or flat out busting a guy in the inside. They were no better than the criminals that saw it as playground.All of them were corrupt.
But that didn't stop the people of Michigan. They bid there time gathering allies and the support of the people. For twenty years they were patient, just when it looked like all was loss they struck.
They wiped out the criminals within days. Lowlife and kingpin alike were helpless and couldn't do anything but watch as the once huge criminal underworld fall apart.The states were shocked that they took back there city sure, but shrugged it off thinking that it would fall again. Boy were they wrong.
In just under a year they finished rebuilding the city. Soon after people started to come to the city once again. Then two years later Michigan was once again the golden boy for the states.This didn't sit well with most of the states. So they tried to destroy the city from the inside out to have there playground back again. Only for it to ending failure hundreds of times.The worst part was ( for them) was that Michigan didn't fight back. So every plot or scheam all had serious back lash on the states.
As more and more people joined Michigan it became bigger and better even more so than befor the civil war. The states were nervous that's for sure. Even if they wanted to do something there hands where tied. They were worried that they would have another war on there hands and took the only choice they could. killing the leader of Michigan.
They tried alright. Only for it to hit them back hard. This Is because the day before they decided to kill him The leader of Michigan told the public everything the states had tried to do to cripple Michigan. Normally this would have been looked past as the ramblings of a madman unless there was some proof like for say a hired killer who attacked the leader.The civilians of not just Michigan but all of the states felt disgusted and angry, no more like pissed off that there leaders would do such a thing.It got so bad that riots and groups of people who wanted to take over started to pop up all over the place.
At this point the states were worried, more like terrified of what was happening. Every time they stopped a riot here or killed off a group there it seemed that two or three more would just come out of nowhere a day later. This continued on for months until it stopped. The states were beyond happy. They thought that all was back in order, only to get there dreams crushed by the Michigan leader.
The reason it stopped wasn't because they wanted to it was because of the leader of Michigan who commanded them to.This scared the hell out of them. But that fear was blown away and replaced by anger because of what the Michigan leader who's name is Ingus did.
Ingus made a speech that when summarized meant that Michigan declared independence from the states. Not only that but he all but declared that all the citizens of the states should leave them and come with him. That wasn't what pissed them off though, they knew he was going to do this they just didn't know when. What pissed them off was that it worked.
A good 10% of the pop went to his now new country, but it kept rising. By time the states decided to wage war against Michigan they had lost 25% of the pop and some of there military. When they did attack Michigan for the first time they where easily defeated.
The states tried for over 20 years to defeat Michigan. Every time ended in failure. Also during this time period while the states grew weaker Michigan was getting stronger every day. Eventually Michigan grew tired of this and decided to take over the states.It was easy ridiculously easy. over the years the states lost 80% of there pop and there military was only a tenth of what it used to be. So yeah there victory was an easy one.Once the war was over things continued on. Over the years both allies and enemy's alike fought with or against them. It grew to be one of the greatest countrys known to all beings.
Where did this countrys power come from was the question asked by many. The answer was it's people. Michigan had a knack for picking up the most unlikely of people and turning them into incredible people.It also would attract all kinds of people good or bad.
This was not only there biggest advantage but also there biggest down fall.This was proven by the fact that a good amount of its capital was reduced to dust by to beings not an army but two people.
Boom! Boom! BOOM!