Skyler Rome
"Have you traced them already, Trojan (Luis)?" Big brother Reese asked the tracker of our organization, Luis Aldini. He's one of friends whom we've encountered in the mall with my princess.
We have a meeting right now. Only selected people are here, to be exact only our group of friends, in which are all members of the organization. Me aka Viper, big brother Reese (Shadow), Reid (Leo), Rein (Aries), Luis Aldin (Trojan), Escarriot Caesar (beast), Alexander Fortalejo (joker), and of course our leader, Zeus (Phantom).
"Of course, don't you know who you're talking to, Shadow (Reese)?" Luis aka Trojan, the computer geek of our team, replied to big brother with his smug look. He can hack any system that exists, like the wooden horse of the greek army, he appears to be innocent and harmless.
And our big brother Reese is also known as Shadow. He works very discreetly, like that of shadow.
"Speak, Trojan." The mood became serious when he spoke up. Zeus aka Phantom, the current leader of our organization, the Lockheart Mafia. When he "works", everything seems like an illusion, and no one aside from us, even the other members of our organization have seen his face. He always wore a mask when he's Phantom.
"I've already hacked their system and found out that they have 30 bases all around the world. And their main base is here in Italy. I have sent you all their information including the location of those bases. Please check your email, but there's something weird here, Phantom, I've easily gained access to their system without much work. This is very weird for a big organization like them." Trojan replied in a serious manner. I opened my email and there I found the information he's talking about, the Luciano Mafia, our biggest enemy.
"It's a trap." Phantom replied plainly.
"That's what I've also thought, Phantom, but you'll be shock what I've found out. Please look at the email that I've sent you all, page 30." We immediately searched the page Trojan asked us to see, and he's right, the information that we've read really shocked us.
"Hmmm." That's the only reply we've heard from Phantom, as if he expected it already.
"So if this is the case then we should immediately find the real mafia organization behind them! Our lil' sister's life is on the line!" The twins reacted in unison, fear and anxiety can be seen in their faces. We all felt the same, especially when we don't know who our real enemies are, the one we've known as our "enemies" are just their puppets.
I was about to butt into their conversation when we heard a scream coming from the living room.
"Princess!" I thought.
We immediately ran to the living room since we are currently here in Phantom's office.
"Princess what happened?" I immediately asked her. Oh God she looks like a mess. Her tears are all over her face and she's trembling!
"B-brother. B-blood. C-cat. D-dead." She replied, terrified. I immediately look to where she's currently looking, and fuck! There's a box with a dead cat in it! Blood! Our princess has some phobia with blood!
She really looks terrible right now. And her body is still trembling with fear, with no signs of calming.
Fuck those bastards.
I notice big brother Reese picks something from the box, a note. I notice his fist clench and he is very angry right now. He gave the note to Phantom.
We can't read any emotion from Phantom, but we can feel an immense aura surrounding him, as if alerting us, "danger". He gave the note for us to see.
"Great job, Phantom. I see you already know me. And by the way, she's really pretty. I like her. Oh, and I hope you like my gift."
That's what the note says. Fuck that bastard! He's threatening us with the life of our princess!
Our princess is still trembling, and she's starting to have difficulty in breathing. Damn!
I was starting to panic when I felt Phantom took my princess in his arms.
"Shh. Hush now, Mine. Calm down, everything is alright." I can't believe it, Phantom is calming my princess with a very sweet tone. But what shocked us the most is what happened next.
Our sister stopped crying! And a few minutes later, she fell asleep. Phantom carried my princess up to her room.
What the hell just happened?