Chereads / Oh My, I Messed Up the Story / Chapter 23 - Surprise!

Chapter 23 - Surprise!

No matter how much fury was obviously bubbling under the surface of the crown prince's façade, the king couldn't deny that it  was more advantageous to marry a quality woman to his own son than another noble even if that other noble was in his prized son's corner.

"Proceed, Alpheus. I will send someone to make the necessary arrangements with Lord du Pont," the king said tiredly, rubbing his face. "Everyone else, as you were."

Gossip sprung up immediately but the perpetrators made sure I couldn't hear since I was right there, frozen in place.

I curtsied automatically when the king and his entourage left before turning robotically towards my new fiancé. He seemed pretty pleased with himself but his smile fell when he saw the look on my face.

This is the end of Part One, download Chereads app to continue:


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