Chereads / Oh My, I Messed Up the Story / Chapter 19 - A Proposal

Chapter 19 - A Proposal

My mouth rounded into an 'o' of surprise. Honestly, Al had been so friendly and normal that I had completely forgotten he was among the throng of my admirers.

"You're different," I admitted. "You don't act like they do."

"I suppose that is a pretty high compliment coming from you."

My cheeks turned red.

"I meant no offense. It's just…you talk to me like a normal person. The rest of them either don't think I have a single thought in my head outside of ribbons and tea time or want to use me as a chess piece."

Al's gaze sharpened. "A chess piece?"

"Duke Orla," I sighed, letting my mouth run away from me again. "He's a schoolmate of my brother Edmund's. While visiting with him a while back he caught me reading a book on foreign policy and seemed impressed with my political reasoning. I don't want him to use me to further his career. I mean, he works with the crown prince! I want nothing to do with that!"

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