Waking up to find myself strapped to a chair, I raised my weary gaze at a tall and stunning woman. Sipping a cup of hot tea, I remained patient as I wondered what exactly was happening.
"Are you here to kill me? " Locking my gaze onto the woman's, she abruptly blushed and looked away as I tilted my head.
"Uhh… Where the heck am I? "
"Who exactly are you? " Crossing her lush and beautiful legs, I gulped and felt uneasy for some reason. "How did you break my outer barrier and reach my-... My daughters, bedroom? "
Inhaling as that wasn't se dream, I was confused yet, apologize wholeheartedly.
"Well... The last thing I remember was walking with my little sister. When suddenly this glowing circle showed up out of nowhere and poof! Here I am. "
"A circle... No, impossible. That-would, unless if… there was someone in this world with-"
"Hmm... Take all the time you need, pretty lady. "Tilting my head as she ignored my existence for a split second as she was deep in thought as her demeanor was out of sorts with what I usually deal with. "I'll be right back. "
"Hmm… I'll just-wait here, then. Don't mind my restraints and no! Just, do you. "
"Thanks, I will. " Sighing at myself for being sarcastic, a while passed and she finally returned with a strange book. "Was the circle like this? "
Leaning in as she turned the book over to me, I nodded as it looked similar.
"Yes. That's it. Wait? What are we doing? "
An abrupt explosion erupted from her fist as she destroyed the wooden table while striking in discontent. Clenching my chair, I really felt uneasy as I suddenly found my primal instincts telling me to obey as my life flashed before my eyes.
"O-oh... So-so, who... a-are you? "Meeting my gaze, she met my gaze on a split second as she slowly pocked my cheek with her pale long fingers. "C-can I help you? "
"Interesting… you are immune to dark magic. Hmm. "Dropping down and shuffling through many shelves of books and weird objects, she then chanted cringy verses I didn't understand.
"My name is Shiro by the way... Shiro Mazuki. I'm a third year in high school. Uhh… I like long walks to the supermarket and enjoy playing drawing. "
"Third... Shiro! Mind you telling me from what world you are from? "
"Earth... I live in Kyoto, Japan. "Snapping her hands to my face, I looked deeply into her scarlet red eyes as she almost looked to kiss me.
"Ky-oto? And... What of this, supermarket? "Sitting on my lap as if she were a little girl, I oddly felt a terrible sense of nostalgia as if she were Shirley trying her tricks.
"Well… A supermarket is a big market where humans go to stock up or exchange goods and goods. I think, wait… are you gonna let me-"Ignoring me as if I didn't exist, I shook my head in disbelief.
"Interesting… " Getting up and leaving for a split half hour, I shook my head as I was oddly comfortable and falling asleep.
Returning worth a large, black book and as well as inland and a shining gold quill, she went on to sit beside me while writing asking and writing down what I said.
"Any family? "
"Is this rell-" Bending her golden quilt as if it were butter, she apologized and took out another. Crossing my legs, I gulped and answered her every question.
"Yeah. My mom and little sister-"
Opening my eyes as the honey light from the setting sun began fading from the room. Looking over to the woman, she was sound asleep with her face on the book. Chuckling lightly, I turned and realized I was still on restraints. Attempting to break free, I quietly moved and slid my hands from the restraints. Setting myself free, I stops up and looked to the doorway as I passed by the sleeping woman.
"H-" Covering mouth as she abruptly grabbed my arm, I bumped as her seemingly frail hand felt as heavy as stone bricks on my wrist.
Turning to meet her resting face, I slowly reached her hand and found it impossible to move as if it were stone. Reaching a metal handlebar from the desk, I jammed it into her hand and pulled. Holding my scream as it scraped my skin, I stopped to catch my breath and was abruptly pulled towards her large chest.
Swoon over her arms, I was suffocating in her breasts as the thought of dying I'm such a way held a cheerful tone. Snapping out of it, I was on full on survival move and shuffled up her chest and met her smooth face. Gulping, I inhaled a breath and was set to wake her when she suddenly squeezed me and drew my breath out of my body.
Struggling to survive, I could not speak and as a split second decision I shook my head and kissed her as to wake her up.
From what I jade originally thought on my head, she would have woken up and released me yet, I somehow found myself enjoying the kiss as the second our lips touched, her skin felt oddly soft and smooth.
Resting my shoulders, I effortlessly slid my as up her side and twirled her onto my shoulders. I don't know how much time had passed, however, when I opened my eyes to catch my breath, the woman was blushing unbelievably red as she couldn't break from my hold as of our situations were reversed.
Releasing her abruptly, we both caught our breath and before I could utter a word, she flicked her stance into a crouch and cocked back her hand as an evil red beaming light shone in her eyes. Turning as her swing would undeniably erase me from existence, a slip of a step made me fall sideways as she unloaded that nuclear of a punch into the air.
Sound blurred in my ears as a powerful gust of air screamed past as I waited for the worst to end.
After several minutes, I stood up and walked over to the massive missing chunk of her roof. Looking outside, I gasped as there was a large scar across the vacant fields stretching for miles into the horizon.
Turning, I found her gaze gaze locked onto mine as she had another loaded punch approaching me and as I fell backwards, she slipped and before I realized, we ended up kissing as we crashed onto the floor and evidently ended up destroying her entire castle.
As the dust cleared, I sat up and found my school clothes had become ruined. In a massive crater miles wide, I turned around and the woman suddenly change into a little girl, the same girl from before. Sitting on her knees, she quivered after seeing what she did to her home. With tears of blood falling from her cheeks, I dusted myself off and suddenly felt an unquenchable amount of blood lust emanating from my back.
"Ouch! Agh! What-I did I do!? "Fighting me in such a childish manner, I fell over and rested on the ground s the girl held my arms in place.
"You did this!"
"What!? No-no! You did this… I was just an unfortunate victim… Agh! "Biting my ear, I found it easy to turn her over and as she met my gaze, I held my ear and spoke.
"Listen, I have no idea what the heck is going on or where I am but… I'm hungry and I'm pretty sure this is all just a realistic dream. So if you wouldn't mind, please, just let me go and enjoy my dream before I wake up. Okay? "
Standing up, I began walking away when the girl abruptly attacked me and bit my neck. Collapsing to my knee, I felt a burning sensation and turned as she wiped her mouth.
"With that curse, you are snow my servant-huh!? Wait!? "The sting on my neck suddenly stopped as it seemed as if what she did to me transferred onto her.
"Didn't you say something about black magic not working on me? "Flinching as she rushed at me, I closed my eyes and opened them to find her kneeling before me. "Uhh… you okay? "
"Y-y… Yes. Master! "
A short spark exploded from my chest as hearing those words somehow awoke something buried deep, deep inside me. Looking down, I turned and walked coughed.
"I-Im just gonna… Gonna… Bye! "Walking up the crater, I began following a trail and took it as the girl ended up following me with a lifeless gaze after finding her curse bound her soul to mine.
"Ugh… this isnt going to be an easy dream, I just know it somehow. "