Chereads / Krampus Bane:The Legend's Was Summoned to A New World / Chapter 1 - Chapter 1:The Legends We're Summoned to another World

Krampus Bane:The Legend's Was Summoned to A New World

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Chapter 1 - Chapter 1:The Legends We're Summoned to another World


A Very Noisy Notifications Came from the Fans,As Code:01 Maou Fights the 6 Guild Raid Dungeon Boss Solo,In Each Time he Taps the keyboard and the mouse,The more viewers he get on his live streaming at the game known "Dungeon Hunt",While He's Playing alone and streaming alone,The other members of Krampus Bane is watching They're Leader How he get's serious when he fought A Undefeatable Boss of the Game.

"Krampus Bane" Was the name of the Group of young Undefeated Gamers,They've built just for one reason "To Break through the World's Undefeatable Player and Defeat him",They're group Has only 8 Members including the Leader and the Vice Leader,Code:01 Grim Was the elder brother of the krampus bane vice leader code:02 Death.

Krampus bane members are full of streamers at the website known "Twilight Streaming Website" And the Top 10 Most Visit and Supports was all the members of Krampus Bane,Krampus Bane was also full of Prodigy,Talented Members.


Is that all you got???...We'ren't you supposed to be This Game Undefeatable Boss,And Even the 6 Guild raid was impossible but why???Are you being beated by just a one man Raid???....Grim Was built of Brain,Strenght and Pride,While he Keeps on dodging the Boss Attacks He keep on Underestimating the Strongest boss of the Game.

Man...Look at your Brother Vice...He's gone mad again...Code:04 Keko Couldnt understand why does Grim needs to soeak loudly while he's dodging the Boss attack while the boss couldnt hear or understand what the hell he's talking about.

Yeah...Hey watchout he'll use a High Tier Magic:Inferno Summoner...Code:07 Pride Warns Grim while grim doesnt know the boss wasn't intend to hit him but instead of attacking him it's recharging it's Full Power Blow 90th Tier Magic:Super Nova.

Grim keeps on playing reckless and doesnt care even the viewers has already reached 2.5 Million on his Live Stream,After a few Seconds,Grim has caught an Attack from the Boss...Tssk...Looks Like you done it now,Now Show me your Final Blow and I'll finish you with my First and Final Attack!!!...The Boss is absorbing some mana and Energy from Grim and Using it to combine an Attack to defeat Grim.


The Boss Skin suddenly Turn blue and his Armor's Health suddenly Raise to 100-5000,The Boss has opened it's Mouth and Scream So Loud*Screams*After a few seconds,The Ground suddenly Opens up and Summons a 90th Tier Magic Sign And the Sky Suddenly Turn black and A White Light appears on the Boss Mouth.

He he...Let's see who's stronger me or you?!!"90th Tier Magic:Black Hole!!!"...The Small white light falls down and suddenly Explode at the same time Grim releases his 90th Tier Magic Max Enchanced Magic Status And Summons a Huge Black Hole that Swallows the Boss Super Nova and The Boss itself.


"Congratulations!!!"Suddenly Poped out on the screen with a 5 Legendary Boss drops,While the Viewers Message to the streamer suddenly Drowns Maou's Livestream Chat...Phew,Was that the monster they call "Unbeatable Boss"??,Anyway Thank you for watching the Live Stream Everyone now,let's begin the 5 Lucky Person For Each 2500 Rebirth Coin Worth Weapons.

A Huge Applause From his Guild Mates For beating the boss so easily...Hey Emperor Look what i found here,This guy has some guts to post it here it says"My Name is Null And I'm here to challenge all members of Krampus Bane at once in the game called "God's Restriction MMORPG"I'll give you all 17 Months to level up and After that I'll make sure you'll Finally feel the dirt of defeat"...

All members we're shocked after hearing that and Everyone laughed at once,Code:01 Maou Stood up and Comes through Code:04 KekoGames Territory...Well That looks fun,Then let us all accept the challenge of the Unheard name Null!!!...Keko Send us the links after i'm done on the raffle and sending the Lucky 5 Gamers...

Code:01 Maou Walks through back on his territory and Announced the names of 5 Lucky Winners...Well then Congratulations for Vin567,BloodRanger,Demi-GodYt,Kirikizan and Jade57 for winning a 2,000 Rebirth coin worth Item,All of you have to do is Send a Request Item for my account and then I'll sent the Item you won.

A Five Request For a Rebirth Weapon Name Hell's Scythe,Underworld Hammer,FrostGuard Axe,Mossy Sycthe And Bloodstone Sword,Every Rebirth Weapon was given to the Following Lucky Players and Code:01 Send their Requested Gifts right away and Stops the Stream while he thanked them for watching the stream.

Hey guys,It's an Mmorpg right?,Then we'll use a different for now,Got it??...Maou Looks behind him and announced they're name's on the Game they'll play to Teach The Player for challenging them on One V.S. Ten Match The Player name is "Null",After Announcement Everyone tried to find some Information for this Null guy but there's nothing to find,Nothing Just like a Blank Paper with no writtings.

>>2 Minutes Later<<

Maou drink some water with a disappointed look on his face along with everyone,After Discovering that this Null guy was Just a bug on the Internet...Hey 01?Should we Accept the challenge or not?Because According to the Comments and any game users there's no such thing name as null and The Null was just a bug at the Internet.Are we going to accept it or not???...Code:09 Yami Walks toward through Code:01 Maou and ask him if they'll continue and accept the challenge or Just ignore it.

Of course we are the Krampus Bane,Krampus Bane never ignored Any Challenge from Challengers before now,All of you Code:02 Death will Send us the links and make sure you putted your Name on it before Pressing Play ok?...Maou stood up on his chair and Taps Yami's Shoulder with a Happy look on his face.

Maou Sat on his chair will waiting for his Little Brother(Code:02 Death) to send the link and Register they're own Avatars and Play the game.

>>Few Seconds Later<<

Death has finally send the links to his Brother(Code:01 Maou) And his Esport Mates the Link through the game.Everyone Clicks the linked and Suddenly Transported to another Website name "www.God'sRestrictionMMORPG/Register/081346".After Pressing the Link Everyone thought they will be able to costumize they're avatars and they're name's but.

At the moment they Click the Play button they're flooring suddenly Fade's away along with the Celling also they're Computer's and Chairs,While they're in a thousand feet heights Sky.

What the hell is this????!!!!!...

Are we going to die???!!!...

No i don't want to die!!!...

Whooo!!Finally i we're able to experience a sky diving before i die!!!...

This is boring...

Hey How can you be so calm at this situation tell me Kanzaki Hanzou No Code:01 Maou!!!...

Everyone We're Terrified Unlike the others Code:01 Maou we're able to feel relax and calm while they're falling from a thousand feet on the sky and Code:06 We're happy because he's finally being able to Experience a real sky diving before his death comes.

Maou Noticed something on his sight like a MMORPG GUI Like Health Bar,Mana Bar,Name,Experience Bar,Attributes,Level Bar and Hero Power GUI And Inform the others...Stop Crying or Screaming and use your Eyes to check out the GUI i saw on my Sight...Maou Shouted at everyone and gave them a possibilities that they're already inside the game and it'll be impossible to die in a thousand feet sky fall.

Every One Was noisy when before they heard Maou and Shut they're mouth...Yeah You're right there's some weird GUI's in my sight as well...Code:05 Notorious Noticed it when Maou suddenly talks about it and Blame his self for not noticing it first because it's his job as The Left Hand of Code:01 Maou.

Every Talks about it For a Few Seconds when Code:01 Maou suddenly noticed that they're just 50 feet on the ground and warn the others...Ok time to Start our Adventure When we hit the water I'll Inform you guys about my Plan about beating Null but before that we should focus on diving,Got that??...Everyone was almost "Blank" when they heard the Noises coming from a Water Falls.

Code:01 Maou and The Others Change they're post into a diving post...Oh yeah i forgot to mentioned that we boys shall get away with the girls right away cuz our Esports Team Female Jersey was almost likely A School Uniform so they're Important parts will be 100% curved on it so make sure you swim fast and Keep our distance with our four female members so Bet you luck guys!...Code:03,Code:08,Code:09 and Code:10 are all girls with the same age just made an embarrased face when they heard Maou's Long Lost Information about on their Jersey.


Everyone We're able to survived after receiving a Huge Impact from a Thousand Feet Sky Diving through a Lake...Ok Boys Last one Stays with the Girls will be Kick on the ass so if i were you I'll swim as fast as i can,Farewell And Goodluck!!...Maou Wave his hands and Warn the others boys about the Girls and Swim as fast as he can,While Code:09 Yami or Yukino Yami doesnt know how to swim even she's A Half American And Japanese And An Actress but doesnt know how to swim.

The Others Has Reached the land Except for Yami...You Perverts You Plan it all along doesnt you guys???...Code:03 Hyaku Rina Madly Walks toward Kanzaki Hanzou...No it's not what you think and how could i predict a 3 Years Future Prediction and Plan it??...Hyaku Pulled Kanzaki's Jersey and Started an Arguement with him...Hey guys Where's Yami???...Code:09 Undead or Shikiri Hana Noticed Yami is Missing and ask the others if they have seen her since they Reached the land.

Kanzaki Hanzou And the Others started to look for her while Hanzou Is Sitting and Thinking where she could be?...Yami,She's A Popular in both America And Japan and As I remember she doesnt know how to swim and we fall through the sky and Land on the...Hanzou Stood up and Run towards back through the river and Yell Yami's Name And Ask her Where she is with a very loud voice.

After for a few seconds of yelling,Finally Yami answered...Hanzou I'm here at the Rock,Would you mind help me reach the land?Please!!!...Hanzou Started to took off his jersey and Started to swim through the Rock where Yami is,After a short time Hanzou Reached the rock and Pulled Yami's Hand.

Wha-What are you doing??You know i can't swim!!!...Yami is panicking While Hanzou Hugs her and Whispered to her...You idiot!,I'll get you to the land so stop Panicking While We're waiting Sai to reach here so We can Take you through the Land,Ok??...Hanzou Slowly Whispers to Yami while Patting her head and after a few minutes Sai has Reached Yami and Hanzou.

Hanzou And Sai Carried Yami through the Land,After reaching through the Land Hanzou noticed that his phone wasn't get wet or destroyed from the impact in a few Minutes ago and Pickup his Jersey and Pulls Yami's Hand through the Tall Grass...Here Wear my Jersey for a while,If you don't took of those wet Jersey of yours you'll get sick Also After you're done i've got something to ask you along with everyone,Ok??...Hanzou Gave his Jersey to Yami and Leave yami for a while and gathered everyone.

After a short Time,Yami,Hanzou and the Others Gathered on the river where they fall...Everyone I got something to Announce here,Everyone got they're Phones right?After i finished my Announcement i wanted you all to look into it and Try to open it and next I have confirm we're not on earth anymore and We're inside of a Mysterious Parallel Dimension,Why?,Because When we fall you guys notice when we reach the land there's some kind of notification suddenly appears and while we're falling we noticed a Weird MMORPG GUI Systems..

Others Agreed on Hanzou's Theory,Finally Hanzou's Announcement is done and now given a permission the others to check they're phones to see if it's wet or it's still usefull?...Now i'm sure you noticed the Phone's we're destroy from the impact nor get wet from the river's water while our body doesnt feel any pain we reach the river but our body get's wet,Now I wanted to give everyone a choice,A choice that if you'll stay with me and adventure or Solo things from now on.

Everyone Answered that "They choose to stay with Hanzou and Adventure this world"...Now Let's Start our Adventure,Everyone Stood up and raise they hands up and yell "Welcome NewWorld!!!",Everyone Yells the same word with a very cheerful reaction while they're On each other side.