Chereads / love the dead end / Chapter 1 - Life Change

love the dead end

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Chapter 1 - Life Change

The time is everything and teaches us everything and all the things that we must learn while moving forward , there certain instants of time where we feel complete and there are certain instants which left us complete empty or incomplete . Time is an indication that we must move forward and with every running second we must keep our pace steady with and according to time . It's been said that Time waits for no one and it doesn't listens to ur excuses as well ( just like ur boss who just don't give a shit at u or excuses that u make for not being on time , not completing the assignments , not completing presentation or deliver it as expected ) and this is fair enough because the peoples who respects time are the one's who are most respected .

Time doesn't remain same for everyone and anyone it does changes sometimes for good and sometimes for bad and sometimes for worst but changes happening with time always has something good for us . That's why only we see some peoples living the way they should be living irrespective of what drastic changes their life is going through and what consequences it will have on them in coming future , the reason is simple they know something good will come out at the end from all these troubles and obstacles , these kind of people just smile when life's to harsh on them and ask life to not stop even for second from pleasing me with pain .

Raman is one such guy . He always have fight out all those situation which he has been asked to go through from time to time and he had never back down all he has done to stand out as winner .

Raman was courageous though his parents had always felt danger from his courageous attitude , they always felt worried for their son as if he doesn't lends into some sort of trouble someday due to his attitude of challenging Wrong and standing for Right . This Attitude in him came from his Grandfather who was very much like him and with a mentality of "Standing with what is Right " no matter what the conditions , no matter how much prejudice exists , no matter how much powerful liers are , no matter what it is for you should and you must stand with what is Right . Raman's Great Grandfather and Grandfather has fighted for the freedom of Independence of our country and Its people and his Great Grandfather had even sacrificed his life for one motive and that's Independence , according to his Grandfather it was a fight between two views the one being Right at whatever they ( britishers ) are doing verses the one who found out that they( britishers ) only meant for their good and they don't cared for Indians . His Grandfather was of view that we Indians were not in fight with British peoples but it was a war , a war for independence and for the rights that we Indians truly deserved (fight against there rules and invalid taxation )

"they viewed Indians as their slaves and that's why when someone didn't things as per their orders they used to sent him/er to jail " - Raman's Grandfather

Raman during his childhood had listened to all his Grandfather stories some by his Grandfather and some by his father , Raman always felt so proud about his Grandfather and Great Grandfather's contribution in fight against britishers for independence and that's why he always shared all those stories of his family with his friends as well as with his teachers and because of which quite sometimes his teachers were used to quote examples of Raman's Grandfather in class to motivate students. In his History class his teacher as always was interacting with students and was testing their knowledge about the subject

" Ma'am can u tell us how common people participated in Independence Movement and what was there role in Independence "- one of his classmate asked his teacher to which his teacher replied

"Good question Suresh, The most important role in Independence Movement was that of common people because of this movement large number of people came out of their houses and seeing this big majority of Indians on road, asking for Independence, gave a message to the britishers that we are no more your puppet and we want our identity, we want our Rules and Regulations , we want our people at top positions and we want India. Just take an example of Raman's Grandfather who took stand for people, revolted against the british army and even sacrificed his life fighting for the rights of indians. He knew that the struggle for independence is very long but still he neither lost hope, nor his faith on great leaders like Mahatma Gandhi, Subhash Chandra Bose, Vallabh Bhai Patel , Chandrashekhar Azad, Bal Gangadhar Tilak and many more. Am I right Raman? " - Teacher

" Yes ma'am you are absolutely right, my grandfather told me that the struggle for independence was huge and it took a shape of revolution in a short period of time, the Indians were ready to sacrifice their lives for setting India free forever!"

" My Grandfather used to say that the fire, of Being Independent, was lit up in every heart by leaders like Subhash Chandra Bose, who was very clear about what had to be done and what will it take to be able to call ourselves as free "- Raman

Listening to these Inspiring and patriotic conversation soon the room got occupied by the sounds of claps and applauds , everyone in the room clapped for our Freedom fighters and all those who had played their role in the Independence of this country .

Suddenly between all these things one student asked

"Ma'am I want to ask something "

This student was no other student but the highest scorer ( topper is what I call the peoples having unmatchable skills ) in Raman's class and a dear friend of Raman , Nadeem Ansari . Nadeem was supremely talented and intelligent student of not only class but also of entire school , he has never scored below 95 % in his school life till date ( I just became sick by listening to there achievements I freaking can't even imagine how much they might be studying or better I should say is how they manage to take time for other things ,I can never understand it even after attaining enlightenment in life ) .

He never came school late he was always on time , he always sat on Second Row third bench beside Raman and sometimes with Raman only . Most of the time he came to class just to revision the topics or chapters ( because he already had read the entire book line to line before students even knew that subject's name or book's name ) that are being taught , the saddest part with Nadeem was he wasn't satisfied with just one book for a particular subject but he used 2 or 3 books by different writers and belonging to different publications as well and sometimes these books were one of the books which teacher him/er self had never gone through in his entire teaching career . Every student of the class and every teacher teaching them was afraid of those four magical words " Sir, I have doubts" because everyone knew if Nadeem isn't among those who get satisfied easily and there's no teacher on earth who can satisfy Nadeem or clear his doubts within an hour or two , this attitude of Nadeem sometimes caused troubles to both students and teachers and sometimes to students it was a stress relieving antidotes as his doubts during the boring lectures or during boring topics were really helpful to every student in the class and due to this reason only his classmates never hated him ( while he had always thought that it's his performance and shear brilliant mind that had helped him to earn everyone's respect and love !! ) . Nadeem was Raman's best friend and they were freinds from the very first day they entered in school and their bonding was all about CTEEL, Caring ( for each others good) , Teasing ( at moment where it's necessary and most of the time when it felt like unnecessary ) , Embracing ( each other's mistake ) ,Empowering ( each other at times when one feels like demotivated or low moral ) and Loving ( unconditionally , unforgettably but no getting so deep in emotions ) . Nadeem used to share his lunch with Raman and even come to watch his matches ( which he find very irritating and boring but it was his friendship with Raman that made him to stay with Raman for an hour extra after the school ) without knowing the common rules about football or soccer all he found entertaining and Impressive was the Raman's kicks and his ability to tackle his opponents , all the goals that Raman scored from a certain distance from goal post were absolutely magical according to Nadeem and that's why he find Raman so Delightful to watch . Nadeem also used to help Raman in his studies knowing that Raman didn't get much time to study during his daily schedule and also he don't attend all classes , Nadeem not only helped him by providing notes of subjects including a detailed explanation of every topics/chapters but also sometimes he did his homework too and the reason behind is that Nadeem finds extremely talented and he thinks Raman must dedicate as much as time he can in sharpening his skill and talent to an unmatchable level , Nadeem feels Raman someday will be the most famous footballer and will be in a league of other football legends and more than that he will make our country proud .

"Yes Nadeem ask whatever you want to !"- Teacher

"May I go to toilet , please!"- Nadeem

Everyone in class suddenly burst into laughter including history teacher too.

"You sometimes act mad, I have to answer this question frequently to myself that are you the same friend I know or, there's someone inside you making you do crazy things "- Raman

"What are you talking about?? , when and where I acted like a mad man ??" -Nadeem replied

"In class few minutes ago , what was that ?"

" I thought you are very serious kind of person ?!"

"So, you mean class toppers can't joke or, can't say some funny phrases ? "- Nadeem replied

"No i don't mean that what I meant to say is you never showed me that you are capable of joking and you can be funny at times !"- Raman

"It's because you are more interested in knowing about Zlatan Ibrahimovic rather than your best friend !"- Nadeem replied with almost no emotion on his face and with no smile , Nadeem looked damn serious or maybe he might have become emotional at that moment by the fact his best friend doesn't know much about him and then silence prevailed for few minutes After that seeing Raman's face growing in concern and disgust he suddenly laughed and then Raman got to know he was acting from past few minutes

"Now one more thing, you can act as well ?"- Raman asked

"No man I'm not any actor or comedian I just did this for fun !! "

"I no , m glad to have all in one packaage friend "- Raman.

Raman had his match aligned with a nearby school and he practiced hard  for this match for entire week by waking up early ( at dawn ) and practicing for two hours continuously,  his team mates on request of Raman were always on field for practising with Raman for getting to know each other in better way , what each member is capable of doing ( individual skills ) and most importantly to enhance their coordination on field as well as working on different techniques and plans which might be necessary during match .

"Match is next week, Right ?"- asked Nadeem while they were in their mathematics class which Raman was attending after a while and it's the same class in which Raman would not be present for this coming week , Coincidence !!!

"No, match is going to take place this coming week on Friday in K.V.C School & College ....."- Raman replied with full details about match

"Are you still upset with my decision "- asked Nadeem

"Yes , I'm but why the hell I'm telling you all this when you freaking don't value my requests and you don't give damn about how your inconsiderate decisions make me feel !!.."- Raman replied in an offended tone

"I'm sorry for my harsh reaction Raman but please understand my situation also "

"Next week on Friday is my Science Olympiad and I had to attend it any cost and you know what this means to me it's my passion like football which is your passion , you know this Raman that if this Olympiad was not happening on Friday I would definitely have been there supporting you and cheering for you "- Nadeem replied with explanation

They were talking so much that their maths teacher has to remind them that they were in class and also warning them of throwing out of the class next time of he heard them talking again after which both decided to stay quiet for remaining lecture , after the lecture Raman hugged Nadeem and apologized him for his behavior

" No Raman please don't all this you did nothing so your plead seeking my apology is unacceptable , on second thoughts I'm coming to see your match on Friday !"- Nadeem said to Raman

"What?, but you said you have science Olympiad , wait are you thinking of being absent at your Science Olympiad?"- asked Raman confused on how will Nadeem would be able to do so

"No my dear friend , I will not do something like that because I don't have to as I just asked other students about the timing of Science Olympiad and they told me that Olympiad will be held at school timing only which means after school I'm free to go anywhere !"- Nadeem replied .

Raman clapped and hugged him again

"That's great , Now you can come for sure without any hesitation "- said Raman

"No who said , I do have some hesitation regarding what's going to be my reward of cheering for you , you see even cheerleaders get paid for this ?"- Nadeem joked

"Ohh I see, so you want some reward

Ok fine you will get what you want but on one condition that now you don't have to simply cheers for me but also you have to also dance for me , Be my cheerleader Nadeem ?" -Raman joked back .

Friday came , Nadeem's Science Olympiad went quite well but not the way he thought it would be , the level of question he expected was way above his expectations and he was not able to answer them all ( such a topper thing as the average student never make such statement , below average student always find him/er self in do or die situation during exams and average one's always focuses on answering questions that he really knows in exams ) Nadeem quickly detached himself from the thoughts of his bad Olympiad test

and focused his mind towards the Raman's match which he was super excited to see because Raman had told Nadeem that this match is going to be one hell of match and it is not just simply a match but a fight between their school and K.V.C school 

"It's not just a match or any ordinary match Nadeem , you don't the meaning of this match to me " -Raman told Nadeem with more intensity and focus

"And what that means ?"- Nadeem asked Raman mischievously

"That means , it's going to be the most interesting match that you have ever seen , full of Wow's and disbeliefs . We two are the best sides of our city and last time we were in front of each other was at state level match (organised by state government) the match ended with no result , both the teams scored same numver of goal as the opponent team has scored and that to within 3 minutes of  difference from the opponents goal. They were disqualified by the tournament controller because one of their student had brutally beaten the students of the school who was the host of this tournament and the most surprising thing in this whole situation was the student of K.V.C school (who beat other students) was no one else than the captain (Pradeep Singh) of their school himself !. If they would not have been disqualified then definitely we would have faced them in finals "- Raman explained the whole story behind the status of this match being so important to him  

"Ohh I see , now I got to know why you and your team has been prepairing so hard for this match , all those early morning practice schedules or extra hours after school are just to deliver the best performance "- Nadeem replied

"This match is going to be very competitive and unpredictable as both the sides are just hungry to tear apart the other team's hope and to show your opponent who the real king is ?!"- Raman added

"Competitive I can understand but when it comes to predictions we have Octopus paul to tell us who is going to win , what say ?"- Nadeem

After which two of them laughed for a  minute .

Nadeem left the school as the Olympiad ended and ran towards the K.V.C school and reached the school within 5 minutes, as match was about to start seeing Nadeem in the crowd Raman went to see Nadeem

"How was your test? , did you attempted every question ?"- Raman asked in hurry

"Test was Good , I didn't attempted all questions but most of them anyways All the best ,Go and just burn it down !"-Nadeem replied cheerfully

Raman went back towards his team after thanking his best friend not for wishing him luck ( Raman was someone who always have had believe in his Karma and himself rather than on luck or God ) but for being his best friend and for always supporting him no matter what the situation may be .

"Pass the ball!! " Screamed Raman on field but before the ball could even touch Raman's feet the captain of K.V.C Pradeep came and quickly fetched the ball and thereby tackling down every player of Raman's team and came very close to the Goal post ( Raman's side ) and just when he was about to shoot the Goal he Screamed loudly challenging the Goalkeeper

"STOP ME IF YOU CAN " and shot the goal,  the ball went pass the Goalkeeper like a bullet and before the Goalkeeper can even try to stop the ball the ball went into goal and the pradeep's team achieved their first  Goal

"Like the way I kicked this ball to achieve Goal same way I will kick your Ass out of my school but after letting you know how big Looser you and your team is ?"- Pradeep confronted Raman after hitting the ball on the Goal post

Raman didn't replied to Pradeep's harsh and full of attitude comments instead he asked his team to stop being defensive and asked boys to attack

"I will position myself Forward , Sandeep & Siddhant you will company me , focus on passing ball at Right instant of time and coordinating with each other well "- said Raman

After Raman's word or instruction , his teammates acted as per the plan and focused on passing the ball ,  the score was still 1-0 after 23 mins of the early Goal scored by K.V.C Raman and his team bounced back they firstly built the pressure on opponents by not enabling them or ball to reach the Goal post , clock indicated nearly 10 mins left and suddenly some magic happened just before the end of match when the Pradeep and his teammates became quite relaxed seeing the scorecard which was still 1-0 and there the Raman played his Game and as the ball came to him he quickly shot the ball and scored the Goal from about half the distance from the Goalpost

Everyone was in shock how he did that Nadeem shouted loud Raman Raman and for his team seeing everyone cheering for Raman's team Pradeep became angry and asked his teammates to attack he himself pushed two players of Raman's team even abused them and started commenting about their game and their school but Raman didn't replied him again and kept his focus on the match , Raman became active once again and he quickly surpassed every member of opponent team and he reached near to Pradeep ,Pradeep knew Raman can Goal again so this time he pushed Raman very cleanly  by coming from other side but referee caught him this time and granted a penalty kick to Raman and Raman was quite smart and he quickly took this opportunity and earned another  Goal for his team

" We came here to win and we are just doing that , you can use all the Techniques that you have learned but your techniques are not that Strong enough to overcome my practice and my focus . Within seconds the Game has changed drastically and now you know whose Ass is kicked and who is the Looser" - this time Raman confronted Pradeep with a smile and replied to all his comments and bitchings like a Gentleman. The Game ended after a minute and scoreboard (1-2) clearly stated that its Raman's team who rise up as winner .

The match might have ended there but the fight and problems between Pradeep and Raman just started , Pradeep was extremely angry about the fact his team was defeated and above to this was Raman's word which make him feel insulted and for the first time his attitude was washed away somewhere and that's why he confronted Raman's friend Nadeem who was applauding every kicks of Raman especially the one's which were verbal .

"Raman you were fabulous today for few minutes I thought we are not coming back in this Game anymore but then suddenly you just did something magical , that was so Amazing and now tell me how you did it?"-Nadeem asked Raman with lot's of enthusiasm

"It just happened Nadeem even I don't know how I did something like that but whatever were the conditions was I never lost in my mind and that's how I was able to make a come back and scored a Goal at moment when it was required "-Raman said and wondered as if he has forgotten something then he realized his bag was missing

"Nadeem please can you wait for few minutes I forgot my bag, I'll go and get it"- Raman said and ran towards the class were he has kept his bag

While Raman went to bring his bag Pradeep came to meet Nadeem with his boys

"So you are Raman's friend ?"- pradeep asked with eyebrows raised !

"Yes , he is not just my friend but my best friend !"- replied Nadeem

"So you enjoyed the Game ?! " -asked pradeep

"Yes, it was a very competitive match and both the sides were just Phenomenal but Raman's team was best so they won but why are you here? ,Do you want to say sorry for your behavior ?"-Nadeem replied and asked some useless questions as he was unaware about their intentions.

After hearing silly questions of Nadeem and applauds for Raman once more he became more angry and frustrated and slapped Nadeem hard and Nadeem felt

"You think its funny , You think I'm joking , You know what's funny is the victory of your friend ,I will not leave him and I will teach him a lesson in such a way that he will think twice before insulting someone but let me teach you a lesson first You son of bitch !"- Pradeep shouted in anger and frustration

The Pradeep and his boys started beating Nadeem fiercely and they showed absolutely no mercy to Nadeem , Nadeem was screaming and crying for help as he was helpless , he screamed for help but found no one nearby but suddenly he saw Raman coming and he was running and shouting over Pradeep and his boys to not to touch Nadeem but they continued beating him . Raman pushed his boys to save his friend but Pradeep came and pushed Raman back and now Pradeep and his boys shifted their focus from Nadeem to Raman , they were smiling and laughing seen Raman left all alone but Pradeep stopped his boys from stepping ahead and

"Relax boys I can take care of him alone , he insulted me not you guys so just let me handle this !"- said Pradeep who looked in a nasty mood

"Raman my boy let me teach you a lesson about respect , this lesson you will be Unforgettable to you "- said pradeep and stepped forward towards Raman buy before he can catch Raman he surprisingly got up and moved towards a corner seeing Raman running away Pradeep's friend laughed and pradeep became more angry but before he can understand what he was doing Raman dragged the football by his feet and quickly shot the ball towards Pradeep , the ball hit hard Pradeep's face and he fall down as his nose got bursted . Pradeep's friend went to see pradeep and abused Raman but before they can take step forward towards Raman Nadeem arrived along with some teachers of K.V.C , the teachers ended this brawl and punished Pradeep and his boys for their behaviour and made them apologize to Raman and Nadeem.