The gunslinger and the drug lord started talking and looking over the bar. As they talked, the man dressed in torn purple and black rags started to energetically move around smoke sprinklers and metal parts. His companion didn't even noticed, as he just assumed it was a simple mindless play as they bargained. Eventually they set the price at 13.500 pieces. Kind of to small, but stalch guaranteed it would get higher with each buy. As they shock hands, the alligator man asked:
" and what is that toy?"
At that moment, one of the bodyguards was checking the flowers on the box. His flintlock pistol resting beside the box. Daija was behind him, a few meters, crossing her arms.
The other bodyguard was drinking ale on the personal bar, on a glass bottle, not paying any attention to the exchange. The lest one was by the floor table, playing with the dice, to see if they where modified.
None of the henchman where paying attention to the boss or the negociant. So none of then could stop the latter as he said:
" it is my revolver"
And shot the druglord.
One shot to the face and two to the chest area, to make sure. With many of the people modified by the corruption, their body, and, in this case, skull, was much more difficult to break. So a headshoot was no guarantee, but at least it would hurt a loot, and possibly inutilize a target. The other shoots where meant to perforate the essential organs, such as the heart or lungs.
Even by mutant standards, that man was quite resistant. The head shoot got him on the eye, only stuned him, and the two body shoots didn't finish the job either, but he treated to the balcony, fainting and faling to his knees. For a instant, no one outside the two moved, but then, everyone started to react, on different times. Due to his reflexes and being prepared, d'kaji was the first. He hit the head of the drinking man on the counter, take his bottle, and smash it into his face. The glass fractures and breaks, many fragments get loosely pinned on the mans right check. His face gets plunged against the counter, and the glass penetrates deeper. His wounds bleed and the man fall to the ground, crying in agony
The man searching the box was examining a dark and heavy fluid soaking the flowers. At first he though it was a conservant. But now he was starting to doubt it. As he heard the shoots and realized what just happened, he reached for his pistol. Before he could line up a shoot, daija grabs his hand with the weapon, point it facing down inside the box and press the trigger. The spark made bi the gun lit up the liquid, witch was gasoline. A fire immediately started, covering the flowers. Before the man could react, his head was forced against the raging fire, burning it for a few seconds. Daija retracted her hand when the fire started to burn it, but she didn't had any real damage. The man falled down, gasping.
The man sitting down take a while to react, but as he realized what was going on he got his hammer and stood up, beginning to run towards the gunslinger. Daija trowed the open box, and the flaming gasoline blocks the path of the hammer wilding pigman
Meanwhile, the gunslinger opened the camber, reloading the missing spots. Those where his last spare bullets, now he only had the six ones on the revolver. As he put each bullet, he sinned the gun, an unnecessary move, but stylish and flamboyant, just as the man. Stalch began to get up, growing, and using the balcony to assist him.
As the mutant gets up, he glares at the man he assumed to be a possible ally, was the one from the stories. Everyone and their mom have heard of the crazy vigilant with singular weapons. He starts to reach for a craved knife on his boots. That moment the gunslinger charges at him, breaking the guard and pushing stalch and himself down to the bar
On his way down, he quickly positions himself on top of his foe. Midway down he shoots at the rat man on the bottom of the stairs. The bullet penetrates his knee and he falls down wimping. Then, the two man crash down at a table. The brass scale man gave a muffled sound from the bottom of his throat. The man on top needed but a second to catch his breath. He then rolled forward to get out from the table debries. As he got out, a very, very hairy 1.10 meters man tried to stab him with a table knife. The gunslinger blocked his blade with his arm. It wasn't a sharp blade, so it barely penetrated the arm. The vigilant spined the gun to reclock it, shoot at him point blank and relocked it again
As the first combat noises reached the low deck, the barman jumped from his seat and reached for a big blunderbuss and started to load it. The enormous karumbe in front of him did nothing, drinking the water down drink of his. As the chaos commences, and people start to get up on alert, he stays put, breathing heavily. His ritiming of breath start to speed up, and his body start to react. His blood stream got thinner, and more violent. The adrenaline started to flow. As the barman clocks the gun, the gunslinger and the target both fall down, the barman start to search for a clear shot. Jazkal let his blade free, a short sword, and buried it on the barman belly. His other hand riped the gun from the barman and used it to hit the man on the head. His eyes felled back and he fell, unconscious
On the secluded room, daija faced the pigman, barehanded, fighting for the control of the Warhammer, and d'kaji, with a curved knife he had hidden on his pants, was preparing to face the man who stood outside the door, now entering the room. Due to his quick percepcion and reflexes, the catman robbed the knife of the crying man he just defeated, and trew it at the bodyguard just entering the room. The sharp blade penetrate his shoulder. He screams in agony, but swings his short sword nondeless. The quickly darts to the right, avoiding the swing, and craving his knife on his torso, ripping apart the skin and muscles, until the front side. His other hand slashed at the mans face. His claws ripping through the chin and lips. The man falls on his back, and d'kaji jumps on top of him, ripping him with both his hand and knife.
Daija, grappled to the other man, twisted the hammer, witch in turn hundred the mans hands. He gives a short scream, and pushes her back to the wall. Barely flinching, she used the wall to assist her move, pressing her against it, and using her both legs to kick the man on the belly. He flew 3 meters back, hitting his head against the dice table, cracking the wood and throwing the dice and drinks to the ground. Daija than runned toward the exit, calling for the catman pouching on the bodyguard, witch look up with a killer instinct on his eyes, but leaps out of the man and follows her. Before getting down stairs, she picked her two swords, strapping their sheets on her back and freeing the blades.
As the gunslinger pushed the manlet body from the top of him, he jumped up, united the both legs and jumped again, this time rolling on top of a table and kicking a drunken man who just woke up. Getting up on top of the table he made four more shots, each one directed at a threat.
One hitted the head of a subhuman with purple skin and gray horns, making him colapse as the bullet fragmented inside his skull.
Othes two shoots where directed at a big mam with a battle axe coming toward him. Each shoot hit a leg, making he fall down and crawl away, both legs broken and penetrated. The last shoot got a man trying to sneak behind him, right between the eyes.
As the gunslinger took than out, every aim adjusting was a unnecessary maneuver, flashy and pointless, unless he was trying to impres anyone.
As the action happened around him, the karumbe made a strange dance, weaving a torch/mace around as he did. A few seconds after the start, the object on his hands lit up on fire. A blue, ghostly fire, unnatural. Following his moves, sparks came of the torch, and danced around, controlled by him. Jaskal redirected than, aiming at the flammable drinks and building parts, liting it on fire.
Combined with that, the flammable liquid daija let scape has falling from the balcony, and starting fires bellow. The chaos and screaming, as every one covered their faces and ran away.
The group got together on the beginning of the exit stair, seeing the inferno they began
Apart from a few, most of criminals escaped. But that was the point, to send a message
The vigilant wasn't alone anymore