Chereads / Red of Wexelheart / Chapter 10 - emerald king

Chapter 10 - emerald king

His throne made of steel and gold, shining in its wealth, the metals reflect the lanterns and make spectral apparitions dance on the floors and walls of the chamber. The man reached 2.50 meters high, had a bald head, brown serious eyes that could permeate a man soul with a stare. His iron hard expression gave away an annoyance for the gunslinger entrance, the same a man would make for an insect that entered his workshop, and had to be smashed. Wearing a shiny armor made from steel and gold like his chair it showed his way of governing, harsh and wealth, with a green cape that symbolized the colors of the crowns family, the king also used a helmet adorned with Gold and emeralds, a clear reference to his position and city he overlooked.

" what is this jester doing on my room?" He questioned to no one in particular, staring at the gunslinger. He knew who he was, but asserted his dominance by denning the vigilant importance, showing him as just a small project, and also mocked him on the process . His voice had a perfect oratory, sounded like normal volume words, but reverbed by the chamber.

If anyone else said those words, the gunslinger would explode in anger, few people could scape from a commentary like that from him, but that powerhouse of a leader could rob him of his grip on the situation, all his base lost under his foot. He stepped back, unsure if he should run, reach for the gun( empty chamber, after the mission) or bow.

Luckily for him, Daija reached him before choosing the wrong answer. She grabbed him by the head, with such violence she ruined his hat, and forced him to bow. As they both had their heads low, she said on a loud voice:" we are the ones you called your highness" and in a whispering tone to the gunslinger" dumbass".

The rest of the party also bowed before the king, witch signed. He looked so disapproving that they felt a sense of shame out of their companion actions. All the gunslinger could still fell was paralyzing fear, respect and fear where close companions when at a superior presence, that mantra he knew well.

After a long pause witch he analyzed the group, he finally spoke up:" you are the ones my thrust ones found to carry out the tasks we need to be done silently and efficiently? At least no one would suspect a group like this" he showed a distained look as he spoke. By putting undertone insult on the statement, he made they grim their teeth, but there was nothing to do other than to swallow their pride and take it all.

" I know all about what you can do, and who you are. There is nothing that I don't know about you, and wouldn't chose anyone I don't know everything about. So, you better know, your operation is a state secret and none shall even have a whisper about it. If any information becomes a rumor, even a tiny bit, you all will be... severely punished" the kings long pause gave chills into all of then. The where still staring down, and the man above then had a smirk on his face. He judged then to be scared enough, as he said then:

" According to your excellent results on the first mission, I shall reward you accordingly. A new base of operations is set here at the green district, close to the wealthy area and where you all can resupply and prepare for new tasks. Witch we are already preparing, you have three days to get ready. If you have any questions, now is the time to speak up. This audience needs to be quick, otherwise it would be registried and this can't happen.

They where all overwhelmed by the kings presence, such a paranormal aura, they delivered not a shadow of the smirk comments or insuations, fearing for their life and freedom. That was, except for the tiny Nayla, who said one of their least important concern that moment:

" are we going to get paid for this? I wanna buy a new drees..." her mouth was suddenly blocked by Daija, witch hesitated because she couldn't believe her senses. That girl had a suicide intent, that could be the only explanation, the woman thinks.

The king shakes his hand, as to dismiss the matter saying:" there is nothing to worry, the agent tasked to your surveillance will give you enough for a comfortable life and preparations" he barely took attention to what he said, as he was, secretly impressed by the woman courage, he knew of the girl powers( as otherwise he would never accept to put a kids life aft risk) and doubted himself to do what Daija just did. He didn't knew that Daija did it on reflex, if she was calm and controlled she would had never did it. As they where dismissed from the throne room, she remembered what happened in the end of the last job....

[.... They were cramped inside the small passage that led to the front house, the hideouts secret entrance. The gunslinger was in front, carrying the blunderbuss from the barman witch the turtle man stole, panting and running, felling the hot air from the inferno behind.

As they passed thro the kitchen, they glanced at the kitchen, they did not see the woman who served as lookout, she probably already ran away. The gunslinger kicked the door open and sprinted right, to meet with Nayla who was hiding behind a staircase. As he turned the corner to where she was hiding, he stopped running and gasped. His expression of disgust and horror. Daija got confused and then concerned. After all, they just had left a little girl on the most dangerous part of the city, and the things that could happen were disgusting to even consider. As she reached the corner, she expected the worst, but she wasn't ready for that.

Blood. Blood was scattered around the corridor. Body parts. Limbs where ripped off and shaken around, broken and torned. Guts. They where splattered on the floor, as they where ripped out just a minute before. The head. It has decapitated, the body of what was once a mugger was ripped apart, destroyed and fragmented. That violence was against the moral code of anyone, and only Magic could make such damage. As she slowly looked up the carnage of one man, she saw a woman, probably a passerby on the ground, paralyzed from fear, on her knees and staring, moving not a single muscle, only tears would go down her face. And behind her, there was Nayla, sitting on the stair and looking happy as always, ignoring the carnage. The words of warning from the agent echoed on Daija's mind. That kid was a powerful magistrate.....

..... Exiting the room, Daija was only thankfully to not meet the same fate as the man on the slum. She did not know what could trigger a reaction as that, and how to avoid it. Those thoughts surrounded her mind. The gunslinger though almost the same, but the subject of his fear was the king. Jaskal was disappointed on his on looks, as he thought he was not dressed properly to se royalty, and d'kaji was upset as he was watched closely by servants, guards and companions, he could snatch but a silver spoon. Nayla stopped by the side door, turned around and waved happily at the king, witch instinctively waved back, a smile appearing on his face. That shocked him, " there were so much time since I saw a happy kid like that, it took over me.... can't let it happen" he thinks as the girl leave behind her group, jumping as a kid on a farm field that just got a new toy. The sound of her feet touching the ground echoed across the corridors.