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A dragonborns tale

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Chapter 1 - In the beginning

Rhoghar stood upon the grassy knoll. His bronze scales and platinum armor glistening in the setting sun over the land of Mondor. He touches the pommel of his mace at his back. The pommel was the bust of the god of light and judgement. With two metal loops elegantly welded to two points on the shaft , to allow it to hang for quick access. The grip was made from an ancient tree found far across the ocean thru the north mists, Mists that stop all but the order of Delahur. The handle was wrapped in a fine pearl white silk. One of an angelic like origin. The head of the mace was made of Mithreil. The beautiful glassy green stone shown with a special elegance that always had him captivated ever since it was given to him upon finally becoming captain to the order of Delahur. Rhoghar was a bronze Dragonborn, standing eight feet tall he towered over everyone at the order. His head resembled that of a larger dragon with two horns growing out the back of his head curling down and forward. "How did it all come to this." He thought moving his hands a crossed his head to rub his horns. As Rhoghar began to head back toward the town his mind flooded back to the day when he left to entered the order. His caretaker had always incouraged him to join the order since he was a former member himself. He always talked of how much good could come from one of the only known Dragonborn to join the order.

When the day came for Rhoghar to stand for selection, most look to him in fear and terror. Though the orders knights saw him as a prime candidate. As they told his caretaker they would like to take, he gladly gave them consent. Rhoghar at the time didn't care what he did, all he did from dawn till dusk was train anyway. As he was loaded in to the carriage he looked at the others. There were three boys, Ages from seventeen to nineteen. They looked back at him with fear. One boy spoke up he was the larger of the three, the nineteen year old. He was tall, muscular and the beginnings of a beard, a concept that always escaped Rhoghar. "There's a dragon joining the order?" he said condescending. "Dragonborn" Rhoghar states, All three boys were stunned, obviously not expecting an intelligent response. "What's wrong? Oh I imagine you've never spoken to a Dragonborn. Allow me to introduce my self I am Rhoghar of the northern mountains." He adds.

The three boys remained silent for sometime, as they traveled to the sanctuary of light. Finally the youngest spoke up. " I am horndol trogveer, son of thamdell trogveer, Duke of the eastern plains. I am, admittedly, the smallest of my four brothers. my father thought this would be a good fit for me. The order was more then happy to take me in." just as the boy finished speaking the wagon stopped abruptly. Rhoghar was the first to step out and as he did two arrows struck the wagon driver, killing him. " Hands up dragon and you boys as well." A burlly man says stepping from the tree line. The man was tall dawned in expensive leather armor with metal studs all over his torso and shoulders. He had a beard and long hair that was pulled in to a bun. A huge scar marked his face. The men that accompanied him did not look as lavish. Dressed in rags and what ever pieces of armor they could steal from passersby. "look here boys!" the lead man calls out "we caught our selves a dragon who thinks his a man!" The man stepped toward Rhoghar and fumbled with his two handed war-hammer. Rhoghar didn't allow the men anymore time. He charged in and punched the lead man hard in the face. the man was large however Rhoghar was bigger, faster, and meaner. He hit the man so hard he dropped his hammer. When he did Rhoghar grabbed it lifted it high over head and brought it down on the mans head, killing him In one blow. He then turned to the four other men who had drawn there swords and rushed Rhoghar. The three boys stood amazed as they watched Rhoghar wield the war-hammer masterfully. " He doesn't even need our help." Horndol admits, shocked. As Rhoghar killed the last thief he held fast to the war-hammer " I'm keeping this." He says admiring it. As he approached the others they stared back in astonishment. " It seems as though our wagon driver has been killed. I will guide the wagon the rest of the way. If you three would like you can rest in the wagon." The two older boys filled back in to the wagon while horndol sat next to Rhoghar. The two had unknowingly become friends.

As Rhoghar approached the town he was snapped out of his flash back by Horndol walking up. " Just out for a morning stroll commander?" Horndol asks jokingly with a wide smile. His father had been right he had grown in to a fine order knight. Broad shoulders, barrel chest, taller then most save for Rhoghar himself. Ever since that day Horndol had stayed with Rhoghar every step of the way and now the two of them commanded the order of Delahur. "I was just meditating, Remembering our time as an initiate." Rhoghar tells Horndol. "Ahh those where the good ole days. You killed 4 bandits and an assassin before you even became one and delivered us as well I might add." Horndol laughed. He was always so carefree. The two then agreed to head to the tavern to grab some breakfast. Horndol had intrigued him by a drink this town had, something called coffee. He described how the townsfolk made it. They pick these beans out of a tree, roast them over open fire, then they grind them up and soak them in hot water. Then after a few minutes they pour the dark liquid into cups add cream, stir it with a small sugar cane and then they drink it. In all of Rhoghar's travels he had never experienced this coffee drink. " So my friend have you thought about this quest the elders say you and I are to under-go." Horndol asks abruptly.

Rhoghar remained silent as they approached the tavern thinking about how to respond. He indeed had thought about the quest. They were to travel through the northern mists to the land on the other side then take the long journey to the mountain of fire. It would take them through hostel lands. Lands infested with deadly creatures, dragons, the undead and other atrocities, that the order has stood guard against. As they sat and Horndol ordered there food Rhoghar cleared his throat preparing to speak. "I have thought about it. All they say is we will know of our purpose once we get there and Delahur will speak to us. I have no doubts that Delahur will guide ussafely" Rhoghar finally responds. "Hmmm ....Do you remember our first day of training?" Horndol ask smirking quickly changeing the subject. Rhoghar smiled big " As if I would forget my friend." He breaks out into laughter. "You were so scared balvor didn't even notice you till I step to the side." "Boy he let me have it." Horndol says rubbing his head.

As the wagon bumped and shook down the cobblestone street here in the sanctuary. Rhoghar approached a guard as he did he gave them a puzzled look. " and what just might this be?" the guard asks questioning. The two boys emerged from the wagon and Horndol and Rhoghar hopped down from atop. "We are new recruits for the order." Horndol began. "on our way here our wagon was attacked and our attendant killed. Rhoghar here so bravely defended us. Having defeated five bandits." As Horndol finished the guards eyes widened. He rushed them off to the elders council not allowing anymore time to talk. They rushed thru the small city. Mainly men, and boys, save for the two healers who are traditionally female. The sanctuary was built like a fort but the inside was finely crafted and elegant. masterful white stonework Buildings lined the streets. All leading to a tower in the center. The sanctuary sat at the base of the towering wall. The wall was a mountain who's face was flat. From bottom to top was hundreds of feet, a sheer straight drop. As the guard rushed the three boys and Rhoghar in to the small round chamber, they all got a good look at there surroundings.

The room they stood in now was not large. Just big enough to only hold twelve men. Torches lined the walls giving a dim glow. There were no windows for natural sunlight. In the center of the room was a round table which sat the council of elders who handled the politics of the order. As the guard explained to the elders what Horndol said the elders eyes grew large arou d the room. One older man stood, he was taller and older then the others. His eyes a dull shade of blue, every inch of hair was white from the hair on his head to his beard. He wore a white hooded rob that had elaborate designs and symbols sawn in. "Which one of you is Rhoghar?" the old man started. Rhoghar stepped forward. " That would be I my lord." Rhoghar said with a bow. The old man stood there looming to his fellow elders and fumbled with his long beard as if examining Rhoghar. "I have been alive along time." He began again. He spoke slow every word drawn out as long as it could be. " Its been longer since there has been one of your kind amongst those in this land. Truth be told your kind come from beyond the mist. Though your arrival and deeds are indeed note worthy." Again he ran his hand through his long white beard. "You have a bright future here." The meeting shocked Rhoghar he never wondered why he was the only one of his kind. Never wondered where he had come from. Now all of a sudden he is told where he is from. He shook the thoughts from his head none of that mattered. He thought the whole way to the training quarters, where all of the initiates were to live and train to become order knights. As they marched in Rhoghar was first, war-hammer still in hand, he had not put it down since the fight. The whole barracks went silent as they watched the group of new boys walk in. A large burly warrior approached them. He was tall, muscles rippling. He was almost as big as Rhoghar, though Rhoghar size didn't effect him much" So your my new meat, Well don't think ill be easy on any of you" He looks to Horndol who was hiding behind Rhoghar hoping not to be seen. As Rhoghar shifted, he was noticed. The warrior pushed Rhoghar to the side and grabbed Horndol. "Boy are you hiding?" the man screamed. Horndol was terrified. "Ahhhh you are indeed, don't worry sonny will get that beat out of you." As he smiled he turned to Rhoghar. "First lets see how tough you are dragon boy." The warrior said smirking. All of a sudden his fist was flying through the air, Rhoghar had almost no time to react. This man was fast but he still managed to dodge the punch last second. Rhoghar through up his arms and parried the mans fist with his fore arm. With the same motion grabbing the mans arm spinning him, and locking his arm behind his back.

The man was obviously stunned. As Rhoghar shoved the man away from him and the others he turned around quickly and sneered at Rhoghar. "Boy you've made a grave mistake." The man snarled as he placed a hand on the hilt of this sword. Just then a voice rose up and all who were in the room stood up and went straight to attention. " And what would be the purpose of drawing your sword against an unarmed foe, let alone a new recruit." The mans face froze not sure how to respond. He cleared his throat and began " Sire this dragon attacked me with out provocation." The man lied hoping the gentleman behind him would believe him. The gentleman steps closer to the man. This was obviously the training commander. He was adorned in regal platinum armor a one handed mace hung at his hip. Long blonde hair draped his head. It was a mess the only part of this man that was out of sorts. He shook his head and began to speak. " Balvor I have been watching this Dragonborn did not attack you." He turned his attention then to Rhoghar and his company. He bowed before them. As he rose back up his piercing blue eyes met Rhoghar's. "Please forgive my co trainer. He…can be a bit rough from time to time, but please enough of these trivialities come follow me. Ill take you to get some food from our cooks. Best food in the realms." He said smiling as he turned to walk off. Rhoghar followed and the others followed him. " allow me to introduce myself." The commander said "My name is Trent Balor, I am the order of Delahur's training commander. If you haven't noticed by my ears." He gestures towards them. They look to his ears as he pulls his hair away they realized he was an elf. And not just any elf he was a high elf. " I, like yourself Dragonborn, am one if not the only one left of my kind in the realms. The rest of my kind is dead or live beyond the mist. Someday I to will live amongst my kind in the lands far beyond the mists. Though for now I am content training the next generation after the next how to become order knights. Paladins to the god Delahur." Rhoghar looked at his new commander and strangely felt a connection with him.

"When you bent ole Balvor's arm behind his back I though he was going to stab you for sure." Horndol said laughing "Boy you sent him for a loop." Rhoghar rubbed his horns with his left hand. "Well he was definitely to fast for me back then I had just got lucky enough to read his movements." Rhoghar admits. Horndol burst out in laughter. " no my friend you did not. You killed five bandits before that. No my friend luck has never been your ally only skill." Rhoghar was humbled by his long time friends words. Both men quieted as food was brought to them. For in the morning they boarded the ship that was to take them to the land on the other side of the mists.

As the morning sun rose over the land and began to shine on the small town Rhoghar and horndol watched over they awoke with the town to begin there day, for today they began there long journey to the mountain of fire. Both still remained silent for words could not come to there lips. The only thoughts they had were on there journey. What dangers awaited them Rhoghar thought. Why would the council of

elders send the commander and his assistant commander and not a couple of regular order knights.

"commander, your think of our journey are you not?" Horndol finally asked

"Yes i am i just find it strange the we two are the ones to undergo this task. What are we to investigate anyway? The only thing there is the ruins of the Yul-struma clan, the guardians of the. mountain of fire." he replies.

Horndol runs his fingers through his long black hair and then shrugs.

"Whatever it is surely it must be important.

The two finally made there way to the docks to board there ship. The man they were to meet was the captain of the dawning light. The man was older gray and white hair and beard tho he stood tall like a tree and was built like a mountain.

"Aaahhh commander!" the old man said excitedly " The council informed me that I would be the one to ferry a couple of paladin to the lands beyond the mists. I guess i assumed it would have been a couple other. Never expected to see you two."

"That makes 3 of us then. Horndol and I have had our own questions ourselves tho our faith forbids us from question the council we must follow there rule as tho it was delahur himself" Rhoghar says.

"Well let me welcome you on board commander please you both can help yourself to anything you can find in the captians quarters".

As the three men stepped on board a terrible sinking feeling washed over Rhoghar. he took a look back at the town that sat beside the sea the dock the hilly grassy plains that outstreched from here to the sanctuary. For some reason he felt as tho it would not be the same upon his return.