Rhoghar and horndol stood near the helm of the ship, looking out across the deep expanse of sea stretched out before them. Both haveing never ventured beyond the mist stood nervous. Neither of them dared show it. Not only did the captian of the ship look to the knights as holy heros but the crew and the realm did as well.
The captian began to shuffle and became visually nervous as tho he knew something was coming. "captian is everything ok?" Rhoghar asked concerned trying not to let his own nervousness show. "Nothing that you should concern yourself with commander" the captian said with a forced smile." To tell you the truth i've never traveled through the mists, In all my years of sailing." Just as soon as the captian had finished speaking the sailor in the crows nest yelled " Ahoy, the mist dead ahead. Everyone to your stations." Then suddenly a cacophony of frantic movement bellowed up and the ship was quite the seen.
As the sailors were tending to there duties Rhoghar and horndol exchanged glances. Then with out a word both men drew there weapons. horndol drew his sword, it was a beautiful thing to hear drawn from its scabard and just as beautiful to behold. The blade glistened with an angelic shine. the handle was crafted from gold with jewels forged in to it. Horndols broad sword was truly worthty of a paladin prince. When Rhoghar lifted his mighty war-hammer, The judgement of light, all around were captivated by the ancient majestic weapon. As he hoisted the hammer high over head, the sun hit the green glassy head of the mace shining a beautiful green glow over the ship. "My lord god. The mighty Delahur, protect this vessal with your guiding light. May none lose there life to this unholy mist." Then a bright light fell upon the ship, and as soon as it was visible it soaked in to the boards of the ship and was gone.
The large vessal then began to desend in to the unforgiving mists." brace your selves men we know not what lies with in" the captain relayed to his men. The ship then was swallowed by the mists. It was all around them but it did not reach them Delahurs light protected them. "Stay alert men unseen dangers lurk within these waters". The boat seemed as tho it was only floating, the feeling of movement was not present. The feeling was disorienting.
Then all of a sudden the ship rocked hard to one side nearly sending all aboard to there backs. "What was that" one of the sailors said frantically, then not a moment later a large purple tenticule rose up out of the waters and wraped around the man and pulled him over board. The other sailors became terrified. As the men of the ship became frantic seven more large tenticules rose up out of the dark waters the captian looked to Rhoghar and Horndol with a look that said save us. The two Delahurein commanders looked to each other then sprung in to action. Horndol instinctively went for the sailors ushering them below deck slicing at the large tenticules. Rhoghar rushed toward the edge of the ship and leaped on to the railling. The creature must have sensed him for when Rhoghar jumped up on to the rail the creatures head and body rose up out of the water. it was a horrible grotesque sight. 4 eyes, rough rocky like skin and a large mouth that could swallow a small boat effortlessly. "KRAKEN!" the captian yelled but Horndol came up behind him and hit him over the head with his scabbard knocking him out. As lifted the captian over his sholdiers he turned to look to his friend. " Commander will you be all right?" Horndol ask with great concern." Rhoghar still standing on the railing was already in mid battle with the beast. " I have Delahur to fuide my path I shall not fall this day. Go take the captian with the others comfort them. As order lnights we dont just fight beast and fiends we seek the well being of our followers as well, now go." he yelled back. With that Hordol disappeared below deck. Rhoghar was alone battleing this monstrous creature hows heart wanted to devour all on the ship. Rhoghar ducked and jumped swinging and blocking the creatures tenticules with his hammer and brute strength, a strength he never quite understood. Tho none of that mattered at the present, all that did was the safety of this ship and its occupants. "Delahur" Rhoghar thought, "lend me strength to fell this beast and protect my friend and these brave men" just then a feeling came over him. A tingling feeling almost, starting with in his chest and riseing. He had never felt tbis before.
Rhoghar let it take over him. large sparks of electricity began to crackle around his nostrils and mouth. Once he could no longer suppress the feeling he opened his mouth and something happened that amazed himself and so.ething the best did not expect, lighting. It struck the beast with a deafing thunderous boom, crackleing and sparking all the way to the beast and arcoss the water. As this happened all rushed top side to see what the sound was. They stood there in awe as tbe crackling subsided and he stepped down. Even Horndol haveing spent long years of his life had never known Rhoghar ,despite all he had accomplished as a paladin of Delahur, held such power. "He killed it!" one sailor erupted with excitement. "He breathed lighting from his mouth i saw it reside as we came above deck" another said. All surrounded him cheering and chanting the name Rhoghar champion of Delahur savour of the light. As this was going on the petrified. crows nest Attendant shouted "Land hoe captain!". In the excitement of seeing this amazing power they hadn't even noticed they left the mist and now a foreign land lay before them.
The captian then commanded the rest of the men to prepare the small boat to go a shore for there may not be a friendly place to dock. So a few men prepared the boat, the rest went back to work at there designated stations aboard. "commander Rhoghar, you are a man of legend." the captian began slowly. "I truly believe Delahur is watching over you. You have spared us a watery grave. My ship is yours to use as long as you may be in need of a ship, its captian and his crew". Rhoghar smiled " Captain i am humbled by your words. I only upheld the vow i took . You offer me high praise." he said gingerly. As Rhoghar and horndol stepped in to the small vessal they turned to look at the ships captian. " I shall await your arrival here, may Delahur watch over us" the capitan said as he gave the two a salute. Then the ship was lowered in to the water and the men rowed it to shore.
As they stepped from the boat on to the beach the land instantly seemed different. "Horndol stay alert do not draw your weapon unless absolutely necessary" Horndol responed with a nood. Little did the two know that soon they would meet someone who was also on a journey. One that would change the course they originally set out for. Xhono the last of the Yul-struma clan marched alone to meet them, ether as friend or as foe if they could not hold there own.