Chapter 2 - Trapped

I still remember when my father treated my bigger brother with more affection than me, just because he wasn't affected by the illness. He used to take him to the marketplace to get necessities, while my brother gets goods for himself. Such selfishness. Such greed.

I would be at home. He never even made contact with me ever since I suffered the illness. Even if he did meet me, he would usually growl at me. His words still echo in my mind. "You're pathetic. You're not supposed to exist, you know?" Well how do you like death?

Not so long after, my brother got hit and he was sent to the nearest apothecary. While I just fight it on my own, with no one on my side. No family. No friends.

That's when I decided I make a murder and run for it.

It was midmorning and I was far from my cottage. I was in the centre of the marketplace, where bustling stores were now serene. No carriages with goods. Just silence. I dropped my sack and study the marketplace, whilst catching my breath. The metal dagger clinging.

This was my first time in the marketplace. The place had stores beyond the eye can see. The centre had a fountain. I walked to the fountain to see if there were anything I can use to trade. No luck.

I still had to move to another city. Who knows where the Barrage is now. I pick up the sack, and ran. I just hope that the people weren't suspicious of the clinging sound.

After a while, I found a farm. It has great amounts of hay andI couldn't help myself from laying down on the lush hay. It felt spiky at first, but moving helps soothe the pain. Until I fell asleep completely.

I don't know how long I slept there. An hour? 2 hours?

When I open my eyes, there were 7 bandits surrounding me. One was a girl and few had daggers. Menacing grins painted the faces of the boys. I stood up straight to search for my sack, but they already took it. The girl had it. She shook the insides of it, just to make it clear to my sleepy self.

"Don't even try kid," said the girl, her voice half calming half vicious. She was around more than average height. She had blonde hair but had streaks of blue. She was hit with the illness.

For the first time in a while, I felt fear. If she was hit with the illness, that means she had powers out of this world. Who knows what she can do to me.

My heart pounded against my ribs. My eyes widening. My lungs breathless. She came closer to me. She whispered something so harsh, so vicious, so menacing, that my heart shattered to a million pieces.