The words pierce my heart, shattering it to a million pieces. "I killed your mother. It was delightful. The scream was agonisingly perfect. I savoured the death." "I-I..." The words came out as a mumble.
Wells of tears gush out of my eyes. I folded my knees and stuck my forehead, hoping they won't see me sob. They just stared at me, laughing all the way. They shred the sack to pieces and rummaged my sack just to see a dagger and clothes.
An object blurred my vision. It touched me and it felt cold. Like ice. I looked straight and somewhere behind the bandits was a little girl. She was a little younger than me. Maybe around 8 years old. She had blue hair with white edges. Her face tilting down. Her hand was cast out, like she casted a spell which made ice.
"Leave her alone," said the girl. Her voice was still high. A determined little child, I could tell. I wipe my tears.
Anger bubbled up inside me. I wanted to have revenge on these menaces, just like the figure. I saw something in my heart and I grasp hold of it. I gasped. My eyes widen. My mouth opened. I was left breathless. The hay where I lay my knees on, felt lighter, and lighter. It felt like I was floating. Something I never experienced.
I saw something that I haven't. I heard what I didn't.
It was night. I saw a baby child. She had silver hair. She was in my hands and I put her in a box. "Don't go anywhere okay?" I said to her. She didn't understand. I turned around, and I saw 6 other people, all male. "Come on, Denari, hurry up. Do you need a booze boost?" one of them said. "Be right there," I shouted back. Maybe a little overkill as we were 10 feet away. I went back to the box, but it was too late. The box was gone. My heart was racing. I sighed. I turned back to the gang and I went to them.
"Denari, huh?" I said to the female bandit. She was shocked a second, then changed to a smile, which transformed to a grin. "I thought you would've known by now, Kumi," Denari said. "How do you know my name," I growled back. The person with ice magic made a dagger in her hands. She was preparing. The male bandits stared at her. "It's simple," said Denari. Her eyes twitching. "I'm your aunt."