Chapter 6 - Chapter 6

So they go back and forth checking every planets pretty meticulously, since those planets were technically smaller than other planets were. They checked the one with lots of riddles and check and solve every single one and come across this one: "The Isles of Therise will find you, in the Ocean of Stars, Dive into your reflection, You'll go very far, Away to your destination, You'll o on a ride, To prevent the annihilation, Take out what's inside". " What ?" screamed Pyra. " Where are the Isles of Therise ?" she continued. At this point they were just looking for the Ocean of Stars, until they remember that one planet that had a very reflective surface. But they decided to take a rest. The next day, they wake up very early and first travel back to the legends to know more about them as their cover up for them to reveal what the annihilation part of that riddle. They find out that the legends are actually wyverns which are dragons that have their wings attached to their arms. But these wyverns were born with a condition. They are four-winged wyverns whose upper arms have no wings attached, so if they hide their lower wings, they can technically be mistaken as humans, while when they are in their dragonforms and they hide their wings, they can pass of as snake people or gorgons, that have no snake hair. Either way, they can disguise themselves as either of the three. They do a little more interogating and reach the point where they have asked enough questions to back up their theory. "So, what is the annihilation?". they all said at the same time. The legends take a look at each other like they thought that riddle was never going to be seen and reported back to them. After repeating that question to the legends over and over again, the legends finally answer the question. They say that when the chosen ones' destinies are fulfilled, there is a 50/50 chance that it could be done wrong, and if done wrong, it could mean that the Storm of Destiny gets a sufficient amount of energy. The very energy that storm is missing and if that empty hole is filled, the storm can eat and wreak havoc among all the dimensions that exist, however if it is done right, it could mean the very end of the storm. " But what about the part about finding what's inside?" asked Connie. The legends don't answer that question and tell the three that they have to find out for themselves. As they run to the planet with reflective ground that was apparently named Mirren, they remember about the ball all the way out in Crystal Rose Academy like "Did they continue the school year without us?" and " Are our parents still thinking about us?". Both of those questions they kept asking themselves until the magical alien interrupts them and says: " I have checked multiple times, and it turns out that time stops while your in this destiny world so you don't have to worry about anything" . They then give a big sigh of relief. Moments after they arrive in Mirren, they exclaim this: " Wait, I thought this was supposed to look like an ocean of stars?". "Oh right, stars can only be seen at night," *chuckles* " Oh come on! We traveled all the way here for what, to wait until nightfall and just casually sit here until the Isles of Therise find us?, we didn't even know these planets existed if we weren't dragged out here by that storm!" Pyra exclaimed. " At least I got some books about those islands" said Connie. " Since when?" the magic alien said. " Oh, I found them by the podium of thos legends" said Connie. They then start reading those books and find out that the Isles of Therise are sentient isles that look for the chosen ones that have a volcano at the very center island. And like the rest of Mirren, the inside of the volcano is very reflective and at that, Pyra shouted: " Guys!, when you look back at the riddle, it says that we have to dive into our reflections, but the rest of Mirren's reflection-type surface is solid, but the only liquid where you can see your reflection here is inside that volcano. Last time I checked, magma is very much opaque so its probably safe to just dive in when we are " found" by the Isles of Therise". All the while Connie and the Magical Alien are still finishing some of those books she found. Fast forward to nightfall and they wait more than 30 minutes until the Isles of Therise finally show up. They look for the center isle that was known to arrive at midnight at the speed of a bullet train.

So they go back and forth checking every planets pretty meticulously, since those planets were technically smaller than other planets were. They checked the one with lots of riddles and check and solve every single one and come across this one: "The Isles of Therise will find you, in the Ocean of Stars, Dive into your reflection, You'll go very far, Away to your destination, You'll o on a ride, To prevent the annihilation, Take out what's inside". " What ?" screamed Pyra. " Where are the Isles of Therise ?" she continued. At this point they were just looking for the Ocean of Stars, until they remember that one planet that had a very reflective surface. But they decided to take a rest. The next day, they wake up very early and first travel back to the legends to know more about them as their cover up for them to reveal what the annihilation part of that riddle. They find out that the legends are actually wyverns which are dragons that have their wings attached to their arms. But these wyverns were born with a condition. They are four-winged wyverns whose upper arms have no wings attached, so if they hide their lower wings, they can technically be mistaken as humans, while when they are in their dragonforms and they hide their wings, they can pass of as snake people or gorgons, that have no snake hair. Either way, they can disguise themselves as either of the three. They do a little more interogating and reach the point where they have asked enough questions to back up their theory. "So, what is the annihilation?". they all said at the same time. The legends take a look at each other like they thought that riddle was never going to be seen and reported back to them. After repeating that question to the legends over and over again, the legends finally answer the question. They say that when the chosen ones' destinies are fulfilled, there is a 50/50 chance that it could be done wrong, and if done wrong, it could mean that the Storm of Destiny gets a sufficient amount of energy. The very energy that storm is missing and if that empty hole is filled, the storm can eat and wreak havoc among all the dimensions that exist, however if it is done right, it could mean the very end of the storm. " But what about the part about finding what's inside?" asked Connie. The legends don't answer that question and tell the three that they have to find out for themselves. As they run to the planet with reflective ground that was apparently named Mirren, they remember about the ball all the way out in Crystal Rose Academy like "Did they continue the school year without us?" and " Are our parents still thinking about us?". Both of those questions they kept asking themselves until the magical alien interrupts them and says: " I have checked multiple times, and it turns out that time stops while your in this destiny world so you don't have to worry about anything" . They then give a big sigh of relief. Moments after they arrive in Mirren, they exclaim this: " Wait, I thought this was supposed to look like an ocean of stars?". "Oh right, stars can only be seen at night," *chuckles* " Oh come on! We traveled all the way here for what, to wait until nightfall and just casually sit here until the Isles of Therise find us?, we didn't even know these planets existed if we weren't dragged out here by that storm!" Pyra exclaimed. " At least I got some books about those islands" said Connie. " Since when?" the magic alien said. " Oh, I found them by the podium of thos legends" said Connie. They then start reading those books and find out that the Isles of Therise are sentient isles that look for the chosen ones that have a volcano at the very center island. And like the rest of Mirren, the inside of the volcano is very reflective and at that, Pyra shouted: " Guys!, when you look back at the riddle, it says that we have to dive into our reflections, but the rest of Mirren's reflection-type surface is solid, but the only liquid where you can see your reflection here is inside that volcano. Last time I checked, magma is very much opaque so its probably safe to just dive in when we are " found" by the Isles of Therise". All the while Connie and the Magical Alien are still finishing some of those books she found. Fast forward to nightfall and they wait more than 30 minutes until the Isles of Therise finally show up. They look for the center isle that was known to arrive at midnight at the speed of a bullet train.