Chapter 8 - Chapter 8

The ball was very boring after all of the dancing and turned out to be more boring after all of the so called "very important sponsors" said all that they want to say. So, after almost getting bored to death, Pyra and her friends go to rent horses at Charlie's Horse rental. Well, technically because of the magic influence on theworld, it's not only horses. Now that place has more than 5 unicorns, pegasi and other magical creatures that can be tamed. Pyra rented a manticore that was named Aral, Connie rode a griffin, Marianne rented a woodwolf while Timbere and Keeye are watching a news report on their phones. That report was about the alleged seizing of the Days. The Days are cats that were given that nickname by Thaddeus McBradley before his untimely passing, that report also detailed that the most important Days: the parents, their mother Tommorow and their father Yesterday who are marked with both star shapes splotches and sun shaped splotches. After that, it gets pretty dark so they all go to a parent-approved sleepover at Pyra's house. She is technically the daughter of the constellation Pisces so she lives in the sky, while she naturally has the power to transform into her astral form while her friends can't so she gives them that. When they arrive at the sky ( by means of flying), they see Pisces talking with the Leviathan's Son, Nathan Waters. They were talking about something that Pyra described as " Boring adult stuff nobody needs anytime soon", then they proceeded to go to her room. Her room was quite big and it even had a bathroom, a real small one too. They partake in normal sleepover stuff when you're in the sky such as star pillow fights, Loot or Stare and others. They finally get to sleep and Nathan went home. The next day, they all went back to town and changed because its Monday. As always, Pyra is late. They arrive at Crystal Rose Academy and all sigh when they remember that their first period is Alchemy. It's not that they hate the subject itself,they just hate who teaches it. The one who teaches it is Carrine Crammine, the strictest teacher you have ever seen. His rules when you are in his class are that when there is a test, no erasures and that you have to read the instructions or else. And he means that. The class start and all of their classmates are terrified but it turns out that he was absent today. They all celebrate at the fact that they don' have Alchemy today, now they have some time to go to the library of the school. They have grown very fond of that librarian, they also are in the club known as the Book Lover's Club and they almost forget that they have to pay for their new club T-shirt. They proceed to finish a normal day at Crystal Rose Academy. On the next day, they have Geogralandtrophy which is hard if not the hardest subject in Exodia. What you have to do in that class is that you, according to Pyra's description: " Have to memorize the places in Exodia and give crisp and accurate answers for two hours". That subject is also the longest class they have every Wednesday. Then there's some other normal classes and then there's the extra classes. Some of those classes are: Farming, Stone Carving, Magic Enhancement, Magic Animal Raising, Arts, Dancing, Relaxation, Architecture and others. And then the week passes by like lightning and now it's the weekends. Pyra, Connie, Marianne, Timbere and Keeye have a group meeting today to discuss stuff about school, or hang out, whatever seems to be more fun. Although they always end up wasting all their time thinking and when they actually think of something to do, they have a little amount of time is left. This time however, they thought and worked out everything that they were gonna do. Their thoughts were that they first go back to Charlie's Horse Rental then go to Aria's Restaurant and then they finally get to go to Marianne's place. Now it's 12 o'clock noon and Pyra's friends are starting to gather around the old Butterflies Bliss tree around the Berry Bend near the Talking Tundra Play Park for children. They meet up and find out that Timbere's little brother, Barke is coming along because there is no one left to watch him at home.