It's year 2030 when mankind is well developed. Science has created every kind of
machine to make the lives comfortable . It was able to do so and more than that
too . But as said " The bill comes due " , it did . The use of these machines required
a huge amount of electricity . Humans were able to sustain this till 2027 . But
after that , the resources to generate electricity started to deplet . As a result ,
around 30 % of the worlds total population was forced to live under dark . The
number was increasing significantly . Then a big step was taken forward . The top
global leaders invested their money together and formed and organisation EDRO
( Electricty Development and Resaerch Organisation ) . It had some of the worlds
top scientists , engineers and every person who could be useful . In the last 3
years , it wasn't able to achieve its goal of generating electricity from existing
resources. Soon after a long debate , the team was forced to give up old plans and
create something new. Anything new or maybe something new. It didn't know
that the year 2030 was going to be their christmas year or so ....