Moving day... Well this seems to be room 203.
CREAK .OH SO CLEAN YESS.BANG!!! what was that no i don't want to die.walks around.creak.sees 6 foot dude.This person is wearing a towle.U-um a-are you Grifis Lake,my dorm mate?Turns around.Sees Griffin.AHHHHHHHH.WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE THIS IS MY DORM ROOM GET OUT YOU ARE NOT MY DORM MATE!!!Geez chill I have no intention in being your dorm mate BUT I am so deal with it. NO YOU ARE NOT.HONEY read your concent paper.that you dorm mate is GRIFFEN LAKE.Storms out the door.MOMMY!How the hell am I gonna deal with her.Next morning.Yawn I am going to hit the shower.Goes to bathroom.sees Griffen in towl.Tries get out and TRIPS and falls on Griffen.Really you can't knock.I wa- wait right your a fan girl.NO I'M NOT I DON'T EVEN KNOW WHAT YOU DO!!!Gets up to go.slips.Falls and accidentally kisses Griffen.Both.*BLUSH*.