Chereads / Main Character Killing System / Chapter 4 - Chapter 4: Using the Death Note

Chapter 4 - Chapter 4: Using the Death Note

--Kubota Juro POV--

I wake up finding myself tied down to a chair...

Wait, what is happening!? I was about to get fired from my job and now I'm being kidnapped!?

"Hey, pal? Do you need 1 more hit or are you good?"

The masked guy who woke me up with a hit to the stomach speaks to me. I'm starting to wonder if this is all a very bad dream, but I know it isn't... why you might ask... because I tried fainting to escape from this place but the only answer to that was...

"Guess one more hit it is!"

Those demon like words can't be part of a dream. Because the hit which hit my stomach again after faking my fainting hurt... it hurts so bad that this most likely isn't a dream...

This world is so damned rotten... I just got fired from trying to save a female coworkers who was in a crisis and got framed by her. I just wanted to go to the bar to let out some steam and now... I'm about to die.

"Hey pal, you awake of do you need another?"

"I-I'm a-awake! Don't hit me!"

"Do you know why I brought you here?"

"..." [Staying silent is definitely the way to go in a situation like this...]

"I'll assume you don't, do you happen to have someone you really hate? Someone you hate so badly that you have a image of that person so clearly that you won't forget who that person is?"

"..." [How do can I get out of here... my hands are bound and...]

"Say would you like to kill that guy?"

"!!!" [Did this guy just say kill... the one I hate!?"]

--Qin Yu POV---

"Let me let you in on a little secret. Smiley Face*"

I take out a scrap of a piece of paper using a pair of chopsticks and put it on the table... then I untie one of his hands from the chair.

"Here take this pen and write the mans name and that he will bring you a suitcase full of money as a apology for what he has done to you tomorrow, but he sadly passed away in a car accident."

The guy is nervous... but he takes the pen and begins to write on that scrap of paper that I ripped off from the last page.

After he has finished writing I take a picture of him using my cell phone and then say.

"This is your picture and your name is Kubota Juro."


"I like how silent you are so I'll let you in on a little secret, if you head to your office to pick up your stuff tomorrow your boss will give you a suitcase make sure to bring it to this location, or something just might happen to you.

I then knock him out and call a taxi.

I check his ID and tell the driver his address when I get on the car.

"He had quite a bit to drink?"

"Yeah, the idiot is a dumbass he confessed to his coworker and got turned down..."

"Oh, he is... sigh* young men these days..."

When we reach his house I unlock the door with his keys and throw him on his bed.

I then take the same taxi home.

"Finally some pocket money for me to use!"

If this isn't enough then I'll use plan B and just have the big shot die instead. While sending me my money wired through the prepaid credit cards. Although that is more risky... but this worked out quite well.

Now I just need to wait until the next day.

--Kubota Juro POV--

"Ouch! Shit!" Grabbing my head I wake up in the morning feeling a sharp pain at the back of my head.

"Where am I?" I search around the room looking for where I was but to my surprise this is my apartment building.

"A Dream? No it couldn't be I still remember it so clearly and... the pain..."

"I... I remember he said something about... receiving a suitcase when I go to the office today..."

"Screw it!"

I head out the door going toward the office building that I was fired from.

I remember everything so clearly so... going by the logic he told me... was what I wrote at that time going to happen...


I head into the office and to my surprise the first person I see is the female coworker that decided to go along with what the Section Chief said and frame me!

I made eye contact with her but she quickly turns her head away the moment she made eye contact with me.

Damn! That Bitch, she's the reason for all of this and yet she decided to frame me to save herself!

I quickly pack up all of my stuff and start heading towards the elevator. But just at this moment someone called out to me.


To my surprise the person who called out to me was actually the bitch that framed me Watari Ano.

I look at her and ask her.

"What do you want now!?"

"I-I well the chief actually wanted to talk to you..."

"He wants to talk to me!?"

A sudden thought suddenly came into my mind, He will hand over a suitcase full of money.

Is this really... happening!

I follow the bitch into the office of the section chief.

"Kubota, we both know what happened that time, we just had a slight misunderstanding..."

Then he takes out a suitcase and hands it over to me.