Chapter 12 - Chapter 12 "A Doubtful Hint"

I forced my head to think harder, trying to understand the book's content once again. But it remains the same. The book said the Spirit Crystal of Hope was a star-shaped pin. No doubt. It was the mysterious glowing object that brought me into this world.

Spirit Crystal of Hope, Nadjieza. Being able to grant any hopes came true. It was still weird. If the object I picked up was indeed a real one, why the earth did that thing drag my friends and me to this place? I didn't remember to demand a great adventure in another world and became a woman. After all, wasn't it belonged to the Goddess of Hope? What the heck that thing doing in my former world?

Geez! I really couldn't connect all these facts into a single line. My body became limp. I bowed my body like a ball while hugging the book with both hands and closed my eyes tightly. Suddenly, an idea came up. There was someone who seemed to know about this.

"Almira!" I cried. "Yes, it's true. She is Elvian. Maybe she knows a thing or two."

At that moment, I rushed down the stairs. I held the book tightly so as not to fall. I wanted to show it to that woman. When I arrived in front of the reception desk, the woman I spoke to this morning, rising from her chair and tried to stop me.

"Anggi! You should know that there are some procedures to borrow the book!"

"Sorry, I'm in a hurry! I'll return the book after finishing it!"


Ignoring the warning, I ran into the city street. The dusk was going ahead, and the orange-colored sky looked eroded with the dark bluish night sky. I thought it was beautiful. If I didn't in a hurry, I might enjoy this time.

Sometimes I collided with another person on the footway. The time had entered the peak hours. People were already finished with their work or school. Made the roads crowded by those passing by to return home. From here, I had to through three blocks to Almira's house. It was the same with five kilometers.

Actually, I could hire a carriage, but the price was prohibitive. About 10-20 pieces of bronze coins for one trip. Moreover, as a hunter, taking a walk had become my daily. So I guessed no need to hire a carriage.

I ran through the crowd. Then turning toward the small alleys to cut the distance. Up to fifteen minutes later, I arrived at the front door of Almira's house. I knocked gently and waited a while, but the host didn't show up. I knocked again a little louder and yelling her name.

The door opened slowly. However, not Almira who was there. A seven years old boy was standing behind the door. His brown eyes looked at me carefully.

"Hey, Cedric! Is your mother at home?" I asked, then smiled.

The boy nodded. And ran into the house, screaming at her mother. Almira appeared with the human form, coming from the kitchen a few moments later. It seemed that the woman was cooking for dinner. A white apron with oil and flour stains over the body, on her hands there was a spatula which seemed forgot to put before met me.

"What do you want?" She asked curiously.

"Actually, there's something I want to talk about. If you're busy, I'll come again later."

Almira sighed. "It's okay. Come have dinner with us. Incidentally, I cooked more than usual."

Finally, I had dinner with them. Almira cooked fries, green mushrooms, and grilled fish. The three of us ate while accompanied by a light conversation. Such as asking about Cedric's school life. He told me many things. Starting from his friends and teachers. It seemed that he really liked the school.

That boy was in the second grade on level one school. The education system here was approximately the same as I knew. Just the mention of the name was different. For example, the elementary school was called level one in the country. And so on.

We also talked about the fire that devoured most of the city mayor's house last night. That news was on trending at Glafelden Town. According to the witness, the fire started from an oil lamp that fell accidentally in one room. Unfortunately, the lamp fell on a mattress in the room full of wooden furniture. As a result, the fire spread out and burned more than half the house in minutes count. The mayor and his family had to flee to their second house in the suburbs.

After dinner was over, our conversation was going more exciting. Turning over to the sofa, Almira brought the topic of fancy restaurants in the nearby town square. The place was just opened, they offer a lot of discounts to attract new customers. Cedric looked happy. Hoping his mother would take him there. But I knew for sure. I was sure the one who would pay, considering it as the cost Esze training with her.

We talked for almost an hour. Till at last, Cedric said when he began to feel sleepy. The light in his eyes was like going out. His head rested on her mother's body.

"Wanna sleep in the room now?" Asked Almira.

Cedric nodded, it seemed that the boy was drowsy. He yawned several times. His eyes were really almost closed. Almira carried his body with both hands, then took him to the top of the bed in the room. As soon as his head hit the pillow, that boy fell asleep instantly.

Almira stroked Cedric's forehead gently and lovingly, then kissed him. Maybe she was giving a spell so that no mosquitos dared to approach her dear son. The affection and care were given to her children, undoubtedly very high. It was rare for me to see her maternal side.

After making sure Cedric was asleep, she left the bedroom with light footsteps. Not wanting to make the slightest noise that could disturb her sleeping son.

"Let's talk outside!" She said with a soft voice.

We went out of the house. A few meters from the front door, a small garden with a bench under a tree. Although this neighborhood was bustling with the resident, no one wanted to come out this night. Especially if you had to deal with the cold temperatures that could puncture your bone. They certainly prefer to stay in their own homes. Pulling a thick blanket to warm the body.

"Is it okay to leaving Cedric alone?" I walked behind Almira.

"We aren't too far away, so it's okay. Relax! If something happened to Cedric, I would immediately run into the house," she chuckled.

"What a loving mother!"

"Of course. Cedric had been in my wombs for nine months. I was the one who gave birth to him. No mother who doesn't love her own child after through it all."

After a few moments, I ventured to inquire further. "How is your husband in the capital? Will he come back this month?"

"I have no idea! From a letter sent last time, he said that if his work in the military increased. So he doesn't know whether he could go home or not."

Almira looks annoyed. She seemed sulking because of the delayed return of her husband, so I didn't ask any further after that. I said 'oh' for a moment and followed Almira's footsteps.

I was shivering with cold. My Haier-Elvian body didn't seem designed to withstand the extreme temperatures. In fact, it was a handy capability. With that, maybe I could take a dip in the river at midnight without freezing. It seemed only Elvian were able to withstand the cold temperatures. Look at the Almira! Although in her human form, she walking normally as if without feeling anything. I was a little jealous, I mean ... with that distinction. Or was it just her trained body who used to be a soldier?

"Let's talk here." Almira immediately sat on the bench, likewise with me. Then she turned and opened the conversation." So, what do you want to talk about?"

"Do you know about this?"

I held the book I had brought from the library that afternoon. Then opened and searched for the information I wanted. I stopped on one page, on the page entitled 'Indemnius Spirit Crystal.' Her expression hardened, and her forehead was frowning. Then she turned to me. Her eyes as if to say, 'Why do you want to know about this?'

So it was as same as I expected. This information was limited.

"I found it while spending time in the library. If you want to ask, 'What it has got to do with you?' Of course, there is. Because one of those spirit crystals brought me here."

"Huh ... what? What do you mean? I can't get it all."

I took a deep breath, then I braced myself. "What I will tell you sounds very crazy. I'm not asking you to believe me. But at least, I need your opinion."

Her serious face nodded firmly. For the first time, I told the whole story to this world resident. Starting from I found mysterious object till now. All I told her was as clean as the spotless white cloth. Since I trusted her and considered Almira as my best friend in this world.

Fifteen minutes later. Although I had finished telling the story, Almira still froze.

I flicked my finger repeatedly in front of her nose until the woman's consciousness returned.

"Wait a minute, Anggi! It seems like there is too much for me to understand." Almira moving slightly away, tried to calm down. She held her forehead that furrowed. Her face was a little pale. "So, by all means, you came from another world? And you are a human being before being transformed into Haier-Elvian? Moreover, a man?!

"Besides, it seems impossible. Let it all ... I don't even believe at all there is another life beyond this world!! So, what amazing else things do you want to say? You're friends with the gods? Or do you want to tell you how wonderful your grandmother's house is on the sun's surface?!!"

"Sssshhhh ...!"

Hastily I calmed Almira by sticking my finger in her mouth. The woman was led to raising his voice. Made an old woman uncovered the curtain to see what was happening outside her home.

Almira was aware of the attention of others, tried to cool her head, and locked her mouth. Till the old woman shut the window. I looked at Almira's upset face. I understood. It was a natural reaction when she heard my story.

"Listen, Almira! In the past, I also like you. Until finally, I had to through it all, so like it or not, I had to believe this madness. You also need to remember, I don't ask you to believe. I'm just asking you to listen and give your opinion."

Almira paused, then biting her lower lip. Her face was getting dazed and pale. Looked like she still couldn't believe it entirely, or even not at all.

The woman took a deep breath and then dumped it through her mouth. "Well. Let's say I believe that crap. So, what do you want from me?"

"I wanna know more about spirit crystal. You are from the Elvian Kingdom. Perhaps you've heard anything about this."

She shook her head. "Unfortunately, I don't know much about it. The story of the gods happened tens of thousands of years ago. Stories passed down until today were probably not as complete as the original story. Now, no single person in the Elvian Kingdom knows about it for sure."

"Really?" My voice was muffled. Looked like I pinned my hopes too high. For the umpteenth time, I went straight to the deadlock while seeking information.

"Anggi ... do you know why only very few notes about spirit crystal?"

I shook my head weakly.

"That's because the theory of spirit crystal prohibited in all corners of the continent. Including this country and the Elvian Kingdom who worships the Goddess of Fertility, Ullshiya. The theory makes the gods look weak because it considers their sacred power comes from the heirloom. Of course, the loyal religious leaders considered the theory as heresy. The books contained that information was burned, as well as the proponents of this theory."

She was holding my hand tightly and smiled warmly. As if replying to things I had done before. Now I again saw a side of her that was so attentive and affectionate. Not like a friend who often asked me to buy her a meal. But more to the figure of a mother to her son.

Finally, I understood Cedric's feelings. Having a mother like Almira indeed became the most valuable blessing.

"Sorry, I can't be much help."

"It's okay. I understand that you've given your best."

I sighed. Dropping a look on the ground, the best place for a blank stare while you're pondering. My heart was delighted earlier when it found a match between the star pin I picked up with the description from the book. But alas, my fate was already settled in this world. So what I was done so useless.

I closed my eyelid and cleared my mind for a moment.

"It seems that there's still one more way to find out, Anggi! But it isn't recommended because it is hazardous."

"What's that?" I quickly turned around.

Almira looked difficult. Tried to justify her voice and to show a serious face. "You have to go to the library in Viar City, the capital of the West Elvian Kingdom. There are various complete book collections. Maybe you could find something you are looking for. The second option, you could ask directly about the Elvian elder leaders. Perhaps one of them knows about this."

I swallowed my saliva. It was a tough road. How I could get into the heart of the Elvian Kingdom? Moreover, Viar City was located far away from Glafelden. No way I could infiltrate that far.

Then, how about entered the city legally? It was also not the right choice. The esteem of those long-eared tribes was very high and always looking down on humans. So they wouldn't give official permission to the lowly creatures like human beings. Similarly, Haier-Elvian. Historically, Mixed Race was discarded by the Elvian. Because they have half of the dirty blood belonged to a human. No matter their Esze talent or they were strong or not. The important thing about Elvian was the purity of their bloodline.

The road was opened before my eyes. However, there was a giant wall in the way. What should I do?