Chapter 18 - Chapter 18 "Black Potion"

As the green light seeped into the darkness, a warmth rushed to my chest, then spread throughout my body. My ears now could hear any sound. My stiff fingers began to move freely. Gradually I regained consciousness.

When I opened my eyes, the first thing I had in my eye was the high white ceiling. An elegant-looking crystal chandelier hung right in the middle of the room. I found myself on the bed. Then my gaze swept around. In this room, I am not alone, there were two other people. A woman in uniform, like a waitress, seemed to be making something in the corner of the room. At the same time, another was a man reading a book beside the bed.

Then I got up and rubbed my eyes to clear my vision. After that, I could see their faces. The man seemed to notice me, he averted his gaze from the book page.

"Are you awake? How are you right now?" the man asked with a warm tone. As warm as the gaze and hug he once gave me. Soothing the heart and dispel anxiety. Such a powerful effect of a sincere smile.

I nodded slowly at the Ponytail Elvian. "Not bad, but my body still hurts a bit."

I looked over my body, all of the external wounds were almost completely gone. Only deep wounds were still left, especially in the stomach. That's where I was often kicked and beaten brutally. Thinking back on that time made me nauseous and horrified. I wanted to forget that incident and pretend it never happened.

"Please have a drink!" Suddenly the female servant handed me a glass of blackish liquid that had a strong smell. When I hesitated, she seemed to have understood and exclaimed first, "it's a medicinal herb for treating internal wounds."

I winced. There were grass clippings and plant stalks in it. The liquid also had a strange smell, like rotten vegetables and fishy. I even inched backward when the scent reached my nostrils. Then my gaze turned to Ponytail Elvian, he nodded and smiled brightly as if to reassure me. I shouldn't trust people I didn't know. But who else should I trust? But for the person who saved me from that dark room.

Slowly but surely, I brought the glass to my mouth. Once the water had reached the edge of the tongue, I immediately drank as fast as I could until the glass was empty. Of course, because I didn't want the strange taste of the potion left in my mouth even a bit. I would have almost puked if the maid hadn't stopped me.

"Don't vomit it!" she shouted. I had to swallowed it back that had reached my throat.

"Huek… it feels really weird. What is this made of?"

"Purple twig bush and octopus ink. It is very effective in healing internal wounds when consumed regularly every day."

"So I have to keep drinking this?" I asked, looking disdainfully at the empty glass in my hand.

The woman nodded.

"You have to drink it in order to make a full recovery," sighed Ponytail Elvian meekly.

Then his gaze went to my hand and grasped my finger. All my fingernails were removed by force during the torture. Now, the tips of my fingers were like freshly sliced ​​meat. I stared in horror and fear. Not only me but also that Ponytail Elvian. His gaze was sad and looked pitiful.

Then he lifted his head so that our eyes met. "You are safe here, no one will hurt you again. So don't be scared! You will be treated until you are fully healed."

"Thank you… erm…."

"Ah, sorry I'm late in introducing myself. My name is Keylan-Zell, the third prince of the West Elvian Kingdom. As well as the supreme leader of the Elvian Knight. Then, what's your name, My Lady?" asked Ponytail Elvian very politely. I was surprised when I heard he was this country's prince. I decided to ignore his current position. "My name is Anggi Nandatria, as you already know, I am a Haier-Elvian." We shook hands as a sign of introduction.

"Then, what are you doing in this city? You must know that this is Elvian territory, right?"

"It's a long story," I answered.

"Tell me! We have plenty of time to do that."


"So that's it," muttered Ponytail Elvian—I mean Keylan. "You were brought here by trade cargo by accident. Indeed, a few days ago this city made a transaction with North Sigrotia Iuna. But going into a barrel of that what makes you smell sour? Very funny!"

The man couldn't help but laugh and burst out laughing. He repeatedly said 'pickle' and 'barrel' while looking at me. I didn't know why I got a little annoyed. His figure reminded me of a friend who laughed first if I had bad luck. Maybe it was that made me unconsciously hit his shoulder with the rest of my strength.

The atmosphere became quiet for a moment. Keylan's laughter seemed to be vaporized in the air. A surprised expression appeared on both Keylan's and the maid's faces. It took me five seconds to realize that I just had hit a prince.

"Eh, uhm… I'm sorry!" In an instant, I lowered my head. If only my body could move freely, I would kneel at his feet. "I'm really sorry! The figure of Prince Keylan was similar to my best friend who often make fun of me. So I accidentally—"

Keylan got up from the chair and put his index finger in the middle of my lips, made my mouth shut and silent. "I know. Don't worry, I'm not angry! Besides, the way you speak shouldn't be so rigid. Especially for you, just ignore my status as a prince for now. Understand?"

Even though my heart was male, his charming smile made me nervous. This man has a powerful weapon to melt women's hearts. From the seductive look in his eyes, I was even more convinced that this man was a bit of a playboy. With his finger pressed against my lips, I nodded slowly.

Receiving a reply from me made his smile widen. He turned his face to the servant. "Airi, can you help Anggi clean her body? Also give her nice clothes. I want to get ready before we go outside!"

"Wait a minute! That 'we '… you mean you and me?"

Keylan nodded. "This is your first time in Elvian city, right? I'll show you around city."