Welcome, strange men with weird attire from the caves, to the Great Kingdom calles Helgaston located South East of the Yytrettil (Ye-trey-till) Continent.
We are one of the seven greatest nation (we're the seventh) with one of the four greatest army (we're the sixth, but we motivate our troops by saying we're number one) and we have a strong and a kind king.
We accept demi-humans and humanly beasts, so if you like elves like some of you do, you are most welcome to visit them at their own town, the Tersha Forest. Or if you prefer 'cat girls', you may visit them at Refas Village just north of the Tersha Forest.
We have many culinary goods such as the Gotrovic Soup and the Dorvell Rice and you can taste all of them at Purshian's Grand Kitchen located in the captial city, Lyontel.
We hope to make a great alliance with your kingdom, uhh- Endonayyzia? Wait, there's a kingdom inside our cave?