"TV One News Flash! Located in the Japanese Caves in Bandung, miners have found two men inside!"
"Where did they come from? They don't look like they're Indonesian,"
"And their clothings are weird, like they've lived in the medieval ages,"
"According to intel, the Japanese Cave tourist spot was closed due to the enterance was suddenly blocked by heavy rocks. The miners planted some high explosive bombs to reopen the cave, but upon entering they met these two poor men inside,"
"What could they've been possibly doing inside the cave?"
"Thats... a problem. It seems like they do not speak our language. Even though there was language specialists there, even Google Translate don't detect it,"
"Could they be speaking one of our hundreds of local languages?"
"I doubt it here, but we shall play a short video where we interviewed the men,"
"Where did you come from, sir?" the interviewer asked.
"Jaa... rofus et lagar wier bet?" miner one said.
"Sie, et lagar wier bet," miner two said.
Miner one looked panicked.
"Iiee, u kand et lagar wier bet! Oii! jafar et lagar wier bet!?" miner one said loudly at the interviewer.
"O-kay... next question. Why were you at the caves?"
"Khaves? Jafar zis joulie qer Khaves?" miner one said.
The other one shrugged. "U kind waka,"
"It seems like they spoke a European language,"
"But European language experts did not know what they're saying. It might be ancient, but we will be back discussing this after the ad break,"