Chereads / The Harem King- A Fantasy Land / Chapter 15 - Jinx And Violet

Chapter 15 - Jinx And Violet

Jinx didnt know how long he had floated in darkness before he finally opened his bright green eyes. He only knew that he had woken up from a long slumber and was most likely lucky to be alive. He felt a bit light headed and somewhat thirsty but other than that, there were no pain or aches.

Sitting up, Jinx took a look around and almost immediately noticed that he wasn't in the storage closet anymore. He was in a very unfamiliar room that was WAY too pink for his taste. It was clear that he was lying in a girls room simply based on the color, but he couldn't remember ever being carried here.

Jinxs eyes drifted from the bright pink room to the spot next to his apparently king sized bed where he counted a total of two bodies just laying there sleeping. This brought him even more confusion as he recognized the sleeping faces and bright blonde hair as Bristley and Violet, both passed completely out.

"Welp.....Im confused," Jinx said as he ran a hand through his fluffy brown hair. "Don't remember shit....everything after that weird as ritual is a complete blank. Hell, in the end though, glad to be alive."

He was about to reach over and rudely wake up Violet as he wanted answers when the door to the room opened and a busty maid carrying a tray full of food walked in. She took a few steps into the room before stopping, taking a good look at Jinx sitting up in bed before going absolutely mad.

The maid took a step back, dropping her tray onto the ground and her expression changing into one of surprise. "He's awake!! Everyone come quick!!" With those words, she spun around on her heels and took off running at top speed, leaving the rest behind with a confused Jinx.

"I'm so confused," Jinx said as he looked at the dropped food. "Such a waste of fine cuisine. It really is a shame that she just wasted to much of it, but she was pretty cute."

He probably would've kept on mindlessly talking to himself except for the fact that Violet began to stir, her body moving as she sat up. Her blonde hair fell to the side and her face was quite stunning even though she had dark marks under her eyes.

"Morning Violet," Jonx said as he watched her rub the sleep from her eyes. It was clear that she was still tired but for some reason he could tell that she didn't want to sleep. "You really should go back to sleep. You look pretty tired."

Violet paused in the middle of rubbing her eyes, her whole body freezing up. Jinx could actually see her whole body shaking slightly as she lowered her hands. Her blue eyes were watery as she looked at Jinx who stared back at her with a gentle smile.

Without so much as a single warning, Violet crawled over and pressed her lips against his own, her soft body squished as she wormed her way into his lap. Jinx was nearly overwhelmed by the scent of her body and the feeling of her figure pressed against him and he probably would've gave in if he hadn't been totally confused.

After a few minutes of kissing and slightly heavy breathing, he pulled away, his hands on either side of her face, holding it softly. His eyes stared into hers with a look of adoration and curiosity. He wasn't at the love stage yet, but he definitely had a crush on her.

"My dear future wife, though I have no problem with what we're doing, I'm kinda sorta confused about where I am," Jinx smiled and gave her a small and gentle kiss on the lips. "Mind telling me where I am?"

Violet blushed as she seemed to realize what she had just done. Pulling her face from in between Jinx's hands she leaned down and placed her head on his chest instead, her arms wrapping around his waist. "Your in my room. You've been lying here unconscious for a full week."

"Wait wait wait," Jinx wrapped his arms around her as he thought about what she had just said. "So your saying that I've been here in a coma for a full week? Damn...though that explains why I'm so damned hungry!!! Gosh I'm freaking starving!!"

Violet laughed against him softly. "First thing you think of when you wake up is kissing me and the second thing is food? You got a strange mind my dear husband."

"Woah woah woah," Jinx smirked a little. "Your the one who kissed me. Though I'm not complaining as it was pretty great, but I just want to straighten out the facts." He ran his fingers through her long blonde hair as he spoke, loving how soft it was.

Violet and Jinx remained that way, embracing each other without either of them talking, for about a minute before the sound of a throat clearing erased the romantic atmosphere. Both of them turned to look at the door where not only Jonathan but also Elizabeth were both standing.

They both look rather amused at the situation in front of them as both had smiles on their faces. It wasn't clear how long they had been stanfing there watching, but Jinx didn't relaly care as he had something he wanted to say.

"It was you who left the book for my brothers to find right?" Jinx asked, his eyes looking straight at Jonathan. "Your pretty smart....or should I call you conniving?"

Jonathan didn't lose his smile. In fact, it grew slightly bigger as if he were happy that Jinc had seen right through him. "I knew you were smart, but I'm rather curious. What gave me away?"

"Simply that this is your castle and you wouldn't leave such an important book lying around for just any random person to find. It could only have been left there with the intention that one of my brothers picked it up." Jinx had figured it out even before the ritual. He also knew that Jonathan had sent his wife to talk about The Black Wolves. He didn't know why as of yet but he knew that he had done so for a reason.

"Very impressive," Jonathan said with a mischievous grin. "Its even more impressive that you survived the ritual. The survival rate only 10%. Your friends are amazing too but I imagine nowhere near as capable as you."

"That reminds me, what happened to my brothers?" Jinx was suddenly worried about it as they said they'd receive a fraction of his pain and even that seemed like a bit more then they could handle. "Are they still alive?"

"Jinx, relax," Violet said against his chest her soft voice more than a bit soothing. "Your brothers only slept for a full day after the ritual. They woke up and demonstrated their newfound power. They're much stronger then any of our warriors and perhaps even your equal."

Jinx let out a relieved sigh before ruffling Violets hair. "Silly woman. Your future husband is the strongest there is and if he isn't then you better believe that he will be eventually."

Jinx could feel her hug him tighter which caused him to smile. "I believe you. I promise I'll follow you until the day I die, though we just met, this incident has made me realize just how much Id miss having you around. Your cooking is to die for."

Jinx laughed as he playfully pushed her off of him. "That was rude!!! You only keeping me around for my cooking....unbelievable!!"

Violet sat up and smirked a bit. "What? Did you think I was keeping you around for your looks? Cause I've seen better!"

Jinx laughed and tackled her, rolling around on the king sized bed as they wrestled with each other. He was only playing and made sure to use hardly any strength, laughing as he pinned her down. It was only when Jonathan cleared his throat again that he remembered that they were still there.

"If you'll follow me, I'll take you to see your brothers," Jonathan said as he turned around. "I want to see what you can do now that you've woken up with your full potential unlocked."

Jinx got off of Violet and helped her up. He smiled softly as he fixed her hair. "Lets just leave your sister sleeping for now," He said as he glanced at Bristley. "How about we go and see what those other five are capable of?"

Violet nodded her head, her hand taking Jinxs and intertwining her fingers through his own. "I'll follow you for as long as you want."

The two of them followed Jonathan out the door and down the hall, leaving the sleeping form of Bristley behind. Perhaps the most impressive thing that happened in that week was the fact that Bristley has slept through everything without even a single twitch.