Chereads / The Harem King- A Fantasy Land / Chapter 9 - Jinx And His New Waifus......And Future Wives??!!

Chapter 9 - Jinx And His New Waifus......And Future Wives??!!

"So what are you guys doing here?" Jinx asked as he backed away from Josh, his eyes flicking from each of his five brothers. "More importantly how'd you get here and why are you dressed as guards?"

"We were actually hoping you could tell us." Henry Blake asked. He was a guy with short black hair and a scar running across his left eye. He was the third strongest of the group after Jinx and Josh. "We all arrived here in a flash of light like 15 minutes ago. 5 guys in armor tried to attack us so we pummeled them and stole their clothes. We didn't set their prisoners free as we didn't know what was going on."

Jinx laughed at the explanation as he found it slightly funny for some odd reason. "You guys should have let them go the first chance you had. You guys are idiots!!" He continued laughing as he approached the 6 figures who were all tied up and gagged. "You guys stay back as they're probably scared of you now."

Jinx stopped behind the first girl and took off her gag. The moment it came off, she began pleading with Jinx to spare her life, obviously scared of him. "Please sir, don't hurt me, I'll do anything you want. Just let me go!!"

Jinx sighed and shook his head. "Look, you seem older than me and your acting like a coward. You should be worrying about your younger sisters more than your own life. Anyways, I'm here to set you free damnit so just hush for a second." He began working to untie the ropes around her wrists, not wanting to use a sword and freak her out even more.

"Wait, your here to help us?" The girl was obviously confused. She had bright purple eyes and a head of curly red hair that fell to the small of her back. She was a top class beauty even though her chest was a bit smaller then her sister Violets. "Your not gonna go anything?"

"Not a single thing," Jinx responded as he finished untying her ropes. "Now go free your sisters while I free your parents. Don't worry about the five men over there as they're brothers of mine." He took a step back as the girl hesitated before standing up and moving to her sister next to her, her body still tense as if she expected Jinx to attack her any second.

"Brother Jinx, do you want us to go and defeat everone else in the castle?" Josh asked as he watched Jinx make his over to the Queen.

"No need, I already did it," Jinx replied. "Compared to us who train our minds and bodies, they were nothing special. Though there was one guy who had a flaming sword." He knelt down and untied the gag placed around the queens mouth.

The queen let out a relieved sigh as she open and closed her mouth. It appeared the gag had been bothering her for quite some time. "I thank you for freeing us even if you were lying about defeating all the guards. There isn't anyone in this kingdom who can defeat our knights....even if they were traitors."

Jinx laughed a little as he took off the Kongs gag before moving to untie the queen. "You seem awfully confident now but just wait until you walk downstairs. Its not exactly a picnic down there. You'd have to make it past the bodies I cut down on the way here."

Jinx eventually managed to get everyone untied and free and watched as they all hugged and even cried in each others arms. He didn't want to interrupt so he turned to his brothers instead. "Okay, so how about we all do a game of rock-paper-scissors to decide who cleans up the bodies?"

Braws and Henry both complained but Josh and Blaster were all for it with Jack Sparks being the deciding vote. They each had a match and the three losers, namely Braws, Henry, and Blaster, all went down to clean up Jinx's mess.

"Thats one way to solve problems," Jinx said with a smile. "Much more fair to pin it all on a game of chance rather then skill. Makes it more interesting."

"Um....excuse us kind sirs," A female voice said from behind. Jinx and his two other brothers turned to look at the 17-18 year old that Jinx had first set free. "Can you please help free our 3 other sisters? Violet, Bristley, and Harmony are missing."

"Oh those three?" Jinx asked with a small smile. "They should be outside waiting for me along with a friend whose waiting with them. We came on the backs of some unicorns...they were pretty nice."

"You rode on a unicorn?" The king asked, stepping up and behind his daughter. "You must have rode with Bree because a unicorn won't let you on without a clean heart and mind. Someone who kills could never ride it without someone else whose pure."

"Actually I rode on a unicorn with Jackey," Jinx responded with an indifferent tone. " The only one that the unicorn seemed to hate was Jackey. He or she had no problem with me."

"Anyways, lets just get your family reunited, I'll go and get your three daughters and then we can discuss things." Jinx smiled and turned to leave. "Josh and Jack, you guys go and free the other 60 or so guards they have locked up somewhere. I didn't bother looking for them on my way up."

"You can count on us Brother Jinx," Josh said as the two of them left to follow Jinxs orders. They were happy to have something to do even though Jinx knew they were still confused. However as they were brothers, he knew they trusted his judgement and Jinx felt pride in himself that they left everything to him without even questioning it.

"Royal family, please follow me," Jinx gestured for all of them to follow and was happy that they complied. They fell in line behind him with the king and queen in the lead.

Along the way, they passed Braws and Blaster each carrying two bodies as they made their way down the steps. Jinx nodded to them as he passed by, leading the way to the ground floor, passed where they were stacking all the dead bodies.

The whole family looked on in shock and horror at how many corpses there were. They were all thinking just how dangerous someone had to be to wipe out 80 or so men in just a couple of hours. It was even more shocking when you realized that it was a mere teenager against full grown adults.

A shout rang out the moment Jinx exited the castle and he was immediately tackled by multiple bodies, sending him crashing to the ground. Pain radiated up his already scratched up and bruised body as he landed on the hard concrete. He cracked an eye open to see the bodies of not only Jackey and Bree, but also Violet which greatly surprised Jinx as he had only just met her around 2 to 3 hours ago.

"Can't breathe," Jinx murmured as he struggled beneath their soft bodies. He enjoyed the sensation but found his lack of breathing to be quite troublesome. "Need air, please get off!!"

The girls, once seeing how wounded he looked, all climbed off of him and just kneeled down in front of him. They all had looks of concern on their faces, even Violet looked a bit sad despite her whole family being safe.

"Damn, if you guys wanted a hug that badly then you should've just asked," Jinx joked as he sat up, laughing a little as he waited for the pain to fade. "I wouldn't mind hugging such a gorgeous trio. Your all amazing in my book."

There was a slight pause before each face of the three turned various shades of red. Jackey only blushed slightly while Bree and Violet blushed a rather deep shade of red. It was clear that they all liked the compliment but not one commented on it.

It wasn't until the king cleared his throat that everyone turned their attention to him. "Violet, Bristley, Harmony, I'm glad your safe. We were all worried about what had happened to you."

"Its okay, this guy saved me," Violet and Bristley said this in harmony and pointed at Jinx who was in the middle of standing up. They both then looked at each other before breaking out into laughter and then hugging one another.

"Oh, this young man saved us as well," The kind said as he wrapped an arm aroind Harmony who had came over to hug her father. "We should thank him...young man, how do you feel about marriage?"

Jinx, who had finally managed to stand, nearly fell back over after hearing the kings words. "Marriage? I don't really mind it...why do you ask?"

"If my two daughters are willing, I'd like you to marry these two," The king said, tapping his chin lightly. "Your power could be of great use to us. Someone with the power to defeat 80 men without the use of magic is more then worthy to marry them. Not to mention that they seem to like you and you did save all of us from a coup d'etat."

Jinx thought about it for a second. "You said both...does that mean polygamy is a legal thing? Also are the two women fine with it?" He looked over at Violet and Bree, but both simply blushed and looked away, but Jinx notcied they gave him a slight nod before looking away.

"Well, theres no law saying you can't have multiple wives," the king said with a laugh as he saw his daughters reactions. "Also, if your worried about being too young to be king, don't be. As your still young, I'll still rule the kingdom, you'll just be a king in name only."

"Your just gonna marry off your daughters to someone you just met? And no idea who they are? What if I'm evil?" Jinc wasn't against marrying them, but he wanted to make sure the king had thought things through. He didn't want to feel like he was taking advantage of the situation.

"You rode on the back of a unicorn," the king answered. "Thats more then enough to prove you have what it takes to be a king. Any other concerns? I'll be happy to answer them for you."

Jinx thought things through in his head before finally speaking. "Am I allowed to take them with me on my travels?"

"Excuse me?" The king asked, clearly confused by the question.

"I plan on travelling the world and learning more about it," Jinx smiled as raised his scratched and bruised arm. "Will you allow me to take them with me on my travels?"

"Oh, thats not up to me to decide, but you have my permission if they say yes," the king smiled and held out his hand. "So what do you say Mister....whats your name?"

"My names Vex Masters, but you can call me Jinx," Jinx gave an expression of warmth and kindness as he reached out and took the kings hand. "I'll take you up on your offer. Thanks!!"