Chereads / The Harem King- A Fantasy Land / Chapter 6 - Infiltrating The Castle!!! Meeting A Future Queen!!!

Chapter 6 - Infiltrating The Castle!!! Meeting A Future Queen!!!

"So this....speaker, how are you gonna get it inside?" Bree asked curiously, clearly not understanding Jinx's plan. "There are approximately 130 guards positioned in this castle. A little less than half of that will be locked up as they're only loyal to the king. That still leaves a good 80 or so guards to go through."

"While I appreciate the numbers your giving me, I would much rather you find me a good weapon." Jinx said, his usual smile having transformed into a serious one. "Its crunch time and everything from here on out has to rely on timing and skill. Luck is out of the question during life and death situations like this one."

Bree seemed to get a bit upset before reaching down and pulling up her rather long skirt, revealing a hidden knife attached to her ankle. "This short dagger is all I have on me at the moment."

Jinx reached over and pulled the dagger from its sheath. "Okay, I have a plan but I need the two of you to head back to the unicorns. In case things turn sour, you'll need to leave as fast as you can!!"

"But what abou-"

"NO BUTS," Jinx exclaimed cutting off not only Jackeys protests but Bree's as well. "This is a matter of a family's life on the line!! Just trust that I know what I'm doing and can save them."

The two girls, despite having numerous complaints and wanting to protest that they could help, walked back down the path towards the unicorns, leaving Jinx alone. Neither one wanted him to go alone, but they also couldn't find a good reason to stay, leaving them no choice but to back out with some grace.

"Okay, now lets get to work," Jinx said to himself, smiling a little. He was actually a bit excited as he now had the chance to act like a secret agent from one of those movies he watched in the orphanage. "Its time to show this world what a guy with bad luck can really do."

Grabbing the door handle, Jinx pulled it open slowly, pulling it until he could peek into it. After making sure the whole first floor was clear, he stepped inside. His plan was simple, an easy one that would only work if he was going solo. All he had to do was locate the royal family and get them out.....well, the plan was still a work in progress.

Closing the door behind him, Jack took a good look around. He was in a rather large room with a huge staircase leading up to the left and five doors on the east, west, and south sides of the walls. He didn't have time though to admire the building or go sight seeing, instead he walked into the middle of the room and placed the speaker down. He looked around and spotted a rather large desk near the corner of the room that would provide a decent hiding spot but close enough for him to enact his plan.

After taking postion behind the desk, Jinx began to scroll through Jackey's phone, searching through her playlist for a decent song to play. Even though this was a crucial part of his plan, he still wanted to choose a classy song, he wasn't a maniac who would just pick any random song.

He scrolled through the list, cringing at nearly every song in her list. Most of the ones in her phone were by various boy bands that he looked down upon. He scrolled through a good 70 to 80 songs before choosing a song by an artist that he actually like, a song called "Weak" by AJR.

As the song began playing and the sound started echoing off the walls and filling the entire room, another noise could be heard. The sound of crashing, followed by two pairs of running feet.

One of the doors at the bottom of a staircase (that oddly lead further downwards) opened and 2 men walked out. Each of them wore a sort of uniform consisting of a tan outfit with a silver breastplate and a metal helmet covering their faces but stopped at their chins. They both had sabers clutched in their hands, obviously having drawn them once hearing the noise.

The two of them scurried their way up the stairs, swords held at the ready as they made their way towards the source of the disturbance. It was obvious that they were freaking out but it seemed that they were forcing themselves to go.

Whatever the case was, Jinx figured that it would be okay to leave them to figure out there own devices. He assumed he had about 3 minutes until the song ended, or even less time if they decided to just simply break the speaker. He would use this time to search for the captured royal family.

Looking away from the 2 guards, Jinx looked towards the stairs leading downwards. Without even thinking twice about it, he darted out from his hiding place and bolted towards the stairs. It took him roughly ten seconds to traverse the distance from his hiding place to the stairs.

He ran down the stairs as silently as he could, at the same time, placing the phone near the top of the first step. If the phone got too far from the speakers, then the music would stop, so itd be pointless to bring it along with him.

"Okay, lets see if we can find that family," Jinx whispered to himself as he reached the door at the bottom of the steps. He pulled it open and stepped past it, heading deeper into the castle. "This feels sort of like a dungeon, or a cellar."

Jinx soon found that his guess was actually pretty spot on as the first thing he saw when he walked in was a long hallway with a plethora of doors on either side. Each door had a very small window near the top and all the windows had bars on them, a typical dungeon for storing prisoners.

"Okay, now lets get to searching then," Jinx muttered as he walked to the first cell. "We only have a small amount of time to do this." He peeked through the bars on the first door, and continued after seeing a simple empty room.

He passed by at least ten rooms before he finally came across someone, someone who was tucked into the corner at the back of the room. Without even hesitating, Jinx removed the piece of wood that held the door in place and kept the prisoner from getting out.

"They really need to upgrade to locks," Jinx muttered as he pulled open the door. "Hey, you in the back, I'm here to free you, so lets go.....Ill reunite you with Bree..."

Only after he mentioned the name "Bree" did the figure move, and rather quickly at that. The figure darted out from the dark corner and charged at him with arms spread.

Reacting on pure instinct, Jinx grabbed the assailants wrist and twisted it behind the back before shoving the figure against the wall of the cell. The figure was surprisingly weak and didnt put up much of a fight once he was pinned, almost falling completely limp.

"Just kill me and get it over with," The figure said, a feminine voice travelling through Jinx's ears. "I don't want your filthy hands touching me anywhere."

"Oh, sorry," Jinx immediately said, letting the figure go. He hadn't realized the figure was female as it was so dark in the barely illuminated cell. "I didn't mean to hurt you. I'm actually here to rescue you and your family."

The woman didnt say anything after Jinx let her go, merely rubbed her wrists and gave him a side glance. She seemed to be pondering something but it was difficult to tell due to the poor visibility.

"Whats your name?" Jinx asked politely, an attempt to ease the tension in the air. He felt a bit embarassed about having slammed a lady into a brick wall.

"My name is Violet Lynn Wilson," The young woman exclaimed. "The next queen of Protera Kingdom and older sister to Bristley Lynn Wilson."