...time stopped in Ken's eyes .... in other words Sakumo's punch was way too slow for his reflexes . The instant Sakumo was a few millimetres away from Ken's face , the entire scene in front of his eyes changed. In an instant , the scene was so , that Ken was on the ground , on his back , his right leg was on Sakumo's chin , Sakumo was 6 - feet high in the air , and unconscious....
Everyone was astounded. Sakumo's friends were surprised at the fact that a servant could do something like this to a warrior race student. One more of Sakumo's lackies tried attacking Ken , one moment he was in the dojo , the next moment he was thrown out of it. Everyone was quiet and stunned . With a deep voice Ken broke the silence , saying ...
Shin was left wondering if this man truly was his brother , while the others picked up Sakumo in his unconscious state and fled for there very lives.
Ken looked at shinzo and said with mild smile on his face , "Now then , they won't bother you anymore !" Shin was dumbfounded. He was thinking about how he should react to the situation , after a long pause , Shinzo finally opened up and said with an intense stutter " wh...who are you? w..what th....the hell was that? " Ken looked straight in Shinzo's eyes and said with authority " I am your brother , Shinzo and what you just witnessed was true , authentic and unadulterated .....
Shinzo was dumbfounded again. He hadn't the slightest idea of what TAIJUTSU was. The only martial art he had ever heard of in the village was Ninjutsu. Shinzo was quiet with a blank expression on his face . He had many questions like "Whatever do you mean?
Our village only teaches Ninjutsu , so where did you learn this?
How were you so fast ?
Why were you ever gone , in the first place?
.....and so on.
Listening to his brother's queries Ken smiled calmly again and said " All in the right time , little brother. For tonight , let's just get home and get some rest ." Needless to say , Shinzo couldn't sleep that night. Shinzo kept wondering what had happened to Ken during the three years he was away. Before he knew it , the Sun was up and he was still as excited as he was last night.The boys freshened up and had breakfast and got ready for work.
On the way to the dojo, Ken knew that Shin will ask him a lot of questions... and he was ready for all them. The dojo wasn't open yet , but Ken and Shin were allowed in, for there before open hours clean up duties. While cleaning Shinzo was constantly staring at Ken. Finally Ken broke the silence by saying " All right , lay it all on me". Shinzo calmed himself and said " What you did yesterday .....what was it? Where did you learn that and finally what happened three years back? Ken said " Come with me" and took Shin to the meditation chamber in the Dojo.
Almost a thousand candles lit , the meditation chamber was humming the sound of spirituality . Ken spun his broom like a wooden staff and with a complex but brilliantly skilled move swept his broom in front of the candles. An uncanny wind from that one sweep blew the whole lot of candles , , except one of a thousand , the one in the extreme middle was still lit , the one that Ken wanted to keep lit. Ken again left Shin in shere awe. Shin had nothing to say but " whoa ". Ken said " Look at that flame, little brother. Concentrate on the blue part in the middle of the flame....keep concentrating on it for sometime". Shin did as his brother said. After five minutes , Ken said " Look at me, Shin." The moment Shin turned his eyes towards Ken , he saw Ken's fist moving towards his face as if Ken was about to punch him. Ken stopped at a few millimetres away from Shin's face. Ken , after putting his hand down , had a mixed expression on his face , a mild astonishment and pride. In a deep voice Ken said " You didn't blink , Shin , very well then...