In the kingdom of dark elves, a young spy dashes through the trees to make a report. There was a hero in a small town south of the palace. The misconception about dark elves is that they are demons and evil when this is very far from the truth, they are just overwhelmingly stronger than the average human. They excel in combat, magic, and they have a wide range of eye colors. To the church of Equity, this is seen as them being unholy as they preach that humans are the master race, that humans are above all other races. not to mention that they have the name demon. In other words, the church is responsible for the war. After roughly fifteen minutes the spy runs through the halls of the castle and stops in front of the throne room. A male guard dark elf turns to her and says "Sup Lacey, I see you're back." he flashes a grin and says "You seem to be in a hurry." Lacey turns to the guard that spoke to her and shouts "Yeah, no shit Sherlock! I got important news for the queen!" The guard looks away embarrassed and opens the large throne room door where the queen sits on her throne. The Queen propped her head on her hand when Lacey enters. As lacey moves toward the queen as she watches her carefully. Her red eyes follow each step she takes and finally rests at her seat. "State what you are here to report. I have a meeting in 20 minutes, so make it quick." Lacey keeps her head low and tells her what she saw. The room becomes deathly silent and the air becomes super heavy. Lacey starts to back away from the queen when she notices that the room is becoming hotter. Hotter than usual. She sneaks a look at the queens face only to see the face of pure fury. "Another one? ANOTHER ONE!" the queen shouts. Lacey can no longer move. The Queen's magic pressure is keeping her in place and the room is getting hotter by the second. The queen's red eyes begin to glow a bright red and her raven black hair begins to turn white. Lacey is pinned to the ground almost unable to breathe, the heat in the room evaporates the tears coming from her eyes as she cries. She cries out one loud "My queen, please stop!" The queen snaps out of her fit of rage and goes back to normal after a deep breath. As the heat and pressure dissipate, Lacey takes in a gulp of much-needed cool air. The queen runs over to Lacey and casts a healing spell to heal her burns. With calm eyes, she helps Lacey to her feet and tells her to leave. Lacey hurries to the door when the queen gives Lacey one more order. "Sorry, Lacy. Tell the council to prepare my seven Sacred Gifts" Surprised, Lacey, asks the queen to repeat her command. The queen turns around and with soft eyes and voice repeats herself. Lacey leaves the throne room and silently goes to each council member's house. After traveling through the city, Lacey knocks on the door of General Menendez and waits for him outside. Menendez answers the door sooner than expected and catches Lacey lying up against his wall. "What do you need Lacy, I've got a meeting with the queen soon." It's clear Mendez is in a hurry so Lacey tells him about the summoning of the sacred gifts. Mendez is shocked at hearing this and is taken aback by the thought of summoning not just one, but all of them. Looking downward, Mendez takes a deep breath and recites the spell of summoning quietly. "Reginae, Et Reges Olim Vocamus, Ultima" (The queens and kings of the past we call upon your ultimate gifts) a cane appears in his hand and hides it under his coat. "Goodbye morning transport." Menendez mutters under his breath before warping away to the castle. "One down, six more to go," Lacey says before she vanishes. She warps from place to place, each warp intensely taxing but necessary. After telling the other council members the news, she is dismissed and is given a few days off from her job. As she walks home by the beach she sits down on the sand and gazes into the sunset. As she sits in the sand and looks at the sunset, she thinks to herself for a while. "If only the world were stuck inside this moment. This one beautiful and peaceful moment. Maybe everything could be better and everyone could see things the way I do." Lacey lets out a small chuckle and starts to smile. "Yeah, peace might not be that bad." Lacey stands up, brushes the sand off her behind, and finishes walking home. She eats dinner, showers, and lays down in her bed. As she falls asleep her mind wanders to the throne room incident, the sacred gifts, and finally the boy. Very far away from Lacey in a human town, Hikari sneezes in his sleep waking up briefly but deeming it as nothing but an inconvenience.