Chereads / Light's Edge / Chapter 7 - Birth of a sun

Chapter 7 - Birth of a sun

Alduin and the queen lock eyes, both of them filled with a determination to end the other's life. The demoness pulls out a cane, and it transforms into a rapier. Getting into place, both the queen and Alduin prepare to strike each other. She lunges forward but instead of aiming for Alduin she goes for Hikari. Alduin covers himself in his Mana Cloak but this time the mana surrounding him is an orange color. Alduin swings his sword at her with power and precision but the queen backsteps out of the way. The queen begins to spring forward but Alduin blocks this strike with the base of his blade and the lines in his great sword pop open like a whip blade. That warm orange energy flows into his sword and he pushes the queen backward into a wall. Alduin still facing forward tells Hikari and the others to run while rushing towards the demon queen. The queen no longer smiles and ducks under his horizontal slash and stabs Alduin in his stomach. She says to Alduin "Like I'll let another hero escape. He's as good as dead." and rips the blade out of Alduin's side, bringing him to his knees. The queen rushes to Hikari. With the queen's sword only 2 centimeters away from taking Hikari's head off his shoulders a healed Alduin grabs the queen by her neck from behind and slings her through a building which makes it collapse on her. The queen bursts from the rubble and calmly dusts herself off. "You realize that eye of yours you can't defeat me. Your only half-awakened eye can't save you or the boy."Alduin gives off that devilish grin and states "I know I can't beat you, even if I had all of my mana back. But, I'm only trying to save them, not kill you." Readying his blade Alduin says "So keep on charging forward so I can keep slinging you around like the beauty you are." and like a certain demon hunter we all know and love, he beckons the woman closer with a hand wave. The queen blushes softly and shouts, "I, Akal, queen of the dark elves shall show you that you are nothing before me! Be ready to die Alduin of the royal guard!" With blinding speed, Akal rushes forward and Sparta kicks Alduin in the gut, sending him flying backward. He lands on the ground and rolls, skidding on the town road. Without a second of reprieve, Akal continues the onslaught of attacks, each one pushing him farther back. He keeps a smile on his face while blocking each blow but you can hear him grunt from the force of each blow. Alduin takes one of Akal's strikes and uses the momentum from it to counter her. She takes a step back only to being greeted with a magic slash. The wave of magic cuts through the ground like warm butter but Akal dodges it easily. Alduin is getting into the motions of the fight as he sends wave after wave of sun magic at her. Finally, one of the magic waves lands, and Akal gets forced to take a step back. Without wasting any time, Alduin blitzes Akal hitting her in the side which sends her through ten buildings. After a second, a bright red light shoots into the sky which rockets debris high into the air. Akal looks at Alduin and he starts to sweat. Akal held up her sacred gift and the rapier transforms into a Katana with runes inscribed into the sides. As soon as Alduin puts up his guard, the queen knees him in his stomach and palms him in his chest shattering his ribs. Alduin spits up blood as he is flying backward, but his eye of the sun heals the wound quickly. Alduin hits the ground hard and rolls a few feet before standing back on his feet. Alduin holds up one hand as Akal readies her blade for the last blow. "Wait for a second," he says weakly, "if I'm going to die, then I might as well look good." Surprised that Alduin would make such a request Akal snickers a little and lowers her stance. Alduin uses minor water magic and swished it around in his mouth, spitting out any blood left inside. He summons more water to rinse his hair of rocks and blood. With a deep breath, he smooths his hair back. "Now the gifts for my son before I go." Using spatial magic, Alduin pulls out the "Infinity Sword" a sky blue crystal sword. Akal's eyes widen as she recognizes the sword and rushes forward to snatch it away. Using almost all of his mana left, Alduin backhands Akal away from him into a wall. Weakly Alduin says "Sorry sweetheart, this is for my son." and with the last of his mana, he sends not only the Infinity Sword to Hikari but also his magic great sword. Alduin's mana cloak dissipates as he falls to the ground. His breathing is heavy and he lays flat on his back looking up at the sky. Akal gets up, slowly walks over to Alduin, and puts her foot on his stomach. Alduin groans as he looks Akal in her eyes and smiles a little. "While I may die here, I still won the battle sweetheart." After saying this, he passes out. Akal holds her katana to his throat but sheathes it instead. "Like I'd let a fine specimen like you die here," she says while blushing. She scoops up Alduin and lays him over her shoulder. With the village in ruins and almost not single soul still breathing, Akal teleports using silent incantation. Meanwhile, deep into the forest Hikari, Rona, Sylvia, and Maria are holed up inside of a cave. Maria is facing the wall silently crying and Rona is asleep. Sylvia is stoking the fire that Rona made with her magic and Hikari is standing guard at the cave entrance. Sylvia gets up and walks over to Hikari, placing her hand on his shoulder. "We both know your father will be fine. That man can survive anything," Sylvia says with a sweet smile. Hikari looks at his mother and smiles back at her. "You're right mom, all I need is a little faith, right?" he looks back outside the cave and says "Yeah, a little faith." At that moment a spatial hole appeared in front of both of them. Out dropped his greatsword and the Infinity Sword. In that single moment, Hikari's world seems to shatter. Hikari drops to his knees and his eyes well up with tears, every ounce of hope for his father had been crushed at that moment. Anger and anguish crawled up from the depths of his soul as he began to wail like a small child. Maria had snapped out of her trance of silent crying and began comforting Hikari alongside a now awake Rona. The ground around Hikari begins to sink and the cave is becoming very hot. Sylvia had fainted from seeing that Alduin was dead and had to be carried out. Hikari screamed to the heavens in a burst of rage and both of his eyes had turned completely blue. Energy exploded forth blowing the cave's top off. Rona and Maria watched him in a mix of awe and terror at the amount of pure magical energy Hikari was giving off. The cave was gone, the walls were practically non-existent anymore, turned into slag and molten rock. Hikari walked forward leaving the cave but also leaving dents in the ground as he walked forward. After taking 5 steps he passes out, the power that had he had displayed leaving as quickly as it had come. Maria and Rona turn to each other and silently agree that getting to the capital was the best decision at this moment. They gather the somehow not destroyed swords and head for the capital.

A man in the capital wakes up and looks at his wife sleeping peacefully beside him. He gets up and goes to his balcony. The man knows this feeling in the air, and he knew it well, it was the pressure of someone awakening, and this one was an extremely powerful awakening at that. One that was on par with his or even higher above in power. The feeling in the air wasn't fresh so he couldn't fully grasp the full magnitude of the awakening. He takes in a deep breath and sighs "Must be Alduin's kid. He's the only person I know that has the Eye of the sun, even if it was only half-awakened." His wife comes to the balcony with him. "So you feel it too, sweetheart? I thought that Alduin was the only one left." The man looks over over the horizon and turns to go back into the house when his wife grabs his arm. The man looks back at her and she begins to let her robe fall off her body. "You still owe me 30 minutes my king," she says with a dirty smile. He chuckles and states "As the king, I'll give you an hour. On the highest balcony, they lay, doing what they do, oblivious to the sheer magnitude of power that just awakened. It was the birth of a new sun.