Chapter 8 - Chapter 8

Angelina stopped after reaching an open window and kept on looking into the night sky. Andrew came and watched Angelina. There was not a single emotion on her face she had buried her emotions deep inside her and had mastered the talent of keeping an expression less face, but Andrew knew she was broken from the inside. That her heart had been shattered into millions of pieces which are difficult to restore. Looking at her made his heart ach. He could not help but give her a one hand hug. But little did he know that this one hand hug started turmoil of emotions in Angelina's mind, bursting to come out. As Andrew's arm touched Angelina she threw herself in his arms and started weeping like a child.

It took a long time for Angelina to calm down. Andrew did not say a word but kept on comforting her with his actions. Angelina looked at Andrew with tear strained eyes and just said two words which were like a paragraph to Andrew, "Thank you."

Andrew smiled at her and said "Silly there is no need to thank me I am not a good for nothing friend. If my friend is upset then isn't it my duty to comfort her? I know you are sad and you want to cry. I also know you don't want to show your weak Side to anyone but just as you are there for your friends when they are down, your friends are also there for you when you are down. And sometimes by crying you feel much better like you did right now so don't be afraid to show your emotions to your close ones."

"But I don't even know if anyone is my close one or not. My Uncle Sam he used to love me so much. You know he used to take me on trips with his friends. I always felt that he will never leave me but what is he doing today instead of doing this he can help ma and Natasha to ensure a better future for us. He even refused take Natasha with him. What is the fault of that young girl? She doesn't even know what's happening. Whenever my parents used to have a very severe fight, my mother used to tell dad, 'If you do this again then I will write a letter saying I am handing over my daughter Angelina to my cousin Sam and my husband has no right over her. Then I will take poison and die peacefully.' she used to trust him so much to give my responsibilities to him and here we are today. He is not ready to even talk to me. Life is so great na Andrew?" While saying this there was a sad smile on her face and if anyone could read her eyes they would only be able to find sadness, despair, loneliness, longing and disappointment. Of course how could this go unnoticed by Andrew?