Chereads / Love is in the Air / Chapter 21 - The Air that never Left

Chapter 21 - The Air that never Left




don't leave,

I am sorry

i never meant to hurt You

i never meant to leave You

You were my life

You are my life

Aunt Cecilia's words echoing in my ears

as I left Hong Kong

i boarded my plane 11:45 pm 15 minutes before midnight

I called Alen before my plane is in the Air

i wad so tired i almost dropped the phone from my hand

i heard him say " Take Care on the way Home", i'll meet you at the Airport

Did he really meant to pick me up?

I didn't hear his words clearly

because my mind still is dreaming of my previous day

My Mom, my Mom

i was uttering

when a Flight attendant offered me a drink and fixed my seat belt and gave me a blanket

I love flying

i love being on the Airplane

it meant i was going somewhere

i just want to be with Alen

what i heard from Cecilia

shook my entire body to the core

i think i want to sleep forever

i drank whiskey and a shot of tequila on the way home

words words were said

my mind was slipping away

and i fell asleep

"Angel, did your Mother never told You, you had a birthmark on the back of Your ears?", Cecilia was holding my hand so tight as we walked towards her house.

I left my shoes on the foot of the stairs, her garden was so exquisite, she has strawberries hanging from the ceiling of a glass house a green house made of glass!!, i gushed and looked some more over a mini bridge where kois are swimming in the shallow pond, is a gazebo where an "A" was etched.

i named You Angel, when i gave birth To You, i was alone, i didn't have anyone beside me but You, Cecilia's eyes flashed before my eyes.

the plane has landed and My head was heavy as the Captain spoke.

Arrival oh no, i slept the entire flight.

Was it all a dream?, The Air never left my lungs, I was heavy breathing, almost breathless, as I went to the ladies room at the airport, i fixed my self, just to be a mess after my eyes started to water as I saw Allen and cried in his arms.

He held me and never spoke a word.