Chapter 7 - The Plan.


I was currently in the BAUs meeting room with my team and two other strong teams. There's three ranks of FBI profilers the first one is rank one; my team then there rank two; Capt. Sadler's team next there's rank three; Capt. Cherry's team. We all are gathered in this tiny room sitting around a round table. Most people here has laptops displayed with documents and slideshows pulled up.

"Agent Summers are you alright?" cooed Agent Rose the whore in rank three. I looked at her then said in an angered tone "Yes I am would you like anything else? Other wise leave me alone" I look away from her and focus on the plan to get my Adriana back. Captain Rogers showed a picture of Adriana smiling with two elderly women smiling. My heart ached. My entire mood changed when I saw her smile, I placed my hand over my mouth to cover my own small smile.

"This is Adriana Black. She has been reported as one of the hostages of the kidnappers in masks. They also seem to be not ordinary people either, proceed with caution around them" I heard a few males say 'Aw she so hot' or 'how is she in bed?' I growled at them then I scoffed. "Is there something you wanted to add Agent Summers?" Captain asked me "Yes there is actually" he nodded his head to continue. "Adriana Black is my girlfriend so I'm getting her back" I said getting up from my seat making my chair roll away from me. I heard scoffs and a few laughs, even chuckles coming from the guys from the second ranked team.

"Y-your l-l-esbian?!" laughs Agent Rose "Is that an issue?" I said gritting my teeth and giving her a hard glare. She shook her head and calmed down her laughing. "Okay Agent Summers we will get her back I promise" He finished talking and finished the meeting.

I also told them about the call he gave me and all we heard was Rose gasp and place her hand over her mouth. Others were quietly talking about me and how I could've bribed my way to my spot. Rose constantly tried to get me talking about my family history if she wasn't human I would've ripped her head off in front of everyone. But I couldn't because there's supernaturals in this building and they would report me to the city district elders. Most people here are supernatural like half of us are supernatural the other half humans. Basically.

Mentally I made a disgust face of the word humans. They think they can just beat us up because were different that's why I'm going to change that, pretty soon. I want us to have peace not have a World War III between us supernaturals and them. Its one of the laws the elders made, that we wouldn't use our abilities to our own personal use unless necessary. Of course not everyone likes to follow that law and sometimes it is needed.

Adriana's POV

I wake up in a comfortable bed with thin brown sheets and off white pillows. I turn my head to look around, but my head feels like it's been hit with a brick. I slowly get on all fours and try to stand up, but collapse back onto the bed. I take a deep breath to try to calm myself, but I notice that something smells weird. I sniff the air and then sniff the sheets, a horrible scent started to fill my nose. I gag at the awful stench and roll of the bed.

I land on the wood floor with a loud thud.

'THAT DOES NOT SMELL LIKE TJ AT ALL' My wolf screams at me.

"I know! TJ smells like chocolate covered strawberries!" I mentally shout back at her.

"Whoever this is, smells like shit." My wolf laughs at me but then suddenly stops.

'Adriana! That's not your bed. And this is not your room!' My wolf growls at me.

"Oh my god!" I scream then heard a knock at the door and a few seconds after it flung open. Hitting the wall behind it with a loud bang. A man walks through the door in nothing but boxers. I look him up and down, not impressed at all. "get up, the boss made me come get you, while I was sleeping, so you're going to pay for that" He says growling out while walking towards me.

I growl and feel my eyes change as I attempted to stand up, but ended up falling back down. The man in Calvin Klein boxers caught me before I fell. "We cant have you falling everywhere and getting bruised up, boss will be pissed" He says and throws me over his brod shoulder. "Tch, who is this boss anyway ! My mate will come and kill you all, just you wait" I say cruelly, beating on his chiseled back.

The man continued walking out of wherever they locked me in and start walking into a direction that was unknown to me. I feel eyes staring at me, well correction. My ass. I sighed knowing I couldn't so anything about it, I'm still weak from the drug they gave me. I'm guessing we arrived at wherever the destination was because the guy stopped walking. I soon heard a knock on the door then heard it creaking. "Sir, I got her like you asked, now may I please go back to sleep?" I heard the guy carrying me ask. "Yes you may, thank you Jason" I heard a deeper voice reply back.

The guy carrying me dropped me straight on my ass. "Asshole !" I groaned and rubbed my bottom. I stood up and then turned to a guy wearing a kabuki mask, a dragon styled one, but it only covered half his face. His eye were so bright I thought I would get blind just by looking at them. I can tell he was smirking by the way his eyebrow was raised. His hands were entwined with one another as he leaned on his dark wood desk.

"So you are the infamous Adriana Black, I've heard much about you" I scrunched my eyebrows close and listened to his accent "How do you know so much about me" I could hear his thick chuckle be clearly behind the mask. "I always do research on my targets" He sounds Australian. I glanced around to see if there was anything I could use to help me escape.

"Don't even try love, you're not the first prisoner I've had" He unlocked his hands then stood tall. Damn tall ass people, tch including this asshole. I could feel my wolf starting to tense up making me tense even more. I'm confused, did I just see him grab something? I swear I saw him grab something, but it could be my imagination. Next thing you know I see a metal bar being chucked at me.

"SHIT" I quickly ducked and rolled, kicking a table in the process. I began to feel my wolf starting to take control of me. I groaned softly as I stood up and caught a wrist that was coming quick towards my face. "Nice reflexes, Ms. Black, but you're going to need a lot more than just fast reflexes if your going to get out, alive that is" I can tell he was grinning, just by his tone.

Nervously gripped his wrist harder and tilted it a way its not supposed to bend. I heard him hiss in pain then heard a loud pop noise come from his wrist. I broke it. I smirked in victory, jumped up bringing his arm with me, swung my leg around and kicked him in the jaw.

I land on his desk then jumped off, swiftly landing on my feet only to be hit in the back of my head. "Agh !" I yelled out once I hit the floor. I rolled over and looked up at the person who knocked me out. It wasn't clear my vision was blurry, then I blacked out.

word count// 1364

date published// june 16, 2017