Chapter 9 - Bullies.


I wake up cold and sad, my mate was supposed to be here with me warming me up and laughing like we used to, that only lasted two days till she was kidnapped from me right in front of my sleeping eyes.

I walk into my huge master bathroom washing my face immediately. I brushed out my short hair quickly and then brushed my teeth. I just stared at my tattooed covered body then looked at my pale and dark spot covered face. I have too many tattoos to count and I'm not even going to try. I sighed and pulled my hair back and tied it up. Finishing my morning routine I hear someone walking up to the house.


I whip my head to my bedroom door and open it running down the stairs towards the front door. I made sure the person was human which they weren't. They were a ice elemental. Once I opened the door the person was a he. His hair, a light blue fading into white, electric blue eyes, he was wearing black ripped jeans and a white v neck T-shirt. Other than that he looked gorgeous.

'Not as gorgeous as our mate!' my wolf scream causing me to grab my head.

"What do you want?" I said once the pain was finally gone. "Um is this TJ Summers place?" I nodded, raising an eyebrow. "Yeah why kid?" He looked down at the threshold, "Hey ki-" He looked back at me, "Βασίλισσα" he spoke our ancient language. I sighed "Εγώ είμαι." I replied. We introduce like that in terms of respect in first meeting someone, warning, help, and multiple other uses. "Okay now why and how did you find my place?" I was getting annoyed.

"Someone named Ryan? Reid? something like that told me that a TJ Summers lived here. And is our Queen." I groaned. "So Reid sent you. Why?" I rubbed my forehead. "He said to help my situation in order to help yours." I was now intrigued. What did Reid tell him? "Fine. Come on in kid." I moved over so that he could come in. He glanced around the house, "Amazing house." He turned back towards me. "Thanks, coffee?" I started walking to the kitchen. "Please."

Once we were comfortable and have our coffee. "Now what is your favor you want me to do?" I asked taking a sip from my coffee "Its difficult to say but I can't really speak of I-" He suddenly stopped talking and his mouth looked as if it was glued shut. "Hm. You have been cursed. Its the silence curse, its main purpose was originally for inmates once they finished their sentence. Its easy to get ride of." He nodded and his mouth went back to normal. "Come here, theres always loop holes to curses." He came and sat next to me, placing his cup on the coffee-table.

I placed my thumbs on his temples. "You need to relax, let your mind be open to me, think about the incidents" I heard him sigh softly, we both closed our eyes. Our thoughts connecting, I could see every memory he has.

A certain one made my blood boil and my heart ache. He lives with his father, who beats him constantly, his fathers friends takes turns on him and use him as a pet. His mother? passed away when he was 8 maybe 9, a failed hit and run later turned into a robbery and then murder.

Once I pulled back the kid had tears rolling down his face "Lets remove this curse of yours." My eyes glowed a bright yellowish blue, I bit my thumb and slid it across his forehead. "Κάποιος που παγιδεύτηκε από τη σιωπή είναι τώρα ελεύθερος." I licked the blood off my thumb and wiped his forehead. "No more curse" I smiled small. "Now, where is your father?" He casually took another sip of his coffee. "We live in district E." I nod.

"Low income?" He nods, "Dad only takes side jobs" I finished my coffee. "I see. Well, lets go deal with him and then you'll help me with my situation." I smiled small again.

We decided taking my car was a good idea, so we took my matte black Lamborghini, just to make him angry. On the back was a Autobot sticker, which is on every car I own, in light grey so you could see it better on my cars.

To get all the way to district E, I took the highway, which was much faster thank god. One the way there I found out our nameless friend loves the Migos and thank good I do too. So we blasted it loud and rolled with the windows down. We get his apartment complex and parked into a close parking space. "What floor?" He points to the fourth floor. I smirked and put my shades on, if you're going to beat someone might as well make an entrance.

"And your name is?" We walk to the elevator. "Bobbie Cray" I press the fourth floor button and we wait. "Nice to meet you Bobbie Cray"

Once the elevator doors opened we went straight to his apartment door, he unlocked it and we both go in looking around. "Mr Cray?" I heard grunting. "Oh please dont be-" I go into his bedroom. "Having sex. Ugh okay." I looked at the chick and my eyes glowed. "Ύπνου" The girl instantly fell asleep and I watched as he looked around the room, looking at me last.

"Hello." I grinned and punched him, knocking him out. We tied him to a chair and waited till he finally woke. "Bobbie! What is the meaning of this boy! Let me go!" Bobbie looked down at his shoes and stayed quiet. I rubbed his back then patted softly, "It's okay Bobbie, I'll deal with him." I looked towards his father my eyes already glowing. I leaned in front of him and glanced into his eyes, "Ποιος είσαι?" His face expression changed and his eyes widen. "Jackson Cray, Ποιος είσαι?" I grinned. "Βασίλισσα" I said slowly. His face lost color and he glanced at Bobbie.

"Bobbie, I'm so sor-" I back hand slapped him, "Oi! Shut up! Jackson Cray, you have committed child abuse and rape, I hereby sentence you to 20 years to confinement. Bobbie may do whatever he pleases with the house, money and car you own. Any last words?" Jackson looked at Bobbie. "You felt better than your cunt of a mother." He grinned. I go to punch his nose but was stopped by Bobbie. "I'll do it." I nod and stepped aside.

"Glacier." Bobbies fist started being covered by thick ice. "I hate you." Bobbie spoke, anger was laced in his words. He swung and slammed his fist against his fathers nose, the impact was so hard that the thick ice that surrounded his hand, shattered. His fathers nose was surely broken and was bleeding furiously. "Excellent work." I clapped and turned back to his father. I took my phone out and called Reid. "Get ready for transport. That is an order." I heard a few things being clicked then "Transport ready."

I leaned down to his father and whispered "ένα που είναι ελεύθερο πρέπει να κλειδωθεί" He started turning into dust, I sucked in a quick breath "Go Reid". I knew he nodded because I heard him finish the chant and the dust went into my phone. "Transport, successful and finished. Did he tell you how he can help?"

I shook my head. "Not yet, but we will." I hung up and looked back to Bobbie. "Your turn." He looked at me and nodded. "Right." He sat back down, "My dads friends work with the guys that took your mate right? those are the side jobs my dad and his friends take. As you can see it doesn't pay well." I raised an eyebrow.

"Where can I find them." I was angry and my aura grew and I knew Bobbie coward down. "A warehouse in district F" I grinned madly my eyes still glowing. "Perfect."

word count// 1342

date published// june 18, 2017