Chereads / Pokemon: Arceus' Champion / Chapter 167 - The Queen of Scheme

Chapter 167 - The Queen of Scheme

"Hahahahaha! I DARE that damn brat to act so high and mighty when I'm done with him!" Cassidy declared as she headed to Ace Ketchum's room with an entire cart full of drinks and various snacks.

She had carefully swiped them from under Jessie after the brat apparently ordered room service, and planned to use this chance to slip back into the Boss' good graces after the previous incident with the camera. Cassidy still had no idea HOW the brat knew about it, but she was the one who received the blame.

But now was her chance to change that!

Cassidy patted her pocket where the drug she slipped from Jessie was, one that would put Ace Ketchum into a stupor that would allow them to deal with him as needed. All she needed to know was which of the drinks she was carting to his room were his!

But there sure were a LOT of them...

Just as Cassidy was wondering why Ace would be ordering so many drinks, she arrived to his room.

"Ehem..." She cleared her throat in preparation to use her best customer service voice before knocking on the door.

"Room service~!"

Though it took a moment, the door opened and Cassidy got a good look at exactly WHY so many drinks and snacks were apparently needed.

"Finally. We were starting to get thirsty." Said the sexy and mature looking lady who answered the door, who was also completely naked.

She wasn't the only one though, as Cassidy could see into the room to see that there was a plethora of beautiful women, mostly younger, who were all naked as they writhed in sexual ecstasy. And in the middle of it all was Ace Ketchum, who was currently thrusting into one of them from behind while several of other women clung to him lovingly. Even as they were apparently paying close attention.

The most surprising thing was that, if Cassidy was correct, then the woman who answered the door was the esteemed professor Ivy of the Orange islands, while the one Ace Ketchum was currently fucking like a common whore was professor Juniper of Unova.

"If you can just bring them over here please." Professor Ivy said to Cassidy suddenly, drawing her out of her shocken stupor.

"O-of course!" She replied while maintaining her professionalism, and wheeling the cart into the room so she could set up the snacks and drinks. The entire time she kept an eye on Ace as he fucked the older professor, feeling that seeing the recording and seeing him in action right before her eyes were completely different.

If Cassidy were being honest, part of her wanted to try that cock out herself after seeing it in action, and she even grew slightly wet just by watchng Ace go to town on the slutty professor. The man may be an enemy of Team Rocket, but he can really FUCK.

Cassidy continued watching Ace fuck professor Juniper as professor Ivy started searching through the mess of discarded clothes and such for her wallet to pay her. After all, Cassidy still needed to play the part of an SS. Anne employee.

So while she was waiting Cassidy continued watching Ace until he gave one last thrust, and filled professor Juniper's cunt with his seed.

'H-he just came inside her like it was nothing?!' Cassidy exclaimed internally, stunned even as she watched him pull his entire cock out of her before a stream of semen followed it.

"Think you can bring me a glass of Mago berry juice?" He asked her suddenly, as if it were normal to ask for service while in the middle of an orgy.

"Of course sir~!" Cassidy responded, seeing her chance as she coolly slipped the vial out of her pocket and added it's contents to the glass without anyone seeing her before bringing it to Ace.

"All of our juices are freshly squeezed from our own greenhouses here on the ship~!" Cassidy explained as she gave him the standard sales pitch.

"Is that so?" Ace asked as he accepted the glass.

Cassidy unintentially began holding her breath as she watched him take it, before lifting it to his mouth and downing the entire contents right then and there.


Cassidy immediately began celebrating internally that her plan had worked, not knowing what it was she had actually just done. If she had, then she would have been running for the hills already.

Ace on the other hand, knowing Cassidy had slipped something into his drink, wasn't too worried since Jessie had assured him that it wasn't anything harmful. But he had failed to realize that just because something wouldn't 'harm' him, doesn't mean that it wouldn't be something that affected him at all.

The second the Mago berry juice hit Ace's stomach, along with the liquid Cassidy spiked it with, Ace felt a sudden unbearable heat spread throughout his entire body, while the vast majority of it concentrated on his cock and balls.

"GAH!" Ace groaned as his already erect cock throbbed while feeling even slightly larger and more erect than normal, to the point that it was almsot painful.

"Is something wrong Ace?!" Lillie asked as she and other girls became worried, as none of them had ever seen him act like this before.

Instead of answering though, there was only one thing on Ace's mind. Relieving the increasingly painful pressure that building within his loins.

And there was only one way to do that.

While the girls were growing increasingly worried about Ace, Cassidy was growing gleeful that her plan had worked. Right up until Ace grabbed her twintails.

"Eh?" She uttered in confusion, opening her mouth slightly before Ace yanked painfully on her hair, and her mouth was forced ALL the way open by his throbbing cock.

"Gluck! Gluck! Gluck!"

*Smack! Smack! Smack!*

Cassidy had to fight the urge to gag as Ace Ketchum rammed his entire cock down her throat with enough force that his balls were repeatedly smacking her chin, and her eyes began to water from his waist slamming into her nose.

Within seconds Cassidy was mess of tears, drool and snot as she was viciously face-fucked by Ace, with absolutely no regard for her own well-being or enjoyment.

"Ace?" Daisy uttered his name hesitantly, as none of them knew what was going on.

However all Ace did was continue to use her twintails to face-fuck Cassidy without even acknowledging anyone else was there, even as he gave one last thrust before filling her mouth and throat with more cum than he'd ever shot in either lives. And with the girth Ace's cock had, all Cassidy could do was gulp down every single drop of it as quickly as possible.

Before she could finish though, Ace extracted his cock from her mouth before hauling her up painfully by her hair.

"P-please..." Cassidy tried to plea, with tears, snot, drool and now cum running down her face.

But her pleas went unanswered as Ace threw her over the back of the couch with her butt pointed at him, before he proceeded to rip the uniform from her body with his bare hands.

"Ace, stop!" Professor Ivy cried out while trying to grab Ace's arm to hold him still, and professor Juniper did the same on the other side. However their strength meant nothing to Ace as he tore the underwear from Cassidy's body, and impaled her without a single second of hesitation.


Cassidy screamed as she was impaled by the largest cock she ever had inside of her, with absolutely no foreplay or preparation. She could only consider herself lucky that she had started getting increasingly wet ever since she stepped inside the room, as a result of being passively aroused from Ace radiating his lustful aura.

None of the girls knew what to do as Ace proceeded to R@pe Cassidy right before their eyes, with them knowing only that something was VERY wrong with Ace right now. And it had all started the moment he drank the juice that Cassidy gave him.

Even if they tried to stop him, nothing worked with how powerful Ace's body was, though thankfully he never hurt them in retaliation. Instead he just continued fucking Cassidy, until he finally came.

"NO! Not inside!" Cassidy wailed as she felt the cock twitch inside of her, before Ace buried it's entire length in her and unleashed a massive torrent of semen into her vulnerable womb.


Cassidy wailed as she felt the burning hot semen flow into her womb, possibly impregnating her.

"I'll give you something to take later so you don't get pregnant." Ivy hurriedly tried to reassure her, only she failed since Ace resumed fucking Cassidy as soon as the last drop of cum exited his urethra.

This process repeated itself as Ace repeatedly fucked Cassidy, over and over again, with no regard for her own feelings or their surroundings. Meanwhile the girls hurriedly tried to figure out just what was going on with Ace for him to act this way, mainly Joy with professors Ivy and Juniper helping her.

Unfortunately there was only so much they could do without any proper lab equipment, and there was the fact that they were constantly being exposed to Ace's rampant sexual aura. With each passing second they were finding it harder and harder to focus with their own growing arousal.

That was why, when Ace decided he had enough of fucking Cassidy, mainly because she passed out from her continuous orgasms, there was next to no resistance from any of the other girls as he started fucking them as well.

For the most part they were too aroused from Ace's sexual aura to care about anything else other than cumming, while a few of them actually enjoyed the rough and barbaric treatment from him, especially after the earlier talk of being pricesses that were being assaulted by a barbaric brute.

The main one truly enjoying themself was Jessie, who had scaled the outside of the ship so she could record the entire thing from the balcony without anyone noticing her. This was also a part of the plan of course, to get dirt on Cassidy like Ace had done to jessie so long ago.

What jessie had NOT anticipated was her also growing increasingly aroused just by being so close to Ace, to the point that her panties were soon completely soaked.

And then, right as Jessie decided she might have to leave, Ace looked in her direction with his lust-filled eyes.

'Maybe using the most potent aphrodisiac I could find was a bit too much...' Jessie thought to herself, before promptly trying to flee back down the side of the ship the way she came.

She ALMOST made it too...

Right as Jessie was about to get away, she felt someone pull her back by her hair.

"OW! NOT MY HAIR!" Jessie shrieked with both pain and anger, while also considering for the first time that perhaps it was time for a style change if it made so easy to catch her.

Such thoughts would have to wait until later though, as Ace promptly proceeded to shred the clothes on her body, and violate her in the most amaz-er....pleasu-ah...'horrible' ways possible.





Queen Ilene groaned as she tossed and turned in her bed, due to the overwhelming amount of stimulation her body was currently receiving due to her aura sense. It was only when she finally opened her eyes as she awoke that she realized something was wrong.

"Ace?" She uttered in confusion, realizing that the overwhelming amount of lust she was feeling was coming from him. But, there was something different about it. About HIM.

Ilene had learned quite a bit about Ace's aura usage in bed the night before, namely how he passively used it to increase the arousal of those around him, and and actively used it to maximize the pleasure his partners were feeling during the act.

Now however, Ilene could only feel what seemed like desperation in Ace's aura to 'release' as much as possible, no matter the means.

Worried about Ace, as well as those he was with, Ilene hurriedly dressed in a nightgown and left her room as she went to check on him. Thankfully the guardians had already gone to bed for the night, for she did NOT want to explain to them what she was doing.

As she hurried through the halls Ilene noted the amount of people seemingly caught up in the potency of Ace's lustful aura, making her wonder if there would be something of a small baby-boom in each region within the next year.

Ilene could not worry about that right now though as she hurried to Ace's room, which wasn't that far from her own thankfully since they were both staying in suites.

By now, with her being in such close proximity to Ace, Ilene could feel that her undergarments were completely soaked as they rubbed against her sensitive mound, but she ignored that as best she could while opening the door to Ace's room with the master key she had. And what greeted her was a scene of chaos.

Ilene recalled that the previous night Ace had been 'defeated' by the sheer number of women in his bed, though it had been a very close thing. Now however, she saw even more women in Ace's room as they were all collapsed in exhaustion, while Ace himself was still going almost frantically, as he fucked the girl she recognized as professor Oak's grandaughter.

"Ace?" Ilene uttered quietly, drawing his attention to her. And it was only then that the queen realized she may have messed up.

The next thing Ilene knew, she was on her back on a table as her nightgown and undergarments were literally torn from her body, exposing her naked body to a man for the first time in her entire life. At the same time, Ace grabbed her legs and spread them open so that her most private place was fully exposed, before she tried to cover it with her hands.

"Please no Ace! This isn't you!" Ilene pleaded with him, though her pleas fell on deaf ears. And if she'd know what was about to happen next, she wouldn't have tried to cover her pussy.

Ace needed a hole to thrust his meet into, and with her blocking one he decided to go with another.

Ilene onlly had a brief second of realization that she'd messed up as she felt Ace press his cock-head against her tight anal ring, before he pushed forward.

"Wait-!" Ilene tried to stop him, before her anal ring gave way and his entire cock went up her ass, lubed by the juices of the other girls he'd fucked before now.


Ilene's mouth opened and closed in a silent scream as she felt her butthole being forcibly spread and inavded, right up until she felt Ace's hips hit her buttcheeks.

"Mew...above!" She swore as his cock seemed to poke her belly, before he pulled it mostly out and thrust it back in.

Ilene, queen of the Rota kingdom, was having her first ever sexual experience as Ace Ketchum, a boy nearly a decade younger than her, ravaged her ass like she was nothing more than a common whore.

And the worst part?

With Ace's aura as thick as it was, Ilene actually began to enjoy the sensation of him fucking her ass once the intial pain began to subside, and her cries of pain slowly began to give way to moans of pleasure.

Ilene didn't know which was worse, her enjoying the rough fucking her ass was receiving, or her actually cumming at the same time as Ace when he filled her bowels with burning hot seed.

Of course it didn't stop there, and as soon as he finished cumming Ace began fucking her anew as he produced what seemed like a never ending supply of semen. And it was at that moment that Ilene realized something.

She had originally come to the SS. Anne to discuss Ace returning to Rota with her due to his aura capabilities, as well as his brother. Both however had refused her request, preferring to continue their own respective journeys.

However, Ilene realized that if she was able to take Ace as he husband then he would have a tie to Rota, especially since honor would demand he take responsibility for defiling a queen like her.

True, she would not be able to make him return with her and stay with her, but Ilene could use that to obligate him to journey to Rota someday, and also to act as it's protector. And even more so if say....he impregnated her while defiling her?

Not only would that tie Ace himself to them even more, but Ilene would also be able to add his genes to her own bloodline, significantly strengthening the royal family for generations. She was already being hounded by her advisors on finding a consort and bearing an heir anyways, so this plan would simply kill several Pidgey with one stone.

The only wrinkle in her plan was that Ilene couldn't get pregnant from him fucking her up the ass, no matter how enjoyable she was starting to find it.

So when Ace pulled back enough that his cock nearly fell out of her, Ilene quickly shifted position so that he would enter her other hole the next time. Of course there was something she had forgotten, only to be reminded when he thrust forward and tore through her maidenhood.

"Tsssssss!" Ilene hissed as Ace violently tore through her purity to violate her womb, making her go through the pain all over again as he fucked her second virgin hole.

Thankfully the same thing as before happened as Ilene began to ignore the pain as pleasure filled her instead from his aura, right as Ace spilled his first load directly into her vulnerable womb.

To ensure she didn't spill a single drop of his valuable seed, and that this would not be the last, Ilene quickly wrapped her legs around Ace's waist even as he resumed fucking her yet again.

"Yes Ace..." She groaned as pleasure soon became all that she felt.

"Fuck me more, and breed me!" Ilene declared as she began bucking her hips to match his own pace, and speaking in a manner that did NOT befit royalty. She needed him to cum inside her as much as possible after all.

And Ace was more than happy to oblige in his lust-filled haze.


"Ugh..." I groaned as I slowly stirred to waking, my head hurting worse than any hangover I ever felt in my last life while my cock was still so hard that it hurt, even as something enveloped it.

Light streamed in through the windows as I slowly sat up despite someone laying on top of me, trying to recall what exactly had happened. The last thing I recalled was drinking the juice Cassidy brought, and then...


A sudden rush of memories assaulted me then as I recalled EVERYTHING, and saw who it was that was laying on top of me, with my still-hard cocked inside of her as well.

"Queen Ilene? Oh fuck."