Chereads / Pokemon: Arceus' Champion / Chapter 168 - The Morning After

Chapter 168 - The Morning After

As I recalled everything that had happened last night, I was filled with worry for a variety of reasons. The biggest one was currently limp in my lap while impaled on my cock, the queen of Rota, lady Ilene.

No matter how you spun it, I had basically r@ped the monarch of a foreign nation.

Yes, I could recall her basically screaming things like 'breed me', but that was neither here nor there at the moment.

First thing though, was questioning Jessie about what it was she had arranged for Cassidy to drug me with. I thought it would be something like water, not that Jessie would actually drug me and turn me into a sex monster.

Of course, that may have to wait until after dealing with the Donphan trunk in the room.

At that thought I slowly twisted myself and Ilene to lay her down on the bed, and slid my cock out from her pussy as she groaned a little in protest.

Glancing at a clock told me it was already almost noon, which explained why it was so bright out right now, and yet I was still so hard it was actually painful. My only thought on that was that I better not need treatment for my dick because Jessie slipped me suped up viagra.

Speaking of...

I made my way over to the unconscious double agent and nudged her with my foot, only for her to turn over.

"Not now Meowth... I need my beauty sleep...."

"It wont do you much good if you ask me." I replied with venom in my voice, and Jessie's eyes shot open in alarm.


"Explain Jessie. Now." I ordered while taking a seat on the couch in front of her, while she wisely stayed on her knees as she kneeled in front of me. Despite how sore she undoubtedly was down there.

"Well.... I figured that no real harm could come from it?" She said lamely, to which my brow twitched irritably.

"I see... So you drugged me with something that we had NO IDEA what kind of effect would have on me?" I clarified, making her wince with every single word.



I could only sigh in exasperation at her stupidity, though in truth her rivalry with Cassidy probably had a lot to do with the current situation. Either way...

"Come here Jessie." I ordered her, and she readily complied.

"Time for you to be punished." I said, before bending her over my knee and giving her ass an aura-enhanced slap.







I spanked Jessie ten times before I decided that was enough, leaving numerous handprints welted all over her ass, made all the worse from how sore she was from last night. But her punishment wasn't finished just yet.

I dug through the 'fun' pocket of my bag, until I pulled out a few different toys. A couple pill vibrators along with a buttplug.

One pill went into her pussy, while the other went up her ass before the plug went in as well. I then turned both pills up to their maximum setting, before telling her, "Jessie, you are forbidden to masturbate or otherwise pleasure yourself for the entire day. Also, I want you to get down in front of me and suck me off."

The first part of my order was to make her suffer as she teetered on the edge of cumming all day long, which I could control the pills setting through an app on my phone. The second part was because I think some of the drug was still in my system, so I was hoping that by cumming a few more times it would finally wear off.

As Jessie readily returned to her knees in between mine, and took my cock into her mouth to service me, I turned my attention towards the other Rocket in the room. And no, I wasn't talking about Giana.

"You can stop pretending to be asleep now Cassidy." I told her, making the supposedly unconscious Rocket flinch before she too got up.

"Uh Um....." She said while trying to look anywhere but at me.

"Look at me Cassidy." I ordered her, and she slowly complied.

By this point several of the girls had started to wake up, seemingly roused by the sound of me spanking Jessie's ass, and were watching us curiously. However I could tell that Misty, May, Dawn, and Joy all recognized Jessie now that she wasn't wearing a disguise, and were seemingly putting two and two together.

Well, looks as if the Meowth is out of the bag.

As the last of the girls woke, Lady Ilene, I explained what was going on for everyone here.

"As you all know, I've been waging war on Team Rocket ever since I began my journey. For those of you who haven't met her, Jessie here is an agent of Team Rocket that has been instrumental in that war through the information she has been able to provide me as we continued our journey."

"Isn't she the one who attacked my family's Gym?" Misty asked with venom in her voice, making Jessie flinch as she gargled my cock.

"Yes, but I already punished her for that. Plus she explained that it was James and Meowth who pushed for the attack." I answered her, having already confirmed the truth in Jessie's words when I 'punished' her after that.

I then looked back at Cassidy and said to them, "This is Cassidy, another agent of Team Rocket who bugged our room with the camera the other day. And I learned about it from reading her mind when she was leaving our room after 'cleaning' it. I had Jessie arrange this to get another Rocket agent under my thumb, and I wanted Cassidy specifically because she was already in hot water for being blamed for me knowing about the camera. Which was actually the case."

As I finished speaking Cassidy was staring at me in disbelief while looking between Jessie and I with realization.

"So you knew the entire time?" She asked incredulously.

"Yep. I could also sense each and every single Rocket that's aboard the SS. Anne right now through their aura, and have compiled a list for the League when they attack."

"There's approximately 65 members of Team Rocket aboard this ship that I can currently sense. It's a few more than I sensed yesterday, and when I arrived the night before. So that must mean that you lot are slowly infiltrating the ship so as not to arouse suspicion for when you attack." Said another voice as Lady Ilene joined the conversation, taking a seat on the couch beside me as she did so with all the elegance of a naked queen who had been used as a meat toilet just hours prior.

I even saw her fight back a wince when she actually applied weight to her ass.

I REALLY hoped I wasn't going to be declared an enemy of Rota after last night. Though thankfully it didn't seem like Lady Ilene held any sort of resentment towards me, for now at least.

I put such concerns out of my mind as I turned back towards Cassidy, who looked to be deep in thought as she went over everything we told her. Even more so as she glanced at Giana behind us, who smirked as she also stepped forward to join the conversation, sitting on my other side as she did so.

"Since both of you are here, then I might as well say that I have known since the beginning that you betrayed Team Rocket Jessie." She flinched on my cock when she heard that. "And as for you Cassidy, I have already started making moves to separate from Team Rocket since I have decided that Giovanni is no longer capable of leading us. Your choice is already clear, but let me clarify it some more for you. No matter what, Team Rocket as we know it is finished. Giovanni just hasn't figured it out yet."

A stunned silence met Giana's declaration, from Cassidy, Jessie, and the rest of the girls around us. I knew that for the most part Giana still wasn't trusted by them, but I think her statement just now may have changed some minds. After all, even on the worst end you can see her as a Raticate deserting a sinking ship.

"So you're saying that its hopeless?" Cassidy asked with frustration in her voice as she clenched her fists.

"Not really. I mean, I did all of this to begin with to get you in my employ. Similarly to Jessie, you are incredibly skilled at what you do, and I WILL have a need for such skilled people in the near future. So your choices are to either accept my offer, or drown with Team Rocket."

With my piece said, I leaned back in the couch while Jessie's head continued moving up and down in my lap, until I finally released in her mouth. Not only did the release itself feel heavenly, it was as if a dam had burst and released the pressure that had built up without me knowing.

"Haaa... That feels so good..." I sighed contently as I pumped cum down Jessie's throat.

"Are you still affected by whatever happened last night?" Joy asked me worriedly.

"Just an erection that wont go down just yet. But I think I just need to 'release' the remaining pressure." I explained, as my dick and balls already felt quite a bit better after that last orgasm.

"In that case, Cassidy's first duty as your new employee should be to help relieve your 'pain'." Ivy suggested with a smirk.

"Great idea!" I said in agreement, indicating for Jessie to make room for Cassidy.

Curiously, Cassidy appeared....apprehensive about servicing me. Something that made sense I guess after I used her twintails as handlebars to face-fuck her after ingesting that stuff last night.

With everyone's attention on her though, Cassidy eventually relented as she approached me and took the head of my cock into her mouth.

"Oh yeah.... Thats the stuff..." I sighed as the wet warmth of Cassidy's mouth enveloped my cock, bit by bit as she slowly made her way down it.

"So ladies..." Daisy suddenly said as I felt her hands upon my shoulders, before they moved down to gently trace my pecks. "I think its about time that we have ourselves a girl's talk, once we take care of our man of course."

I cocked a brow at that and was going to ask what exactly she meant, but before I could Daisy put a finger to my lips as she purred into my ear, "Not now. We can explain later, after we discuss a few things."

As she said that I noted Daisy throwing a look at both Giana and Ilene beside me, giving me an idea what it was they were going to talk about.


A short while later I found myself being unceremoniously kicked out of my own suite after my erection finally went down, and I had been cleaned up after a night of berserk snu-snu. So I went to go see how my partner was doing, since I was sure that what happened to me last night had bled into him via our connection.

An entire section of the ship was dedicated to pokemon who for some reason or another did not go into their pokeballs, like Pidgeot, which was where I knew Lucario would be found. But even I hadn't been expecting to find him in the state he was.

Lucario himself was in no notable condition, but he had Cynthia's Lucario clinging to him on one side, May's Blaziken clinging to him on the other, and Dawn's Empoleon wrapping all three of them in her large flippers from behind.


"What did you do?" Lucario growled at me the moment I approached.

"Honestly? Nothing. I was drugged, and the effects only wore off a little bit ago." I told him with complete honesty. After all, I knew that Cassidy would TRY to drug me, I just hadn't known that Jessie gave her an actual drug to use.

"I see..." Lucario said in a flat tone, while I glanced at the three pokemon with him.

"It was that strong?" I asked him.

"You have no idea." Lucario affirmed, making me shake my head.

"I already punished Jessie for it, so it shouldn't happen again. But enough about that, lets get some more battles in before the preliminaries end today!" I declared, making Lucario sigh before he rose to his feet.

"Indeed. A battle or two would be nice." He said in agreement.

"Great! The only one I need to battle today is Whitney of the Goldenrod city Gym in Johto. Think you can track her down for me while I make a quick call to Brock?" I asked while showing him a picture of Whitney to go off of.

"Very well. I shall return swiftly." Lucario said, before practically fleeing away from the rest of us at high speed, leaving Blaziken, Empoleon and Lucario behind as well as they watched him leave longingly.

"Don't worry. He'll come around eventually." I assured them, before having Rotom call Brock.

"Hm? Hey Ace, what's up?" Brock asked when he answered his phone, in the middle of the fossil sanctuary.

"I just wanted to show you something Brock." I answered cryptically, before opening a pokeball on my belt.

"Ramp!" Rampardos roared as he appeared, making Brock's brows shoot upwards.

"Well look at you!" Brock declared happily.

"Ramp ramp! Dos!" Rampardos happily responded as he 'spoke' to Brock.

"He evolved last night after some loser challenged me with his Raticate. The Raticate itself wasn't all that bad, but immediately after they lost he tried to trade it for Cranidos. Obviously I told him to get lost, and Cranidos told the guy he was my 'spear'. Then he evolved to prove his point."

Brock was shaking his head as I finished recounting what happened, obviously exasperated with the guy for what he had tried to do.

"Some people simply don't understand what it means to be a good trainer."

"Then they wonder why they never advance." I pointed out with a smirk, to which Brock nodded in agreement.

"Yes, and they never seem to realize their own faults... ANYWAYS, I was wanting to call you soon anyways Ace. I have something to show you." Brock said, piquing my curiosity as he quickly made his way to one of the more secure buildings on the sanctuary, before shifting his pokenav to reveal several rows of eggs.

"Oh? Is that your nursery?" I asked him.

"Yeah, this is where we keep the eggs laid by our pokemon so we can study them and ensure they're developing safely. Obviously we give them back to the parents right before they hatch, so that they can form a proper relationship as parent and child. But that's not I came in here for."

My curiosity grew as Brock approached a certain shelf that had only two eggs on it, which he seemed particularly proud about.

"Do you know what these two eggs are Ace?" He asked me finally.

"No idea." I answered truthfully.

"They're Archen and Amaura eggs, and each one has only one of those pokemon as it's parent!" Brock declared, and I was immediately paying attention.


"Yep! I tried a few different partners with it in our private breeding pens, since no one is supposed to know about them just yet. One was a male Archeops, while the other was a female Aurorus, proving that Ditto can successfully breed with BOTH genders of pokemon!"

With each word Brock said I was growing increasingly excited, as it proved just how valuable Ditto were for breeders and pokemon everywhere.

"Have you told the professors yet?" I asked him.

"No, not yet. I want to wait until they get closer to hatching so we can watch them do so, plus I can send my notes to them all at once instead of just sending snippets here and there. But these two eggs are my highest priority right now, and only my most trusted and experienced assistants are allowed to help me handle and care for them. Oh! I'm also planning to delay a fossil dig that I'm going to be heading until after they hatch. You should come to that as well Ace."

"That sounds fun, but why are YOU heading the dig? You're a trainer and a breeder, not an archeologist." I asked him pointedly.

"True, but the League is growing impatient with the amount of people who have been disregarding pokemon habitats, like the incident with your Snorlax. The professor told me he confirmed that it was pushed out of it's territory due to a construction project, which made it try to attack a town just to get food. Last I heard, the group responsible has been barred from building there indefinitely, which has cost them no small amount of money as a result. It'll also serve as a reminder for anyone else who doesn't properly survey the land they plan to build on."

I nodded slowly in agreement while listening to Brock's story, which made me feel some kind of vindication in my heart. After all, Snorlax had told me himself of how he was forced from his home, so I knew that had been the case.

"Anyways, the dig will be in a few weeks if the timeline for hatching these two eggs is on track for others that we've had. And it'll be in a place that should be on track for you guys going through the League circuit, Grampa canyon west of Fuchsia city."

After discussing a few more details we finished talking, and I made a note of the dig and the site Brock told me about with Rotom, mainly so that I didn't forget, before getting to the task of locating Whitney before the preliminaries ended. And trust me, that was a harder task than it sounded like with how big the SS. Anne was.

With Lucario searching one end of the ship, I searched the other as we looked for the Gym Leader, while I also indulged in a few battles as well. It was the last day of preliminaries, so I decided to let some of my newer pokemon get into a few battles, with my stronger pokemon in reserve so we didn't actually lose of course.

Tomorrow, only my powerhouses will get the chance to shine, and I'm certain they'll make some waves when they do. But until then, my little guys can have a chance to be in the spotlight.

"Shroomish, use Stun Spore!"

"Fly up Rookidee, and then dive in with a Peck."


I watched as light orange spores filled the arena thanks to the opponent's Shroomish, but Rookidee flew up above the spores before hanging there for a second. And then, he angled back down while aiming directly at Shroomish, his beak glowing with flying type energy.

"Get out of there Shroomish!" The guy across from me ordered, but it was too late.

Rookidee dove right into the cloud of spores covering the arena, but he was already on target as he delivered the final Peck needed to end the match on top of Shroomish's head.

"Shroomish is unable to battle! Ace and Rookidee are the winners!" The drone declared, but this time it didn't immediately fly away.


"Holy shit... It is that time?!" I exclaimed as I checked my watch, along with just about everyone else. And still no sign or word from Lucario about Whitney.

"I don't suppose anyone knows where Whitney is?" I asked the crowd to make a last ditch effort.

"Whitney? Who's that?"

"Isn't she the Leader of Goldenrod Gym?"

"Yeah! I saw her selling moomoo milk on the upper deck!"


Are you fucking kidding me?

No wonder Lucario and I couldn't find her, we've been looking around the arenas where people are battling. Not at a fucking market stall!

"Thanks!" I told the guy who gave me the information, and hurried towards where they said she was. I could also feel Lucario headed that way when he sensed what I was doing.

I quickly found Whitney after arriving on the appropriate deck due to her having a small crowd of people around her, all of which were trying to buy the milk that she and her family sold from their farm in Johto.

"Come and get it! The best moomoo milk in all of Kanto and Johto, sold right here! After all, the happiest Miltank give the best milk!" Whitney declared as she quickly passed out bottles of milk, while another girl beside her accepted payment from their customers. I also noticed that each bottle came with a card attached, probably their contact information to do orders for people from other regions as well.

I watched the last hour of the preliminaries dwindle down while I waited until there were only a mere fifteen minutes left, at which point I finally got her attention.

"Hello there~! Are you interested in buying some milk?"

"Thanks, but I came for something a bit more important." I said, making Whitney look at me curiously before I held up a pokeball.

"A battle before time runs out. One round, with two pokemon each. How about it?"

Whitney paused what she was doing as she appeared contemplative of whether or not to accept, before she finally asked,

"What pokemon are you planning on sending out? If they're cute then I might accept."

I smiled widely while taking a step back and pulling two pokeballs from my belt, before tossing them out to the side.

"Come on out~!"



Whitney seemed to blank for a moment as she looked at my pokemon, before her entire face brightened up considerably.

"Oh my gosh! You have a Miltank too?!" She cried before taking my hands excitedly.

"Of course I'll accept your challenge! But be prepared to lose, because this is who I'M sending out!"

As she said that, Whitney tossed out two pokeballs herself that opened to reveal their inhabitants, and my mind went slightly numb.



Just like me, Whitney sent out her own Miltank and Tauros. Except these were unlike any Miltank and Tauros I had ever seen, as they BOTH towered over my pokemon like they were children.