Chereads / Pokemon: Arceus' Champion / Chapter 111 - The Big Surprise

Chapter 111 - The Big Surprise

After departing Lavender town our morning was fairly calm and peaceful, walking amongst the mountains that towered on either side of the road, interrupted only by the occassional scurrying or cries of small pokemon, usually a few Spearow or Rattata. At one point however I swear I saw a Mankey.

That in itself wasn't too surprising since they typically inhabited mountains and forests, but I could have sworn that as it ran off I heard it say something about the mountain king.

That incident aside, nothing happened all morning as we traveled with our pokemon, who were out with us to explore and train a little bit while we went. After I sent the rest of my pokemon back to the professor last night, I only had Grovyle, Grotle, Wartortle, Tangela, Lickitung, Buizel, and Golbat with me along with Lucario, Pidgeot and Charizard, and my breeder pokemon.

The reason I had kept all of them on me was because they all still needed to evolve into their final forms, which I hoped to be able to help them do before we reach Vermillion city. Particularly Grotle since it's final form, Torterra, was another ground type that could help immensely.

I also had Gastly, Cubone, Honedge and Electabuzz that would need to evolve as well, but none of them had been with me as long as the others. They would be the main ones I rotated until we got to Vermillion though, aside from Sharpedo and her pack once we got out of the mountains to the oceanside.

There was also Graveler, Cranidos and Tyrunt, but the former would take too long to evolve even with training, while the latter two were still too young with naturally aggressive temperments, despite their typing advantage. Though they were still getting their nightly Soft Sand scrubs, which will help Graveler get closer to evolving with each scrub.

"Tuuuuung!" Lickitung suddenly cried as she rumbled by us, using the move Rollout as she did so to train it.

"Tannnnngela...." Groaned the mass of blue vines as it struggled to use the move Ancient Power.

Both of them only evolved after reaching a certain proficiency in the respective moves, so they were training them as much as possible on top of their typical training.

Meanwhile Grovyle was busy scaling the trees and cliffsides around us to continuously push his agility and acrobatics, while occasionally using Leaf Blade on the rocks to develope his attacks. As he did that, both Buizel and Wartortle were firing off Water Guns and Hydro Pumps at him to train the move's power and usage, as well as their accuracy.

In the air I had Pidgeot, Charizard and Golbat flying around as they fired moves off at one another occasionally, not to battle or spar, but to train their ability to maneuver in midair. And down here beside us was Grotle, who's training was just firing a Magical Leaf at any targets I pointed out to him.

"Do you think we can stop for lunch soon?" May suddenly asked with a whine as her stomach rumbled in need.

I thought about it for a second before realizing that it was getting to be lunch time, and looked up to my flying pokemon.

"PIDGEOT!" I cried up to my bird, who heard me and disengaged from the others as he drifted down towards us.

"Geo?" He asked curiously.

"How far until we clear the mountains?" I asked him.

"Pi pi pidgeot!" He stated while pointing his wing down the road.

"What did he say?" Dawn asked curiously, while there was a hopeful gleam in May's eyes as her stomach grumbled once more.

"Once we round the next bend we'll be out of the mountains. we can stop for lunch there." I said, to which May practically took off down the road to hurry with Combusken following behind her.

Shaking my head at her, I ushered the girls and pokemon forwards while Pidgeot took off once more. Only twenty minutes later, and we rounded the last bend of the mountain path to find the right side open up completely for sparkling blue waters that stretched as far as the eye could see.

"The sea!" Misty exclaimed happily as she took off towards the coastline, stripping off her top and booty-shorts as she did so. Thankfully she only ever wore a bikini underneath, but that did pose the question of when DID Misty wear actual underwear?

May, having ran ahead, was already down by the water with Combusken as they explored the coastline together along with a couple of her other pokemon, like Baltoy and Spheal. My pokemon meanwhile joined Dawn, Joy and I as we made our way down to the water edge, all ready for a quick break as we had lunch.

I watched as both Wartortle and Buizel made a dash for the ocean to play in the water, while even Lickitung used Rollout to dash right down there and join them. Pidgeot meanwhile immediately started to lazily drift on the ocean wind above the water, while his sharp eyes scanned it for any potential water pokemon that he could have for lunch.

As we got closer May came back and said to me excitedly, "I found a small grove of trees over there! It looks like a good enough place to have lunch."

"Alright. Lets go check it out." I said, following her lead to the grove along with Dawn and Joy, while Misty also started making her way when she noticed where we were going. I couldn't help but to notice she already had all of her pokemon out as well now.

Once in the shade of the grove, which also had a stream running from the mountains to the ocean, we happily broke out the bentos Joy made us even before we left this morning. Seriously, my nurse was just too awesome!

As we ate Misty even threw out a fishing line with a bell on it, obviously hoping to reel in some new water type pokemon since the ocean usually had species from different regions in it.

Meanwhile Lucario took the spare lunch that I had prepared to Janine where she was silently watching over us. Of course I honored her wishes to remain secret as much as possible, so the girls didn't know about her silently protecting me. But Lucario had sharper aura senses than I did, so he figured it out pretty quickly.

When all of us were full and lazing in the shade away from the sun, Dawn suddenly said, "I hope theres another spot like this where we can set up camp tonight."

"We can just stay at this spot if you want." I said, surprising the girls.

"Really?" May asked in surprise.

"Yeah. Its not like we have a deadline to be at Vermillion by, as long as we get there before the SS. Anne. So we can just take our time while traveling." I explained.

"That sounds nice!" Joy stated happily.

"Maybe, but that means camping pretty every night for a few weeks..." Misty said dejectedly.

"Or not..." I replied mysteriously, drawing the eyes of all of the girls once more.

"Come with me." I said, standing and moving out of the grove to a clear patch of ground, obviously up the bank and away from the waterline.

With my good hand, I pulled out the case I had received before leaving Lavender this morning, opening it to reveal three unique looking Pokeballs. The first one was light green with leaves and flowers decorating it.

Taking the Pokeball in my hand, I pressed my thumb against the button and held it for a few seconds, before tossing it out onto the the ground in front of me. A second later it popped open, and a light similar to that of a pokemon appeared flashed.

Once the light faded it revealed a circular building made from brick and stone, with a domed glass roof that had a network of metal brackets holding it in place.




Misty, May and Dawn all uttered one after the other in disbelief, while Joy just gaped up at the building in awe.

"That, is our new greenhouse." I proudly stated, before opening the door set in the stone wall.

While the building itself was only about twenty feet across on the outside, on the inside they incorporated the interior expanding tech I suggested alongside the Capsules, so it was actually a mile across. According to the manual I read earlier anyways.

Inside was a literal forest of trees and brush of all kinds, mostly berry and fruit bearing species, as well as several large trees that could house numerous bird, grass and bug type pokemon. But, as we moved further in, there was also a small pond being fed by numerous small streams that not only added aesthetic, but also functioned as irrigation for all of the vegetation within the greenhouse.

Immediately our pokemon ran out to explore the greenhouse, with Grovyle quickly claiming the largest tree for himself while Golbat, Swablu, and Chatot also went to claim whatever perch they wanted. Similarly, our water pokemon, Wartortle, Buizel, Prinplup, and Spheal, all went to check out the pond and streams that spread throughout the greenhouse. Grotle however just went and found himself a nice patch of sunlight to rest in.

"Come on out!" I declared, calling out Vespiquen along with her hive.


"Hey Vespiquen! Check out the new greenhouse!" I told her, to which she happily trilled while her Combee began to explore. What I didn't tell her was that there was a large structure that I had asked for within the trees, which was shaped like a typical beehive, for them all to call home whenever we set up 'camp' from now on.

Soon all of our pokemon, that could fit through the door and move around comfortably inside, were exploring the greenhouse while also staking claims on certain spots they wanted. And with the manual stating that it extended down to twenty feet, to make room for the roots of the trees, they were even able to dig little burrows if they so wanted.

"Ace.... This is...." Dawn began before being at a loss for words, though obviously at a loss for words.

"Amazing? Incredible?" I offered with a smug smile, and they hadn't even seen anything yet.

I quickly gave the girls a tour of the greenhouse, based off of what the manual had told me, which mostly included major landmarks and the control center that could be used to register them for oporating the Capsule. There was even a small shed that was filled with all kinds of gardening tools and such, ranging from small shovels and hoes, to even a chainsaw for cutting up firewood.

I also showed them how, according to the manual, there was even a sprinkler and fan system hooked up, allowing us to even immitate rain and a breeze inside.

"So what do you all think?" I asked as we exited the greenhouse.

"It's amazing...." Dawn said, still in awe.

"But..." May began worriedly.

"Aren't Capsules REALLY expensive?" Misty demanded.

"Yes, they are. But its alright, I'll explain in a few minutes." I told them to try and reassure them, while also pulling the next Capsule from the case.

This time it was one that had the standard Pokeball coloring of red and white, but it had a large pink P on it.

I held my thumb against it like I had the last one, allowing it to scan my fingerprint before tossing it onto a clear space like I had the previous one. And like the previous Capsule, there was a flash of light that faded to reveal an entire building that wasn't there before.

This one however looked like a small shack with pristine white walls, and a red roof with a trademark P on it.

"It can't be....." Joy utered in disbelief, her aura fluctuating wildly as tears formed in her eyes.

"Surprise Joy! It's your very own Pokemon Center!" I declared while throwing my arms wide dramatically, before grabbing her hand and gently pulling her towards the front door.

Just like the greenhouse, the interior of the Pokemon Center was expanded far beyond what the exterior suggested, allowing plenty of room for every single piece of machinery and commodity that all Pokemon Centers had. There was a lobby with the front desk, an examination room, every kind of treatment and diagnosis machine currently used in all Pokemon Centers, a fully equipped kitchen, and even a few small rooms for visitors.

But what Joy focused all of her attention on was the plaque hanging on the wall behind the front desk, which officiated the building as an authentic Pokemon Center.

"I can't believe it..." She uttered quietly, the tears now running down her face.

"Believe it Joy. This is all yours." I told her, leaving no room for doubt in her mind.

"Sniff.... Thank YOUUUUUUUUU!" She wailed happily, clinging to my shirt as she buried her tear-soaked face into my chest. And despite her ruining my shirt, I just wrapped my arms around her and held her there until she calmed down enough to be let go.

"Come on." I said when she finally began to calm down. "I know you probably want to look around and stuff, but theres something else I want to show you first. I saved the best for last!"

Saying so, we exited the Pokemon Center together with Misty, May and Dawn, before I approached another empty space. And then I pulled out the last of the Capsules that I had, one that was brown and green with a picture of a house on it.

Activating it like I had the other two, I tossed it out and waited for the building to appear.

Appearing before the girls and I was a small two story log cabin, with a reach around porch and a chimney poking out of the roof.

"Welcome, to our new home!" I told the girls, who all gasped while having similar reactions as Joy before.

I then led them to the front door, and opened it to reveal another interior that didn't match the size of the exterior.

Inside the cabin was cozy and homely, mostly due to me asking them to prioritize the comforts and familiarity one would have at home, instead of simply expensive or good-looking furniture.

To the right as we entered was the lounge, which had a large couch with a couple squishy looking recliners, the fireplace, and a ninety inch flat-screen tv. Past that was the kitchen, which was fully equipped like the Pokemon Center's, and fully stocked already with everday food items that one would usually find in any house. But adding to it was also the equipment needed for trainers to make even Poffins and Pokeblocks.

Also in the main area connecting the lounge and kitchen was a couple display cases, which I figured we could use to display all of the Badges and Ribbons we would acquire throughout our journeys. And sitting opposite that was the newest model video phone/computer, like the ones used in Pokemon Centers, complete even with a machine to transfer pokemon and everything.

Though May, Dawn and I could change our's out whenever we wanted with our Pokedexs, Misty wouldn't be able to do the same since she didn't have one. With this machine though, she would be able to exchange her pokemon whenever we set up 'camp' with her father and sisters, who would be watching over them for her similarly to the professors for the rest of us.

"Weleome to Casa de Ketchum!" I stated happily, as the girls all began to look around the first floor.

Aside from the kitchen and lounge, I believe the manual stated that the rest of the first floor was taken up by a couple bedrooms, which would be guest rooms, and a bathroom. The second floor meanwhile was taken up entirely by five bedrooms, one for each of us, each of which had it's own walk-in closet with a personal bathroom.

Naturally, the master bedroom with the largest closet and bathroom would be mine, so that I can comfortably spend time with the girls at night. It was also the only bedroom that was properly furnished since I had requested all the furnishings myself. The others had the basics, like a bed and dressers, but other than that they were bare so the girls can customize them as they liked.

I explained such to them after they finished exloring the first floor, and while I could tell they wanted to hurry upstairs to explore and claim their rooms, we first had to address the Wailord in the room.

"So how did you get these Capsules Ace?" Misty began after we all sat down in the lounge, with four pairs of eyes on me intently.

"Yeah, I heard they're supposed to be REALLY expensive since they're so new." May added.

I nodded in affirmation at their questions before a smirk formed on my face, and I said, "True. But, what if I told you that I partially own Capsules?"


The shock on their faces was truly picturesque, so much so that I would've taken a picture of it if my hand wasn't still in a cast.

I then launched into an explanation as I told them of meeting Miguel back in Mt. Moon, and the discussion we had after I saved his life. At first he dismissed my idea of expanding the insides of buildings with the same tech applied to our backpacks, as well as the idea of shrinking buildings down to store in Capsules.

But then he thought about it for a moment before rushing off, leaving me alone with no answers. At least until I woke up in Lavender after the battle, only to see the League using Capsules to provide temporary housing for the people until their homes could be rebuilt.

After that I met with President Silph, who promised me nine percent of the profits made from both ideas, along with three free Capsules. Naturally, the three I had shown them today.

I also said I had two more Capsules that were on order, but would take a little longer to build since they were new ideas for them.

The first was my own personal training center, which will have equipment for both humans and pokemon to use, gravity manipulation so Chansey could train with us, and even a pool large enough for all three of my Gyarados to swim in comfortably. President Silph even said he'd modify the pool to be like the one at Cerulean Gym, which was capable of replicating up category 5 Hurricane conditions.

The second was a stable with personalized stalls that I could use to house my pokemon at night, giving them comfort that they wouldn't get outside or in their Pokeballs.

Sure, I had the greenhouse, but not all of my pokemon would be comfortable in there. Pidgeot for example wouldn't even fit through the door, let alone properly spread his wings with how small it was inside. Similarly, my Gyarados/Milotic wouldn't even be able to fit in the small pond on their own, let alone if all three/two of them were in it at the same time.

Not only would the stables I had in mind be able to comfortably fit even my largest pokemon, but they would also give privacy to my mated pairs, like my three Gyarados, the two Milotic, my two Ampharos(the female evolved on Thunder Ridge), and so on.

Though I was registered as an official Breeder, I hadn't been able to do anything about that yet since it would be hard to reliably breed pokemon while on the road. In fact, I had even told my pokemon they had to hold off on the hanky-panky for the time being, otherwise I probably would already have a clutch of eggs from Miltank and Tauros. Or maybe even May's Combusken and Dawn's Prinplup, what with the way they always looked at Lucario.

With the privacy and security of the stables I wanted though, then I could let my pokemon go at it like bunch of Lopunny.

The best part was that, with the money I was getting from Silph co, I could definitely afford to care for all of the extra pokemon I would have if they started breeding. Even more so if I got more Miltank from her breeding with Tauros, which would increase the amount of milk we could get.

The entire time the girls were silent as I gave them my explanation, including how I hadn't told them since I wanted it to be a surprise. And at the very end of it they all looked to be in a daze as May uttered, "Unbelievable..."

"I know... We're rich now!" Dawn exclaimed happily, making me smile wryly since her statement was pretty funny.

After all, Dawn's family worked for prefessor Rowen so they were pretty well off, Misty was the descendant of a long line of prolific seamen, and May was the daughter of the most famous professor in Hoenn, basically making her a less egotistical version of Gary. Joy meanwhile was a part of the clan that literally held THE monopoly on medicine in the entire world, AND would be receiving an allowance from them in order to run her new Pokemon Center.

So hearing Dawn comment about us being rich was rather funny, especially since I was the one who was the worst off financially in the entire group.

"My poor wallet...!" I bemoaned with fake despair, already knowing that the majority of my money will go towards the girls and my pokemon.

"So what about your other two Capsules? How are you going to pay for them?" Misty asked curiously.

"I'm not." I said simply, before pulling my Pokenav out and showing her my balance on it.

"I worked out with president Silph that about half of the money they send me will be taken out to pay for them until they're paid off, but I'll still get digital receipts to keep track of everything." As I said that I pointed out how I had received a notification stating that the money had been deposited, as well as a section detailing how much was withheld for my bill along with what was left.

"I see... So that means theres only one last thing we need to discuss..." May said in a deathly serious voice, drawing all attention to her as she finished, "Who gets what room?"

For a single beat there was silence, before all four girls leapt up and rushed for the second floor.

"Just remember the master bedroom is mine!" I called up to them without getting up, chuckling lightly as I did so.

I then reclined the chair I was in and closed my eyes to relax, thinking about our new home.

It was MY home now.

It was MY castle.

It was MINE.

True, I did enjoy living with my mom and Ash while growing up in this world, but there was something to be said about the peace of mind one would have from having their own space and home, something that typical trainers didn't have since we were always traveling.

I truly might have fallen asleep then and there, in the comfort of MY own home. Except.....

"Is this a good time, Ace Ketchum?"

I opened my eyes at the voice, and saw none other than Mewtwo floating in the air before me.