Chereads / Pokemon: Arceus' Champion / Chapter 112 - Splitting Headache

Chapter 112 - Splitting Headache

"Where have you been?" I immediately asked the Legendary after seeing him.

"I waited until you left Lavender to return. Partially because I didn't want to risk attracting attention, but mostly so I could have time to think." Mewtwo explained, though I could tell there was something on his mind.

"Wanted to think about how you got your ass kicked for the first time?" I asked with a smirk.


Mewtwo didn't immediately respond, but I could tell from his expression and the fluctuation of his aura that I was spot on.

"I did not 'get my ass kicked'." He stated firmly.

"Really? Cause that's how it looked from where I was watching until I helped you Mega Evolve." I told him.

The frustration coming off of Mewtwo was palpable as he desperately wanted to refute my claims, but I knew he couldn't do so honestly. So I decided to throw him a bone as I stood from my recliner.

"Let me guess, you were wondering if I knew of some way to make you stronger?" I asked while making my way to the kitchen.

"I am the strongest pokemon in the world." Mewtwo readily retorted.

"And who told you that?" I asked as I checked one of the cupboards for cups, and found them in my first try.

"Giovanni did...."

"See. That's just ignorance on your part, cause how would Giovanni know where you rank amongst the world's Legendaries?"

As I asked that I pulled out a couple glasses and filled them with water, before offering one to Mewtwo.

"I defeated every single pokemon I faced, including two Legendaries." Mewtwo said in his defence, even as he lifted the glass with his psychic powers.

"And THAT is arrogance on your part, especially considering that every pokemon you've faced was weaker than yourself." I told him, before taking a drink of my water.

"Including Articuno and the true alpha Beedrill?" He asked.

"So you DID defeat Articuno..." I muttered, confirming what I already strongly suspected.

"Yes, I did." Mewtwo stated.

Putting aside everything I wanted to say about THAT, I finished off my glass before telling him,

"The fact of the matter is that you SHOULD be stronger than the vast majority of pokemon in the world, including most of the Legendaries. The difference though is your complete lack of battle experience compared to the rest of them. If I had to make a comparision, you're basically an infant with a gun while they're fully grown adults. You have the firepower, but no idea how to properly focus and use it."


Mewtwo was silent as he mused on what I said, perhaps thinking on his previous battles.

"And how exactly would I acquire such experience?" He eventually asked slowly.


This time I was the silent one as I mused on how to do just that, as the amount of proper opponents that could give Mewtwo a challenge were quite limited. But then I recalled battling with Mew against Morty, and said to him,

"Follow me."

I then brought Mewtwo outside while also communicating with the rest of my pokemon to join us via aura. Once we were out there, I asked him, "What type of pokemon are you?"

"Excuse me?" Mewtwo asked confusedly.

"What is your type? Water? Fire? Ground? Grass?" I repeated, while also listing off several examples.

"Giovanni had me catagorized as a psychic type." Mewtwo stated.

"Yes, but are you actually?"


"You may specialize in psychic powers, along with Mew, but as far as I can tell, neither of you have an actual 'type'.

"Mew is capable of taking on the form of every single pokemon descended from it, regardless of wether or not it directly created them. Not only that, but it is also capable of using every single move they can, regardless of typing. This allows it to fight against any opponent, with any strategy it decides to use at that particular moment."

"And you know this about Mew how?" Mewtwo asked with narrowed eyes.

"Because it was here when I woke up, and it's been hanging around ever since. Just give it some time, and it'll show up again." I told him, while simultaniously wondering when that would be.

Mew typically did whatever it wanted, so it would go off to do it's own thing for the majority of the time while coming back to say hi around dinner time. Even if it wasn't here now, I figured it would be back soon enough since Mewtwo was here.

"You met Mew!?!" Mewtwo demanded urgently, his aura flaring greatly as he did so.

"Yes. Yes I did. In fact, I even battled a Gym Leader with it." I said, adopting a smug attitude at the last part since I was probably the only person in the world to claim such. But then I turned a bit more serious as I added, "That also means that I've seen it's abilities firsthand. And anything Mew can do, you should be able to do."

"I see..." Mewtwo said slowly, his mind still probably racing with the thought that Mew was so close. Despite the taunting that Gengar gave him, Mew was the only actual being that Mewtwo could probably feel kinship with.

"Lets get started." I stated, drawing Mewtwo from his thoughts as my pokemon gathered around, all looking at him curiously.

"Very well."

"First of all, you cannot use any psychic powers while we're training. Telepathy is ok to communicate, but other that nothing else." I said in a commanding tone, making Mewtwo furrow his brows. But he assented as he slowly lowered to the ground, and usual psychic glow surrounding his body faded.

"Good. Now I want you to try and use moves from a different typing to begin with, such as fighting type. Lickitung."

"Tuuuung!" Lickitung cried as she came forward, before giving me her usual slobbery lick.


"Tung!" She proudly declared.

"Ok.... First you'll battle Lickitung. But keep in mind that you can only use fighting type moves to defeat her, and you can't use any psychic moves, even if you're about to lose to her."

"Tch." Lucario clicked his tongue since he wouldn't be the one to fight Mewtwo with such restrictions, but I just ignored him. This was training, not revenge.

Mewtwo meanwhile appeared reluctant to fight with such a handicap, but didn't protest as readied himself before stating, "Ready."

"Lickitung, Rollout." I immediately ordered.

"Tung!" She cried in affirmation, tucking her arms, legs and tongue in close as she rolled into a ball, and shot forward at Mewtwo.

"Mewtwo, try and use the move Rock Smash to start out with. Punch Lickitung while imagining that you're sending fighting type energy into a rock to smash it from within." I commanded, ignoring the fact that I was giving commands to a literal god.

Mewtwo, surprisingly, did as I commanded as he curled the three fingers on his right hand into a fist, waiting for Lickitung to come closer with her Rollout. And when she was right in front of him he swung, only to miss the timing.


Lickitung slammed into Mewtwo with the full force of her Rollout, before rolling away without losing any momentum.

"Again." I ordered immediately, despite Mewtwo still reeling from the hit. I knew he wasn't hurt, but he was probably unused to getting hit at all.


That was why he was unprepared as Lickitung hit him again, this time with more force as her Rollout continued gaining momentum.

"Again." I said immediately, and Mewtwo hurriedly turned his attention towards Lickitung. Though I could feel his irritation rising.

"Don't get mad at Lickitung, get mad at yourself for not being able to hit her properly." I told him sternly, going fully into trainer mode.



Lickitung hit Mewtwo two more times in rapid succession, with each hit being stronger than the last as she continued her unceasing attack. And with each hit I could feel Mewtwo's irritation rising, though he thankfully didn't lash out.

"See how incomplete your 'training' until now is? Your psychic powers may be the best in the world, but if they were rendered useless you would become a liabality in battle. I know you have physical strength to rival your psychic strength, but you have no idea how to even use it.

"Rather than becoming stronger, you need to learn how to use the powers you already have at their utmost potential, and then fine-tune them instead of relying entirely on brute force. Do that, and you would be able to defeat almost any opponent even without increasing your current strength." I told him firmly, even as Lickitung prepared for her last attack.

This would be the end of her Rollout since using it even longer could result in the user becoming too dizzy to continue, so it was also Mewtwo's last chance this time around to use Rock Smash. As such, I decided to help him out a little.

"Relax yourself, and let me in." I told him, closing my eyes as I focused my aura on his.

I wanted to try and synchronize with him in order to help him perform the move once, and then he could focus on trying to replicate it afterwards.

As I commanded, Mewtwo didn't fight my aura mingling with his own as the two of us became truly synchronized for the first time.


As our auras combined though, I had to fight the urge to recoil as our senses did as well, making it feel like my head was being split open by a Scyther. Basically imagine if, on a scale of one to ten, your senses were turned up to twenty. THATS what it was like even before my headache.

Thankfully Lickitung was still turning around to come back at us, thanks to her extreme momentum by now, so I had a second to adjust before needing to help Mewtwo.

Together, we took a stance and raised our hand and curled the three fingers into a fist. The seconds ticked by so slowly as Lickitung approached us, before we moved right before she could connect.


Our fist impacted Lickitung right before she could hit us, sending her flying back until she hit a tree with enough force that the whole thing shuddered while dropping leaves. Needless to say that one hit was enough to KO Lickitung, as she fell to the ground with her eyes swirling in her head.

Mewtwo meanwhile was completely unscathed despite the numerous hits he took.

Canceling the synchronization, I held my now-aching head with my casted hand, while clapping Mewtwo on the shoulder with the other.

"See? You just need to learn to use what you have. Do that, and you'll be borderline unstoppable." I told him, even as he continued looking at his hand in disbelief.

"I see... Thank you." He said with a voice full of sincerity, despite his earlier irritation.

"Great. Now I'm going to take a little rest, Lucario can drill you in several movements to train in."

With that said, I returned to my new house while my head continued to pound as if it had a heartbeat. I only stopped long enough to look back and see Lucario going through a few movments to show Mewtwo, before heading back inside.

Once inside I quickly fished a couple pain relievers from my backpack, and washed them down after refilling my glass from before. Man, was my head killing me now.

After taking the pain relievers I went and sat back down on my recliner to close my eyes. Yeah, I was SO claiming this one as my own.

As I laid there I let my mind go blank in an attempt to ease my headache, and I think it might've worked a little.

Even as I didn't think about anything, I could still feel the girls going about their business above me, making me smile wryly as they planned out what to do with their new rooms. Misty was of course going to decorate her room like the sea floor, ocean-like wallpaper with coral looking decorations. Joy apparently liked the color pink, as she planned to paper the entire room in it while also getting plushies of pink pokemon like Chansey, Jigglypuff, and Clefairy. Dawn was already putting up posters and memorbilia of famous contest stars and icons, like one girl from Hoenn with her Altaria.

May meanwhile was planning on the most changes, like buying an expanded dresser and wardrobe to put her clothes in, all so she could turn her walk-in closet into a studio to film May's Expeditions from. And from what I'd seen, she had grown even more popular after posting a compilation of different shots while we were at Thunder Ridge. A few of the comments made me want to smash a few skulls though...

I continued relaxing while reclined back in my chair, unintentionally eavesdropping on the girls as they made their plans, until they started coming back downstairs. Joy was first to come down, where she immediately saw me on the couch.

Is Ace ok?

"Yeah, I'm fine. My head is killing me though." I told her without opening my eyes.



I cracked open one of my eyes to look at her, Joy's confusion evident on her face as she looked at me.

"You asked if I was ok. I just said that I'm fine, I just have a headache." I told her once again, wondering where the confusion came from.

"Oh. Ok." Joy said, still evidently confused. But that didn't stop her as she immediately went into the kitchen and dug around for a washcloth, which she soaked in cold water before bringing it to lay across my forehead.

"Thank you." I said as she laid it there.

"You're welcome. I'm going to take inventory and explore the Pokemon Center, so let me know if you need anything else." She said affectionately, boldly kissing my cheek before quickly leaving the room.

I smiled at how bold she had become ever since we first met, when she could barely even look me in the face unless she went into 'nurse mode'.

Soon after Joy left, Misty and Dawn both also came downstairs after brainstorming ideas for their new rooms, and discussing with one another having their families send them the things in their rooms at home. Huh, maybe I should have my mom do that as well?

It was about time for me to give her a call anyways.

Misty then went to go check the line she had cast earlier, temporarily forgetting it after the surprises, while Dawn approached me worriedly.

"Are you ok Ace?"

"Yeah, just a headache." I told her without opening my eyes.

"Do you need anything?" She asked in an attempt to be helpful.

How about a blowjob?

I smiled as I thought that, but didn't say it outloud since I wasn't truly being serious. So imagine my surprise when I felt Dawn fumbling with my pants, before freeing my cock as it sprang to life.

I decided not to question it though, as I felt Dawn kiss the tip of it before running her hot tongue down my entire length, and then back up it.

That continued for a couple minutes as Dawn continued slathering my cock in her saliva, while one of her hands began to expertly massage my balls as well. And once my entire length was undoubtedly shining in the light from her spit, she engulfed it all at once.

"Nnn..." I groaned as her throat constricted around my head, while her lips wrapped around my base and her tongue caressed my shaft.

For a few minutes I laid there contently as Dawn bobbed her head up and down in my lap, enjoying the suction in her mouth along with the movements of her tongue. And when I felt myself nearing my climax, I put my hand atop her head and started moving it myself to fuck her throat before releasing into her mouth.

"That felt amazing. I almost forgot about my headache." I told her with a smile.

I'm happy to help.

My smile widened from Dawn's words, until I realized something. Dawn's mouth was still wrapped around my cock.


I couldn't help but to wonder how I had heard her speak when her mouth was currently....occupied. But of course I didn't get much time to think about it as Dawn began moving her head up and down once again.

This continued until I released in her mouth a second time, after which Dawn swallowed my load once more before cleaning me up.

"I hope that helped." She said with a smile while tucking my cock away.

"Immensely." I told her with my own smile.

Finished with helping me 'relieve some stress', Dawn got up and made her way over to kitchen to begin familiarizing herself with it as she started making us some dinner. AFTER washing her hands and mouth of course.

As she did that I closed my eyes to try and get some more rest, which I'm pretty sure I got as I dozed on and off for a while. When was the last time I actually relaxed like this?

When I did awake my headache had lessened greatly, and I could smell something appetizing drifting in the air.

"Whats that smell?" I asked while looking around, only to see Dawn working hard in the kitchen while May helped her.

"Just making some spaghetti." Dawn answered.

"Not too much garlic Dawn! I don't want my breath to smell bad." May urged her worriedly.

"Don't worry May, I'll make sure it's just right." Dawn assured her, before sampling the sauce she was stirring.

"They really stocked us up good, huh?" I said while standing and walking over to check the food.

"Yeah! I was really surprised." Dawn said as she opened a few cupboards to show me the supplies we had.

"Nice. We'll be good until we get to the checkpoint connecting routes 11, 12 and 13." I said while getting another glass of water.

"You ok with letting the others know dinner is almost ready?" Dawn asked, looking at me worriedly as she did so.

"Yeah, my head isn't pounding like it was earlier." I replied, before heading out the front door.

Immediately I was greeted by the sight of Lucario and Mewtwo still going at it despite how much time had passed, while the rest of my pokemon watched in a circle around them. By the looks of it, Mewtwo was doing a lot better at hand-to-hand combat than he had been earlier. He wasn't as skilled as Lucario though, which my partner was taking full advantage of to get a few hits in.

First I went to the Pokemon Center to check on Joy, who looked and felt as if she were in heaven as she looked over all of the medicine and machines availible to her, along with both her and my own Chansey.

"Hey Ace! Are you feeling better?" Joy asked when she noticed me.

"Yep. Just letting everyone know dinner's almost ready." I told her.

"Ok! I just finished up making dinner for all of the pokemon." She said, right before both of our Chansey appeared while pushing a couple of carts laden with dishes.

"Smells good." I said as the carts went by me. I even noticed one that had a larger portion than the others, which was probably for Mewtwo considering his appitite the last time he ate with us.

I held the door open for both of them as they went outside, before following them out to go let Misty know that dinner was almost ready as well. Of course, she was down by the water with all of her pokemon, as well as a line out.

"Hey Misty, any luck?" I asked while pointing to the rod.

"A couple Magikarp, but thats it." She answered with annoyance in her tone.

"Yeah? Well, dinner is almost ready."

"Ok! Be up as soon as I bring in my line." Misty replied as she stood and started reeling in.

"Chansey is bringing dinner for the rest of you as well." I said to her pokemon, all of which cried out happily at the news.

I then returned up to where the rest of my pokemon were, only to see them eating after Chansey brought them their food. Mewtwo and Lucario in particular were scarfing down their food as quickly as possible to get back to their sparring. The latter cause he liked beating up on the former, and the former cause he wanted to beat the latter at his own game.

"Take it easy you two." I told them wryly, which they both ignored as they continued eating.

I was just about to head back inside myself, when suddenly everyone started staring at me incredulously.

"What is it?" I asked them, only to get no answer.



My expression deadpanned as a cry came from behind me, one that I recognized even before I turned around. And there was the Legendary itself, floating in the air before me while holding a noisemaker in hand, and a stick of cotton candy in the other. Completing the look was the party hat on it's head, to which I could only ask,

"And where the hell have YOU been?"