Chereads / Pokemon: Arceus' Champion / Chapter 110 - No Biggie

Chapter 110 - No Biggie


"The moment I turned my back..."


The entire time I was getting my hand looked at and treated, I heard the continuous grumblings of my little nurse due to my tendency to get injured a lot.

"Isn't that why I have such a beautiful and talented nurse accompanying me on my journey?" I asked her in a sweet voice, which made Joy looked at me with a deadpan as she suddenly tightened the wrapping on my hand. My eye twitched a little from the spike of pain, but I otherwise didn't react.

"So HOW did you get injured again?" Morty asked, as he and Agatha had joined us shortly after we got back.

"Thats what we've been wondering!" May exclaimed, prompting everyone to look at me pointedly for an explanation.

"It's not THAT interesting of a story you know. All I did was punch Zapdos in the face because he was throwing a little temper tantrum after I interupted his nap. No biggie."


The room was so silent that you could've heard a pin drop as they all stared at me incredulously, and Joy had even stopped wrapping my hand.

"What was that...?" Agatha asked with a twitching eye.

"It's not that interesting a story?"

"No, AFTER that."

"No biggie?"


"I punched Zapdos in the face?"


I had to fight not to smirk at their incredulous expressions as they realized they had NOT misheard me. Agatha appeared a little unsteady on her feet, while Morty collapsed back into the chair behind him with his aura fluctuating greatly. Wendy and Kate however were both staring at me incredulously, seemingly unsure if I was telling the truth or not.

The girls on the other hand had markedly less drastic reactions, with May groaning while massaging her head, and Dawn just staring at me in disbelief. Joy meanwhile was apparently trying to process what I had just said, and Misty immediately denied it as she proclaimed, "Tauros-shit!"

"I recorded it if you guys want to watch." Lucario spoke up suddenly, making everyone look at him in disbelief while I recalled something.

"So THATS why you had my Pokenav!" I exclaimed, recalling how Lucario had claimed that I had 'dropped' it.

Lucario just smirked in response to my accusation while I fished my Pokenav out of my pocket with my good hand, prompting Joy to continue wrapping my hand as tightly as possible so it couldn't move.

Everyone then crowded around me as I went to my photos and videos, where sure enough there was a new one showing Zapdos. So, without further ado, I hit play.

The video started at the point where Zapdos had warned me to leave or be killed, followed by me trying to plead with it to listen to me. And when it didn't I released a savage cry while rushing at it to deliver an aura infused punch to it's face, while calling it a 'stupid electric turkey'. The video lasted long enough to show just how shocked Zapdos was to be punched in the face by a human, before cutting off shortly after I called it sparkles.


Silence permeated throughout the room as everyone tried to process what they had just watched, while I cocked my head thoughtfully before asking May,

"How many views do think I'd get if we posted this to Pokevision?"

"Please don't..." Morty requested with a flat voice, as if his heart wasn't truly in it.

"I'll censor my face so no one recognizes me." I said, but it still looked like Morty wasn't convinced. Well, I was only kidding...maybe...

It would be an unbelievable flex on people if I posted that clip online, though it would unfortunately run the risk of exposing Zapdos to danger.

Normally I wouldn't doubt the power of a Legendary pokemon when they'd need to defend themselves, but Zapdos was currently nesting due to having a child. It would need to fight to protect itself, AND it's young if anyone like Team Rocket came knocking.

That was also why I didn't mention the infant Zapdos to anyone else, since doing so was essentially painting a massive target on their backs. A Legendary pokemon alone would be one of the greatest prizes one could get their hands on in the world. But an infant Legendary?

I wouldn't be surprised if criminal groups the world over would travel here to get their hands on it for themselves, only to experiment and turn it into their greatest weapon, just like Team Rocket has been doing with the Beedrill.

Thankfully though, as a side effect of synchronizing our auras or through it's blessing, I could still feel Zapdos similarly to my link with Lucario and Pidgeot. If it ever was attacked, then I would know.

"So what happened after this?" Agatha asked me suddenly.

"Well, I synchronized my aura with it to show it my sincerity, and asked it to remain cautious since Team Rocket may try to attack it as well. It also blessed me a little as well." As I said that I held up my good hand, and channeled my aura into it.


Sparks of electricity crackled between my fingers like they were tesla coils, before I pointed my finger at the table in front of us experimentally. A small bolt shot out from my finger and struck the table, but it was so weak that it didn't even scorch the wood. On top of that I was also fairly drained compared to when I usually used my aura, telling me this power would take a LOT of training to master.

But that was fine, since, with my arm being casted for at least a week, I would have to focus my training on meditation and aura control over strength training. I can work with the ability then.

At the moment though, everyone was transfixed by the electricity I had conjured since, as far as i was aware, no one ever had such an ability before.

"Amazing... And here I was thinking you wouldn't be able to keep surprising me after Mew..." Morty uttered with both fascination and disbelief.

"Agreed... I feel like I've aged at least another decade just by being around him..." Agatha groaned in agreement, before adding in a lighter tone, "at least we're leaving tomorrow."

THAT caught my and everyone else's attention, as we all looked at the duo with surprise as Dawn asked, "Really?"

"Yep, really." Morty affirmed, before going on to explain, "We came to make sure the ghost pokemon around here were ok after what had happened, and it seems as if they are calm, so there's no reason for us to stay."

Agatha nodded in agrement before she added, "Indeed. Plus we need to go and prepare for the SS. Anne. Even if we no longer need to worry about Mewtwo being against us, I doubt Team Rocket will leave the ship and it's passengers be."

"Yeah. A prize that large is a natural target. I'm sure they will still go after it, despite everything that's happened to them recently." I said while nodding, before Morty corrected,

"I think it's more accurate to say they'll still attack BECAUSE of everything that's happened. With all that they've lost recently, I'm sure they want to try and make up for it. And that means that they'll fight that much harder for victory."

A somber silence descended upon us as we contemplated the coming battle, though I could also feel several eyes glancing towards me as they all asked the same non-verbal question. Will Mewtwo help?

It was just as well that no one asked that, as I wouldn't have an answer for them. And neither did I intend to try and make him help us.

My relationship with the Legendary pokemon was based entirey on mutual respect, not on me expecting their help when I needed it. Of course I won't turn them away if they wanted to, but going around and making demnads of them when it suited me would make me no better than Giovanni.

"All that being said..." Morty added as he approached me suddenly, his hand extended. "It was a privilege to meet you Ace Ketchum. I will not forget my experiences over the last few days, and I eagerly await when fate brings us together again."

"Likewise Morty. I look forward to our rematch someday, and this time I promise I won't use any Legendary pokemon." I told him with a smirk while accepting his hand with my good one, confusing Wendy and Kate since they didn't know about Mew. But Morty smiled widely, knowing fully well what I was referring to as he shook my hand.

"I'll depart as well. See you on the SS. Anne, Ace Ketchum." Agatha added, before turning to depart alongside Morty.

And then I was left alone with the girls, along with Kate and Wendy, while Joy finished wrapping my hand in a cast. Thankfully people in this world healed faster than my previous world, as even the bones that had been broken by Houndoom five years ago only took a week to heal.And it would be no longer this time as well.

But, there was one concern I had regarding the hand that was broken.

"So..." I asked, leaving the word hanging amongst the girls to build the anticipation. "How am I supposed to jerk it for the next week with my hand like this?"


The next two days passed in a blur as nothing terribly exciting happened to any of us.

We got up before the sun rose, went to Thunder Ridge to train, and returned to Lavender town shortly after the sun set. The only variety was that we would find a new place to train each day, mainly so we weren't bullying the pokemon that lived there too much. Oh, and Joy would accompany us despite her fear of flying in case I got hurt again.

I don't understand why everyone thought I was drawn to getting hurt all the time, it wasn't like I was a masochist or something. That was the Jennys!

In comparison, I just considered the numerous injuries that I was accumulating as an occupational hazard from the job Arceus gave me. Thankfully Mew healed all of my old injuries already, and hopefully it would be a while until I got some more to take their place.

Anyways, we spent the two days training as much as we could. With my hand the way it was though, I was benched to purely meditation training.

That didn't bother me though, since I had already been planning to meditate to better control my aura along with the gift Zapdos gave me. When I wasn't meditating, or guiding my pokemon in their training, I was learning how to play the flute.

Random, I know.

But, I did need to learn how to use the Pokeflute old man Fuji gave me.

According to him, the Pokeflute would have a variety of affects on pokemon depending on how it was played. Unfortunately though, Mr. Fuji didn't know any songs for it aside from a song to put pokemon to sleep.

So, while in Saffron, I had bought a similar flute and several manuals for playing and maintaining them. Of course I wasn't going to practice on the real thing, and DEFINITELY not while we were still in Lavender town. What if I accidentally played a song that made pokemon go berserk, and it affected all of the ghost type pokemon in town?

So I decided to practice on a regular flute to learn the different notes and songs on it, before trying to use the Pokeflute once I become more proficient. Needless to say that neither my pokemon, nor the girls were very impressed with my playing just yet...

But that's what practice was all about.

The only thing of interest that I knew about was that the amount of Ho-Oh followers in town multiplied while we were there thanks to word of the white Charizard spreading after communication with the outside world was restored. Their arrival was in negligible numbers before, but now they were arriving in droves.

The only reason I knew about it, and hadn't had to encounter any of them yet, was that Janine was spending her days dealing with them while we were at Thunder Ridge. And damn was she good at her job.

I didn't know what she was doing with them, and I didn't care, but not a single follower of Ho-Oh bugged us during the two days that we focused on training before leaving. But, they were also the reason why we decided to leave as early as possible on the third day.

When I awoke I was aware of two things right away. Firstly, was Kate's mouth wrapped around my cock as she bobbed her head up and down.

The female Ranger had come a LONG way since we first dragged her into bed with us a few nights ago, and I was proud of how much I had managed to corrup- er, 'teach' her in such a short time.

The second thing I was aware of was that my Pokenav was flashing with a notification, that a quick check confirmed that what I had been waiting for from Silph co had arrived. The rest of the TMs I ordered, Iron Claw, Steel Wing and Iron Tail, arrived yesterday, so I knew this was what I had been waiting on ever since I had returned from Saffron three days ago.

It was still amazing that they were able to finish what I had asked for in only three days, but then again, what else would one expect from one of the largest companies in this world?

First things first though, as I put my good hand atop Kate's head and directed her as she brought me closer and closer to release. And seeing that I was awake, she quickly sped up her movements and suction, putting everything the girls and I taught her to use as one of her hands began to fondle and play with my balls.

She must have already been at it for a while before I awoke though, as only a few minutes later I stopped moving my hand as I pumped her mouth full of cum. Kate, ever eager to please, readily swallowed it all with large audible gulps before she opened her mouth to show me there was nothing left.

"Good girl." I told her while sitting up, cupping her face gently as I planted a kiss on top of her head.

The gesture made the female Ranger blush and fidget from embarrassment, which only made her impressive breasts figgle and sway alluringly.

"Are you really leaving today?" She asked in a small voice.

"Yes. As soon as possible." I immediately answered with a nod, making her look down sadly before I added, "But we'll meet up again in Vermillion. I'll need help with Surge after all, and there's still the SS. Anne."

Kate looked up at me eagerly when I mentioned that, reminding me of a lost puppy a little bit. A lost puppy with big tits.

Though I would like nothing more than to continue with her at the moment, we truly did need to leave. I wanted to get out of town before Ho-Oh's followers caught wind of us leaving, and without them knowing where we were heading.

Even Kate and Wendy would help us since they would be staying behind to keep helping the townspeople, by making it seem as if we had just gone to Thunder Ridge to train instead of quietly leaving town.

Kate and I quickly got out of bed as we dressed and prepared for the day, which also included a quick shower for some more naughty fun. I couldn't indulge too much though since we were in a hurry, and Kate was still a little sore after having me to herself last night.

After dressing and making sure we had everything, the two of us exited the room and made our way down to the lobby of the Pokemon Center to find Misty, May, Dawn, Joy, Lucario, and Wendy waiting for us.

"Morning. Everyone ready?" I asked as we got there.

"Yep, just waiting on you two." Misty answered, to which I nodded before approaching the receptionist's desk.

"Is there a package for me?" I asked.

"Yes there is mr. Ketchum." The Nurse Joy manning the desk answered as she produced an elegantly carved wooden box.

I accepted the box from her before opening it to check the contents, which were three intricately designed Pokeballs unlike any I had ever seen before. There was also a small booklet inserted in the top part of the case, which I pulled out to read while we were on the road before closing the case, and placing it in my backpack.

"Thank you for taking care of us." I told her, to which the Nurse Joy shook her head as she responded,

"No. Thank YOU for protecting us." After saying so she bowed her head respectfully, which I assumed to be on behalf of all the Joys working here since they couldn't see us all off. It would kind of give our departure away.

"So what did you get?" May asked curiously as I returned to them, to which I just smiled knowingly as I replied,

"You'll see tonight~!"

I could feel their curiosity rising as I dodged the question, along with Lucario's as well since he too didn't know what I had ordered. All I knew he could tell was that I was excited about it.

"We'll be off then. I'll see you two in Vermillion." I told Wendy as we prepared to leave.

"Of course! I'm also going to reach out to a few area Rangers to give us a hand as well. I won't tell them what the actual mission is until you meet them though, just that we're going to be working on an operation out of Vermillion."

"If it's Barlow and his crew, we've already met. They're good." Wendy blinked as I readily endorsed the group of Rangers, who were probably the same ones she intended to ask for help from based on her reaction.

"Alright then. I'll let them know what's going on when I call them. Just let us know when you're a day or two out of Vermillion."

"Will do." I replied, before stepping forward suddenly, faster than Wendy could react, and and planting a small kiss on her cheek.

"See you then." I said while stepping back, leaving Wendy stunned at my brazen action as I also gave Kate a kiss goodbye.

And without further ado, the girls and I turned and departed from the Pokemon Center, before heading south to take route 12.