Chereads / Pokemon: Arceus' Champion / Chapter 109 - Buzz Buzz

Chapter 109 - Buzz Buzz

As Lucario and I darted across the ragged landscape my hand throbbed with every step, sending spikes of pain up my arm at the slightest bump or movement. It was so bad, that I decided to cut our training short once we got back to the girls so we could return to Lavender.

Now I'm not some wimpy bitch, but I knew that all of the movment I was making would only inflame my injury while causing more damage due to the sharp ends of the bone that broke.

My decision to return early for treatment had nothing at all to do with the reaction I knew Joy would have upon learning I was injured, AGAIN. Nope, not at all.

"How's your hand?" Lucario asked me suddenly.

"Excruciating, and you know that." I growled at him, knowing that he could feel the pain through our connection.

"Is it as bad as having to deal with those freaks back there?" He asked with a sly smirk.

"Actually.... No, it isn't." I answered truthfully.

I wanted to avoid dealing with the followers of any factions as much as possible due to to how annoying and blind they could be.

One thing I had learned, both in my previous life and this one, was that people focused on religion were more devoted to the 'idea' of their god than their actual god. I'd often seen people preach love, tolerance, and acceptance, only to show hate, intolerance, and rejection instead.

Even in this world, people were prone to creating their 'idealized' version of the 'gods' they worshipped instead of actually getting to know them. The feud between Ho-Oh and Lugia for example, was complete and utter bullshit.

Nothing I had experienced while synchronized with Zapdos indicated anything of the sort, only a personal rivalry between it and Raikou as fellow Lords of Thunder. But even then they had only competed occasionally over the three hundred years since Ho-Oh created the original Raikou. If they were truly antagonistic, then they would've already fought to the death.

Even if I tried to explain this though, I highly doubted that the majority of the devoted followers would even listen to anything I would have to say, regardless of my obvious relationship with several of the Legendaries. You'd even think the three hundred year-long silence from Ho-Oh would be an indicator that maybe it's followers DIDN'T have the right idea about it, or it's intentions.

This time I had bitten the bullet and met with them to acquire the Thunder Stones I needed since we hadn't been able to find any, and I didn't really want to keep searching with my hand the way it was. But even then it looked like it'll become troublesome since that one guy noticed Zapdos' power within me, and announced it to everyone else present.

Well, at least I got the Thunder Stones I needed, along with the Light Ball. I was already planning to give it to Ash for his Pikachu, since I couldn't think of any use for it myself, and if the plot continued for him like it had originally, then his Pikachu would never evolve into a Raichu.

The only other option was May with HER Pikachu, but she had already stated her intent to evolve it.

"Hm?" I hummed while looking up from my thoughts, just in time to see a powerful burst of lightning up ahead. Right where the girls and the rest of my pokemon were.

Lucario and I shared a look at the burst of lightning, before we both shot forward to hurry back. And upon arriving, a scene resembling a battlefield greeted us.

ALL of our pokemon were fighting as a large group of Electabuzz and Elekid tried to attack them, all of which were suped up from living on Thunder Ridge, and in such close proximity to Zapdos.

With nary a word between us, Lucario and I shot forward to jump right into the middle of the battle.

Currently, Pidgeot was using a powerful Gust to buffet the small army of electric pokemon and hinder their attempts to attack, but I could see that he was beginning to tire out while several of his feathers were already singed from the electric attacks he had taken.

"Buzz buzz! Electa buzz!" Cried out one of the Electabuzz that were attacking them, which was slightly larger and with a stronger aura than the others. It wasn't an alpha, but it was definitely stronger than the average Electabuzz.

Amazingly, I saw the other Electabuzz and Elekid leaping to do as it commanded. Several hurriedly put up several layers of Light Screen, significantly weakening the power of Pidgeot's Gust until it was just at the level of a strong breeze. Not only that, but it also significantly weakened the ranged attacks of our other pokemon as well to the point that they were borderline useless, which would force them into close quarters combat.

But then, as if that weren't enough, the remaining Electabuzz and Elekid began to gather and build up power to unleash a massive combined electric attack.

"PIDGEOT! USE STEEL WING AND THEN STICK THEM INTO THE GROUND!" I roared out to my giant bird, drawing attention to our return.


"Just do it!" I cried out as we got closer, glancing back at Cubone as I did that.

Though probably our best option against a crowd of electric type pokemon, he was still just a baby with no real experience of direct combat. Even when we fought Gengar and Proton, I had him staying where he was out of danger as either I or my pokemon protected him.

That was most likely why he was currently being kept back to where his Lightning Rod ability wouldn't help Pidgeot, so I decided to try and use what had happened earlier with Lucario. If my guess was correct, then Pidgeot would be able to tank that attack with little to no damage.

He wasn't given any time to think though, as the group of electric pokemon finished building power to unleash their combined Thunder attacks at that moment.

Without any further protest or questioning, Pidgot channeled steel type energy as his winges gained a metallic sheen, before he landed while burying their tips into the ground on either side of him. And not a second too soon as the massive blast of electric type energy hit him, only to do nothing.

The girls, pokemon, and I all watched as Pidgeot was enveloped in the brilliant flash of lightning, only for the power to flow directly into the ground via his Steel Wing. And when the light faded several seconds later, it showed him looking no worse for the wear.

"Excellent." I drawled with obvious glee from the discovery, while already mentally planning to buy the TMs Iron Tail, Iron Claw, and Steel Wing with what remained of my money as soon as I could, and I would teach them to every single one of my pokemon that could learn them.

But right now we have bigger pokemon to fry.

"Graveler, Tauros, Miltank, Parasect, Grotle, Exeggutor, Lickitung, Mightyena, Houndoom, Persian, get in front and take them head to head! Wartortle, Buizel, Meowth, Weaville, Grovyle, Raticate, Golbat, use hit and run tactics. Cubone, try and support them as best as you can, Honedge cover his back. The rest of you are on standby, Nidorino and Nidorina, come here."

My pokemon all leapt into action as I barked out my commands, though those I benched weren't too pleased about it, namely my Gyarados and Milotic. But they were extra weak to electric type attacks, and their sizes just made them massive targets. Magneton, Flaaffy and Ampharos meanwhile were also electric type pokemon, and didn't have any attacks that would be effective against other electric pokemon. That would change in the future, but it would take time and a LOT of training.

The sounds of battle soon echoed around us as my pokemon clashed with the Electabuzz and Elekid, while the girls approached Lucario and I along with Nidorino and Nidorina.

"Ace! Where have you been!?" May asked ahead of the other two, before all three focused on my hand.

"What happened Ace!?!" Dawn asked worriedly, while Misty quickly began pulling cloth out of her bag for a makeshift sling.

"I'll explain later. Lets focus on this first." I said while looking pointedly at the attacking pokemon. As we exchanged words Lucario was digging through my backpack, before he pulled out a handful of stones that he then placed into my good hand.

"Nidorino and Nidorina, these are for you two." I said while offering them the Moon Stones.

Though I was planning to wait a few more days before evolving the two of them, due to Nidorino evolving less than a week ago, now was as good a time as ever with the electric pokemon attacking us.

The two poison type pokemon looked at me, the stones, and then one another as they realized what I was offering them. Then, without any hesitation, they both accepted the offered stones, Nidorino in his mouth, while Nidorina accepted her's with her paw. And the second they came in contact with the stones, nothing happened.

"Huh?" I uttered confusedly, since EVERYONE knew that their species evolved with Moon Stones, and what I had given them WAS undoubtedly Moon Stones. However they then did something I hadn't been expecting, as Nidorina pressed her stone against Nidorino, and he did the same to her.

The effect was instantaneous as both pokemon were enveloped in the shimmering light of evolution, with Nidorina growing twice as tall until she was just over five foot. Nidorino meanwhile transitioned from all fours to his hind legs, and a thick tail sprouted from his backside to help balance his muscular and powerful new form that towered over me at more than eight feet tall.

When the light died down I smiled widely as I beheld my two new powerhouses, one a beast of a berserker, while the other was an absolute tank.

Nidorina, or Nidoqueen as she now was, was completely covered in plate-like blue and cream colored scales, along with several ridges and spikes that could secrete a potent poison when needed. Nidorino, or rather Nidoking, had evolved into an absolute monster with powerful limbs and a tail, covered in purple plate-like scales with toxic spines on his elbows and going down his back.

"NidoKIIIIIIIING!" My Nidoking roared out challengingly as he turned his attention towards the army of Electabuzz.

"Have at it." I told him with a smirk, excited to see what it was he was capable of.

"KING!" He roared again while turning his attention towards the lead Electabuzz, the one who had been, and still was, giving orders to the rest.

He took a single step forward, and I swear to Arceus that I felt the ground tremble under my feet. Apparently I hadn't imagined it though, since every other pokemon turned to look at Nidoking curiously as he approached them.

"Buzz!" The lead Electabuzz cried out as Nidoking approached it, refusing to back down in the face of the significantly larger opponent. But I could through it's aura that it was unnerved by the size of Nidoking. A 'king of kings' indeed.

"Everyone back up." I commanded as Nidoking stepped forward to square up, only to be zapped by a Thunderbolt from the Electabuzz.

"Nido." He sneered back, surprising the Electabuzz as yet ANOTHER pokemon of mine wasn't affected by their attack. Except this time it was because Nidoking, as well as Nidoqueen, had gained the ground typing after evolving to make them both immune to electric type attacks.

"Sludge Bomb." I ordered, prompting Nidoking to throw his head back as he gathered toxic sludge in his mouth, before spewing it at Electabuzz.

Electabuzz dodged the attack by jumping to the side, before shooting forward suddenly at high speed as it's fist crackeld with electricity.

"BUUUUUUUZZ!" It cried out as it's fist impacted Nidoking in the chest, before unleashing all of it's gathered electric power into him. Only, the electricity passed harmlessly through Nidoking's body without dealing any damage, just like the previous attack, while it's fist had thudded harmlessly against his plate-like scales.

"Poison Jab." I commanded, and Nidoking cocked his fist back as the claws began to drip with potent toxins, before driving it into Electabuzz to send it flying.



Without any hesitation Nidoking charged at Electabuzz where it fell, and delivered another Poison Jab to it from above, driving it into the ground. And then again, and again.

After only taking a total of four hits the Electabuzz was out cold, and most likely poisoned to boot. And with his opponent no longer being able to fight, Nidoking turned his attention to the other Electabuzz and Elekid that had been watching.

"Kiiiiiing..." He growled in a challenge, which none of them dared to accept as they instead turned tail and disappeared into the brush behind them.

"Excellent Nidoking." I commended him proudly, excited to see just how strong he truly was the next time we got into a battle.

"Nida Nida~!" Nidoqueen cooed lovingly as she nuzzled up to him, which created an image that directly contrasted back when they had first met when she was the one who was larger than him.

Leaving the two lovebirds alone as they entered their own little world, I pulled out an empty Pokeball as well as I could, and knealed down to tap it against the unconscious Electabuzz to capture it. With how injured and tired it was, Electabuzz couldn't put up any fight against the capture as it was sucked inside, and the Pokeball gave a couple light jerks before falling still with a soft ding.

I then scanned it to see just how strong it actually was.


Electabuzz- the Electric Pokemon

Gangs of this pokemon will compete to scale heights that are most likely to be struck by lightning whenever a storm arrives. They love to feed on electricity, and will often cause blackouts whenever they wander too close to towns. This pokemon has the Static ability.

Moves- Leer, Quick Attack, Thunder Punch, Swift, Thunderbolt, Light Screen, Screech


"Nice~!" I whistled in approval as I read the info about it, before returning my Pokedex to my pocket and placing the new Pokeball on my belt.

"Alright! we'll go ahead and call it here for today in our training everyone! Good job to all of you, truly." I declared to the girls and my pokemon, who returned my declaration with mixed reactions. Some wanted to keep training, which I found admirable, but we weren't able to do so today. But that was alright, since I could just give them some more exercises when we get back to the Pokemon Center.

"So are you gonna tell us what happened to your hand yet?" Misty asked with an edge to her voice. And a single glance told me that Dawn and May, while concerned about my injury, were equally annoyed that I had gotten hurt again.

"I will when we get to the Pokemon Center, since Joy will want to know as well and I don't really want to keep telling the same story." I told them, which managed to pacify them a little bit, for now.

We then quickly packed everything up and returned our pokemon to their Pokeballs, before taking flight again as we returned to Lavender town. This time however the flight was uneventful since I didn't have my other pokemon trying to attack Charizard for training, as it would've made it difficult for me to stay on him with only one hand.

A short while later the town came back into view, as well as the Pokemon Center as we circled it once before coming down for a landing. Waiting for us behind the Pokemon Center was Joy, Kate and Wendy, the former of which appearing confused since I had said that we wouldn't be back until tonight.

But, as we landed, I felt her confusion turn to genuine anger for the first time as she stormed up to me and snarled cutely, "I let you out of my sight for a few hours and THIS happens!?! What did you do to your hand!?!"

Crossing her arms over her chest and tapping her foot irritably as she interrogated me, I had to fight the urge to comment about she looked more cute than intimidating.