Chereads / Pokemon: Arceus' Champion / Chapter 55 - Olé!

Chapter 55 - Olé!

"Morning professor." I greeted professor Oak while sitting down at the video phone.

"Good morning Ace. Long night?" The professor greeted me back.

"Oh yeah, but the morning hasn't been too bad. Just got a Nidorina and Zubat." I told him while holding up their Pokeballs.

"Oh? I'll have to check for the data. Thank you by the way for the call i received last night." The professor said with a bit of a dry tone.

"Sorry about that..." I apologized immediately, as I could imagine the professor was already deep asleep when he got the call for the smuggled Pokemon.

"Oh it's alright. I'm always willing to take in such Pokemon without a home. Even more so when they're ones I haven't had too much of a chance to study before. Like that Buizel and Turtwig.

"By the way, is that Nidorina the one that was on the list I got last night by any chance?" The professor asked curiously.

"Yeah. A lot happened, but she was thrown away by her trainer and he refused to take her back even after he realized he got scammed. So I took her in and promised that I'd make her powerful."

"Ah. So does that mean you'll want the other Pokemon as well? I can register them under your name if you want when they get here."

I blinked in surprise of the professor's offer as I asked dumbly, "really?"

"Well yeah. They're all free Pokemon right now anyways, like that Nidorina you took. And since they're coming to my lab regardless it wouldn't matter much if I registered them under your name since you were the one who saved them."

I was silent for a moment as I considered the professor's offer. It was a REALLY good offer since there were a few Pokemon amongst them I wanted, like the Feebas and Turtwig.

But part of it didn't really sit well with me. Catching Pokemon in the wild and getting them to respect and listen to you was one thing, but just swiping Pokemon because they caught my fancy was another thing entirely, especially when they were Pokemon that had been mistreated and might not want to battle at all anymore.

It almost made me feel like Team Rocket.

Eventually I responded to the professor, "I'll any of them that want to be my Pokemon. That means they'll have to be able to train and apply themselves for battles in the future. I'm not in a position to take in a bunch of charity cases at the moment."

It may seem heartless, but I truly couldn't afford to bring a bunch of Pokemon along with me that needed to be coddled and taken care of all the time. Thankfully, the professor nodded in agreement as he said,

"I agree. I'll spend some time with them while you're in Mt. Moon, and register those you described as yours in the day or so."

"Thank you professor." I said with relief and gratitude.

"Not at all my boy. Also, by the time you exit Mt. Moon I'll have another surprise for you. Look forward to it."

"Ok?" I said from the suspicious way the professor was speaking, before we said our goodbyes and hung up.

With that done I stood and made my way to a cafe located within the Pokemon Center, where I found myself some breakfast to refuel. I was practically starving after all the aura use last night, so there was a small pile of plates left on the table by the time I finished eating, and I'm pretty sure I saw the waitress' face twitch when I mentioned getting three more orders to go.

I didn't bother telling her they were for my girlfriends when they got up.

I paid my bill and stood with my arms full of to go boxes as I made my way back to our room.

Upon opening the door though, I found the bed empty with Riolu, Piplup, Combusken and Psyduck all playing some type of game. A quick check told me the girls were in the bathroom, so I set their boxes down and opened the door to go in as well since I still needed a shower.

Inside, I found May and Misty both at the mirror, the former completely naked while the latter had a towel wrapped around her body. The small standing shower meanwhile was clouded from the running hot water, but I could just make out the silhouette of Dawn within.

"Morning. I've got breakfast sitting on the table outside." I told the two of them.

"Oh thank you! I'm starving!" May exclaimed as she grabbed the clean pair of spats nearby and slipped them on.

"Yeah, thank you. Staying up so late really made me hungry this morning as well." Misty said as she hurried to finish tying up her hair in its signature sideways ponytail.

The two of them then began to dress while I undressed, Misty did so while avoiding looking at me, before heading out to enjoy their breakfast. I on the other hand approached the shower and opened it wide to reveal a soapy Dawn within.

"Mind if I join you?"


Dawn and I toyed as I entered the shower with her, making us press our bodies against one another due to the tight squeeze.

Dawn leaned back into my chest as my finger glided up her soap covered sides, before slipping forward to find her pert breasts. Once there my fingers began to trace circles around her areola teasingly, making Dawn shudder and flinch from how sensitive they were before I lightly flicked her nipples.

She may be the smallest in the breast department of my three companions, but Dawn's breasts were easily the most sensitive as a soft cry escaped her lips. But that wasn't the only place where she felt good.

After playing with her nipples for a few minutes, I slid one of my hands back down her side before aiming it directly for her tight little ass. My middle finger slid between her butt cheeks before finally locating its target, the very same tight little hole she had tried to tease me with last night.

Dawn gasped as my soapy finger pressed against her tightly puckered anal ring, which readily clenched as if she were trying to eat my finger with her ass. Naughty naughty.

"Looks like someone's hungry." I whispered into her ear, before pressing my finger against her anus even harder until the tip slipped in.

Dawn's previous gasps quickly turned to muffled moans as I slid my finger up into her ass, but at a torturously slow pace. First knuckle, second knuckle, and then to the base she took my middle finger, her hot anal walls squeezing and squirming around it before I began to swirl my finger around inside her.

"Please..." Dawn groaned with need to me, which was obvious what she needed.

"Oh, I don't know..." I said teasingly, playing as if I wasn't going to do it.

"Pretty please..." Dawn whimpered while looking up and back at me cutely.

"How can I say no to that face." I told her while removing my finger from her ass.

I then slid my dick between her cheeks, lining the head up with her puckered hole, and thrust forward into her.


Eventually both Dawn and I managed to exit the bathroom, both wrinkly from staying under the water too long, and contented after the lovely session of butt fucking.

"Now that you two are finished, are we ready to go?" Misty asked, while indicating her and May's packed bags.

"Yep~! I'll just eat on the way!" Dawn declared, making sure not to sit down at all as she quickly collected her things, ending with the to go box full of food that was now cold.

"Pip pip lup!" Piplup asked Dawn suddenly, making her look up at me for a translation.

"Piplup wants to know if it can join us in the shower next time since we both apparently really love water too." I said while trying to hold back a laugh, while Dawn's face twitched.

Misty, May and I then had to try and hold back our laughter as Dawn tried to patiently explain to Piplup how that was NOT a good idea.

"So are there any Clefairy in Mt. Moon?" Dawn asked as we left the room.

"There should be, but I didn't see any last night." I told her, which didn't seem to surprise Dawn as she commented,

"Yeah... I looked all over Mt. Coronet and couldn't find any there either..."

"You want a Clefairy?" Misty asked her curiously.

"Yes! They're really cute and look so cuddly!" Dawn exclaimed happily, to which Misty nodded in understanding.

By this point we were by the front doors of the Pokemon Center, where I waved back at the tired team of Nurses Joy, and their lone Officer.

"Goodbye everyone." I called out to them.

"Goodbye Mr. Ranger, and thank you for all your help." The Joy in charge of this Center said, before they all bowed their heads to me. I just politely waved away their gratitude, as I was only doing as I wanted, nothing more.

Just as we were about to leave though,


There was a great bellow from behind the Nurses as they quickly scattered, and made a path for a certain Tauros that nimbly leapt over the counter, and charged at me.

"Oh come on." I groaned at him irritably, as it was obvious what set him off.

"She's MY Pokemon Tauros."


"What do you mean that doesn't matter?!" I exclaimed while dodging to the side, allowing Tauros to charge right through doors outside.

I quickly followed him since this was something I'd have to deal with, and found him rearing up and turning to face me yet again.

"You really wanna do this?"


"Ok then." I said while moving away from the Pokemon Center, and pulling my red Ranger jacket out of my bag.

"Toro toro!" I cried tauntingly while holding my jacket out to the side, which seemed to work as Tauros got even more pissed off and charged me.

I waited until the very last possible second, and dodged out of the way while flourishing my jacket through the air dramatically.

"Olé!" I cried out after the narrow miss, angering the Tauros even more.

"Does he think he's one of the Paldean Tauros fighters or something?" I heard May ask off to the side, but I was unable to retort as Tauros prepared for another charge.




Again and again Tauros charged me, and again and again I narrowly avoided his deadly horns while using my Ranger jacket as a makeshift cape.

Soon Tauros finally began to slow down slightly as he began to run out of steam. Who knew how long he'd been getting drugged to keep him from rampaging?

With him preparing for one last charge, I threw my jacket straight up into the air and took a stance.

"No dodging this time! Just you and me!"

Tauros eyes me angrily as he stamped his hoof in preparation, his eyes staring straight into mine as we prepared to clash.

"TAAAAAR!!!" Tauros roared as he charged me yet again, his hooves making the ground beneath my feet rumble from their force.

"Ace?!" One of the girls exclaimed from the side as it became increasingly apparent that I wasn't going to dodge. I just ignored them though, as the slightest hesitation right now would hurt like a bitch.

My eyes shifted from his to his horns, which were printed right at my chest. And as he was about to hit me, I grabbed them and braced myself while channeling as much aura as I could through my body.


My voice roared out as I was pushed back by the force of Tauros' charge, my feet sliding across the still damp grass until they hit the carved out rock of Mt. Moon.

My arms, legs and back all felt as if they were on fire as I struggled against Tauros' power, even in his weakened and tired state. But with my back literally up against the wall, I didn't have to worry about being pushed further back at all.

Though I did still have the lethal horns pointed right at my chest to worry about.

"HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!" I roared as I powered my body as much as I dared and swung Tauros around to the side, slamming his large body into the rock face.

Stunned, Tauros dropped momentarily as I released my hold on his horns. I then ignored my jelly-like legs and walked around him, before planting one foot on his side and shouting,


Tauros just looked up at me, stunned at my feat of strength. I decided not to mention just how badly my legs, back and arms hurt, or how they all felt like they'd drop off my body at any given second.

Fighting a Pokemon was one thing, but going toe to toe with a Tauros in a contest of strength was something else entirely, and this Tauros wasn't even back at full strength yet.

I didn't show any of my inner feelings on my face though, instead displaying an outer appearance of strength and confidence as I looked down upon the Tauros. I then pointed to Miltank's Pokeball, and declared,

"You think you're worthy of HER!? In your dreams you little weakling! You couldn't even match up against a 'weak' human!"

"Taur!" Tauros declared indignantly. "Taur taur ros!"

"Oh? Big words." I smirked at him from his declaration, before asking, "but can you follow through?"

"Taur!" Tauros declared resolutely.

Wow, he REALLY wanted Miltank.

"Ok then. Put your money where your mouth is." I told him, and pulled out an empty Pokeball.

Tauros looked between me and the Pokeball warily, his reluctance obvious in both his aura and on his face. But I couldn't blame him after what happened before.

"Well? What's it gonna be?" I asked him tauntingly.

"Ros!" Tauros declared then, his pride helping to make his decision. I knew then that we'd have a rematch someday to sooth his hurt pride.

But that was a problem for future me.

Current me activated the Pokeball and dropped it down to land of Tauros' body, before it sucked him inside suddenly. There was a couples twitches, and the ball fell still with light ding.

I picked it up and quickly registered Tauros as one of my breeder Pokemon, as I had no intention of letting a horny bull take up one of my actual team slots. And it wasn't too much of a stretch, he DID want to breed with Miltank after all.


Tauros- the wild bull Pokemon

Type- Normal

This Pokemon is known for their violent temper, and their deadly charges at whatever they consider to be their prey. When it starts whipping itself with its tails, that is the sign that it is about to charge. This Pokemon has the Intimidate and Anger Point abilities.

Moves- Tackle, Tail Whip, Work Up, Payback, Assurance, Horn Attack, Scary Face.


Not bad, plus Tauros would only grow stronger as he recovered more of his former strength. I just hoped that I could keep him off Miltank until I was in a position where I could properly take care of a bunch of eggs. One or two were ok, but any more would be a hassle to take care of on the road.

I needed a proper place for breeding.

Another problem for future me, so I decided to ignore it as I turned back towards the girls.

"Alright! Ready to leave?"

"Are you?" Misty asked snarkily.

"I think so." I replied, ignoring the crowd of people that had watched me manhandle a rampaging Tauros.

Nothing to see here folks.


"The fuck do you mean seven points?" I asked Riolu as he graded my fight with Tauros. "That was at least a nine out of ten."


"SIX NOW!?! Why you little-!"

I bickered with the runt all the way to the entrance of Mt. Moon, with the girls shaking their heads all the while.