Chereads / Pokemon: Arceus' Champion / Chapter 57 - Night of the Living Mushrooms

Chapter 57 - Night of the Living Mushrooms




"Ngh... GAH GAH GAH GAH!" I groaned groggily before devolving Ito a coughing fit.

As I tried to breathe the air felt like hot and thick soup, which burned my nose, throat and lungs with every breath. And with each cough, I could feel globs of gunk escaping my lungs as I tried to spit it all out.

It was only then that I realized something horrifying, I could not move my body.

At most I could get my fingers and toes to twitch as I tried to move them, but that was all. And even worse was that I could hear May and Dawn's voices calling out to us, but I could not answer them back with the state of my throat and lungs.

The only saving grace was that Misty appeared to be ok despite still being unconscious, with her body laying partially on my own. I had dove into the hole after Misty when she fell, catching her and wrapping us both in my aura to protect us as we fell.

But when I forced my eyes open to try and look her over, they burned as I saw nothing but a haze of darkness that smothered us. So I quickly closed them again to try and keep whatever was in the air out of them as I tried to figure out what was going on.

I couldn't move my body, my lungs, throat, nose, and eyes all felt as if they were on fire, and with each passing second it was getting harder to stay focused as I started feeling drowsy. And now I could hear a LOT of something scuttling towards Misty and I.


Combee! Zubat!

I reached out through my connection with my Pokemon urgently as I realized what was going on. Apparently, Misty and I had fallen into a cavern filled with Paras and Parasect, as well as the spores they were constantly releasing.

I listened as the scuttling sound drew closer, urging Combee and Zubat to hurry to our side from up where May and Dawn still were.

"Sect sect." A Parasect trilled as it began poking me with one of its claws experimentally.

"Sect!" It declared, stating that it was safe to eat.


"Sect sect!"


"Par par!"

A whole horde of the bug and grass type Pokemon trilled as they surged forward to enjoy their meal, increasing my urgency as I tried to force my body to react.




Both Combee and Zubat cried out as they appeared from the same hole Misty and I came through, accompanied by a a powerful Gust that blew the Paras and Parasect away from us, as well as the spores.

"You guys..." I croaked out in little more than a hoarse whisper.



Combee and Zubat declared, before Swablu and Chatot also appeared behind them, apparently having been left behind by my Pokemon's urgency.

"Piny!" Happiny also cried out as she popped out of her Pokeball of her own will, now that the spores had been cleared from around us, before a soft chiming sound escaped her throat.

The second I heard the chime the burning in my eyes, throat, nose, and lungs all began to subside slightly while I also regained some movement in my limbs, and any of the grogginess I had been feeling evaporated.

Misty also awoke as Happiny used Heal Bell to relieve us of the effects of the spores, looking around before asking in a hoarse voice, "What happened?"

"We fell, and now Paras and Parasect are trying to eat us." I answered in a slightly firmer voice, before reaching for the rest of my Pokeballs.









My Pokemon all cried out as they formed a ring around Misty and I. They hadn't been able to come out when they were at risk from the spores, but now that Combee, Zubat, Swablu, and Chatot had cleared the area slightly, they were all ready to kick some ass.

"Wartortle." I called out to my water type with my hoarse voice before anything else.

"Tortle!" Wartortle cried out as he proceeded to spray Misty and I with a very weak Water Gun, rinsing the spores off of us while I also swished some of the water in my mouth and garbled it before spitting it out. No time to be picky.

"That's better!" I declared in much more firm voice, before turning my attention to all of the Paras and Parasect around us.

"HIIIIIIIIII!" Misty shrieked from the scene, which even I had to admit was pretty creepy, especially considering the truth behind this particular Pokemon line.

Paras were small crab-like Pokemon that had mushrooms growing from their backs, but the mushrooms were parasitic. When they evolved into Parasect, the mushroom took over them completely as it grew in size to dominate their body.

"Misty!" I yelled as much as I could to get her attention. "Go let May and Dawn know what's going on. We'll deal with this!" I told her as I began channeling my aura.

"O-ok." Misty hesitantly said as she hurriedly backed away to towards the Rock wall behind us. There, I could spy a small hole that we must had fallen through.

I turned my attention back to the battle at hand as more and more Paras and Parasect surrounded us at the line that the spores were being kept at, they eyes all on us as they still considered us their next meal.

"Combee, Zubat, Chatot, Swablu, attack them from above when you can, but focus on keeping the spores from reaching us. The rest of you, keep close and don't get too far away from everyone else since they could surround you. Wartortle, don't use ANY water type attacks on them since they all have the grass typing."


"Exeggutor and Grovyle focus on support since most of your attacks won't be effective. Happiny, I want you to keep using Heal Bell incase we breathe the spores or get hit by an attack from them."

"Piny!" Happiny cried as she created another bell-like chime.

"And Charmander..." I said to get my starter's attention. "Set the world on fire."

"CHAR!" Charmander roared as multicolored flames gathered in his mouth, before he released a powerful flamethrower at the Paras and Parasect surrounding us.

The effect was immediate as the Paras screamed and the spores around us also caught fire, making the entire cavern erupt in a massive fireball that engulfed all of the Paras.


Thankfully Wartortle used Protect to shield us from the fireball, but the Paras and Parasect weren't so lucky as we heard their screams through the roaring flames. In a matter of seconds the the flames diminished as the spores turned to ash, filling the cavern instead with suffocating black smoke.

With the combined power of four Gusts though, soon the black smoke was flowing out of the cavern through the cracks in the walls and ceiling leaving only the smoldering Paras and Parasect behind. Except now they were all looking at us in anger, all pissed from the fire.

Well...those who hadn't been immediately killed or KOed.

"Everyone, ATTACK!" I gave the order as all my Pokemon surged forward to battle the Paras.

Charmander took the lead with his little fists and jaw burning as he used Fire Fang and Fire Punch on any Paras and Parasect that got too close. He was the only one I wasn't too worried about since they took four times as much damage from fire type attacks, and my Charmander was no ordinary Charmander.

Above us Combee led the charge with Zubat, Chatot and Swablu as their rained flying type moves down upon the Paras, which they also had a four times weakness towards.

Grovyle tried a different approach from usual as he used his speed to get in close to the Paras, before using Flash to suddenly blind them. He would then rain numerous non-grass type attacks down onto them to take out his opponents one at a time. It helped that they had already been severely weakened by Charmander's earlier attack.

Exeggutor used his psychic type moves exclusively since his grass type wouldn't be of any help here. His main efforts though involved using Psychic to halt the Paras' movements, or using Hypnosis to lull them to sleep for an easy win for my other Pokemon.

Cranidos was using the move Headbutt combined with Rock Polish to become a battering ram in one direction that opened a hole for Nidorina to follow as she tried to keep up. I had to remind him not to stray too far though, since he was be more susceptible to the grass type attacks from Paras as a rock type.

The same could be said to Wartortle as he focused on fighting in close combat, using moves like Ice Punch, Zen Headbutt, and Rapid Spin. I was pretty sure I even saw him use the move Skull Bash, which he would've only learned after evolving the other day.

Meanwhile Tauros was using most of his recovered strength to charge through the lines of the Paras and Parasect like an unstoppable train. As he did so I noticed him looking back at Miltank periodically, as if he were trying to show off for her as he fought. A thought that almost made me laugh considering she'd kicked his ass last night.

"Don't forget about me!" Misty declared as she reappeared at my side.

"You're going to help?" I asked amazed, since all of her Pokemon would be weaker to the Paras and Parasect.

"Of course! Just because they're grass and b-b-bug types doesn't mean we can't help!" Misty declared, even as she stuttered a little when mentioning the Paras were bug types as well.

"Go Starmie! Poliwhirl!"



Both Pokemon declared as they made their appearance.

"Ice Beam! Ice Punch!" Misty cried out, as the duo leapt into action to do as she commanded.

As the fight went on I couldn't help but to smile as I saw how it was going. Paras and Parasect were falling left and right as my team tore them apart. Even when one of mine took a hit, or was poisoned or paralyzed from the spores still coming from their bodies, they were all quickly healed by Happiny before rejoining the fight.

There had to be hundreds of Paras and Parasect attacking us, crawling up over the various mounds and appearing from the side caverns around us. Yet our momentum wasn't slowing down into the slightest.

"ComBEE!" Combee suddenly shouted, drawing my attention to her specifically just as her body began to glow, before growing larger as her figure changed drastically.

"VespiQUEEEEEEEEEEN!" My newly evolved Vespiquen shouted as she completed her evolution, before created numerous blades of air as she spammed her newly learned move, Air Slash.

"HELL YEAH!" I cried out excitedly that she FINALLY evolved, and would now be able to start creating her own hive. But first came this battle.

Another plus about Combee evolving was that it made my other Pokemon more driven as they fought even harder to not lose to her.

Charmander especially was doing well, as he left a path of burnt bodies in his wake. What I hadn't seen coming though was when his body too began to glow, until his figure was larger and more rugged looking, with much larger claws as well.

"Oh. My. Mew." I uttered as I beheld Charmander's new form, Charmeleon.

"CHARRRRRRR!" Charmeleon roared out with a voice that sounded more like a hiss, before multicolored flames coated his entire body as he charged forward into a new wave of enemies.

With each passing second as he used the new move, Flame Charge, Charmeleon was getting faster and faster until he was basically a living fireball that zipped around the cavern to defeat all who he encountered.

"Alright!" I exclaimed excitedly from the scene, as Charmeleon singlehandedly tore down the numbers of the Paras and Parasect. It was good timing too, since some of my Pokemon were starting to get tired from the continuous fighting.

Even if Happiny could help heal their wounds, she couldn't restore their stamina.

But then something happened that stunned me, as Charmeleon crashed into one of the mounds that were dotted throughout the cavern.

misty and I watched in horror as the mound began to stand up in response to the impact, before shaking off the soot and dirt that coated its body.

"SECT!" The alpha Parasect roared angrily from being woken, which then woke the rest of the mounds throughout the cavern, as they all stood and shook off the dirt and soot as well.

"Mommy..." Misty whimpered as she tried to take cover behind me, which I couldn't really blame her for since every single one of the Parasect that just stood up were at about seven to nine feet tall, three times their usual size. And they were all glaring at us.

"Ok, new plan. Everyone regroup, and KICK THEIR ASS!" I ordered my Pokemon as they retreated to order themselves back up.

"RIOLU!" I roared up the tunnel Misty and I had fallen down from, calling my partner so that he too could help us.

"RI!" Riolu answered, as he began to hurriedly climb down the tunnel.

""ACE!?"" May and Dawn called down when they heard my voice.

"Just be minute!" I called back up to them.


"Sorry." I told Riolu, who was getting blasts by all our voices as we called back and forth.

"Ok everyone!" I said while turning back to the rest of my team. "Riolu's on his way, you you all only need to hold out until he gets here."

Even Tauros couldn't complain when he heard that, as they were all starting to get tired from the constant fighting.




A new sound however brought my attention to the center of the cavern, where a small mountain began to shift and move.

"Oh you gotta be fucking kidding me..." I groaned while Misty looked as if she were going to pass out at any given second.

I watched as the mountain stood to over twenty feet, before it shook to remove all of the dirt and soot covering it like all the others.

"SEEEEEEEEECT!" The massive Parasect roared as it directed its attention towards us.

"Alright... Another new plan! Everyone else hold off against the others, Charmeleon will go fight the big one!" I declared.


All of them turned to look at me incredulously at my declaration.

"What? Do any of you have a better plan?"

"Char!" Chameleon growled as he prepared to fight.

"I'll back you up buddy, the rest of you keep them away from Misty and I." I told them all while channeling my aura, focusing on my connection with Charmeleon most of all.

"CHARRRRRRRRR!" Charmeleon roared as he charged forward, flames coating his body as I gave him some of my own energy.

Rather than targeting the large Parasect though, he instead charged at one of the smaller alphas before delivering a powerful flame coated Slash attack to it before hitting it with his body. From there Charmeleon targeted another one of the alphas in his path, and then another as he worked up momentum before reaching the big one.

"CHAR!" Charmeleon roared as he tackled the massive Parasect with all his might and the momentum he had built up, only for it to not even flinch.

"Sect!" Parasect cried as it swung one of its massive claws at him, hitting Charmeleon and sending him flying into the far wall.

I flinched as I felt the pain of the impact through our link, which was probably the first real hit Charmeleon ever took outside of training. But it didn't slow him down.

The moment he fell to the floor Charmeleon got back up and prepared a second charge at the Parasect. But as he got ready to leap forward, I noticed something.

"DUCK!" I roared at Charmeleon right as Parasect blasted numerous large spheres at him.


With Charmeleon ducking right before they reached him, the spheres flew over his head and crashed into the wall, shattering it as rock and rubble rained down onto him from above.

"What WAS that!?!" Misty demanded over the destruction.

"I think...." I said slowly in awe. "That was a Bullet Seed."

Misty looked at me in horror before slowly looking back at the Parasect, as those 'seeds' were easily the size of cannons, if not larger. And they were definitely more destructive.

"Charmeleon, stay close to it but keep moving so it doesn't hit you again. Use your smaller size against it!" I ordered him hurriedly, as if Parasect continued using Bullet Seed it'd bring the entire mountain down on us. I just hoped it didn't have very many moves in its arsenal.

"Char!" Charmeleon responded as he shot forwards while his claws and mouth lit on fire, where he began peppering Parasect with Flamethrower and Fire Punch while staying on the move to keep from being hit again.

Meanwhile the rest of my Pokemon were desperately battling it out with the rest of the alpha Parasect that were trying to attack us. Though Vespiquen would normally be able to take them like nothing as an alpha herself, she had JUST evolved, and couldn't use the same level of strength a usual alpha Vespiquen would have.

She was however holding several of the alpha Parasect in check singlehandedly thanks to her flying typing, despite not having the time to fully adjust to her new form and powers.

Everyone else though was struggling due to the sheer power an alpha possessed compared to the typical Pokemon. Even now I watched as Tauros was hit by the Cross Poison that sent him reeling, before Miltank charged the same Parasect to deliver a powerful Stomp attack. But all she did was make it stumble slightly before hitting her with a Brick Break.

And of my Pokemon, Happiny was definitely the most exhausted after constantly using Heal Bell and Heal Pulse. The rest of my Pokemon probably wouldn't last too much longer once she was too tired to continue healing them.

"RI!" Riolu suddenly cried as he shot from the tunnel to deliver a Fire Punch on one of the Parasect that was attacking Cranidos and Nidorina.

In an instant the Parasect was screaming as it was set alight, before Riolu sent it skittering back with a Force Palm.

"What took ya?" I asked him even as Riolu prepared to face the next Parasect.


"Well you coulda taken the express route like Misty and I did."


Riolu pointedly ignored me as he focused on beating the alpha Parasect, though I noticed he did keep his eye on Charmeleon as he fought.

I also turned my attention back to him as Charmeleon danced around the giant Parasect's body, avoiding its attacks as he continuously sprayed it with fire.

"PARA!" the giant Parasect roared with pain as several parts of its body burned, before it did something surprising as it rolled to the side to smother the fire as much as it could.

"Smart bastard." I smirked as Charmeleon continued fighting it. He must've been exhausted by now, but he showed no signs of letting up.

"Exeggutor, give Charmeleon a hand." I told him now that their burden had been lessened.

"Tor!" Exeggutor tiredly declared as his eyes began to glow with psychic power.

"Par..." The giant Parasect groaned as it was hit by the Hypnosis, before Charmeleon fired another Flamethrower at it.


The Parasect swung its massive claw around to hit Charmeleon, but only smashed the ground as rock fragments scattered everywhere.

"Tor!" Exeggutor cried to get its attention back towards us, before he used Hypnosis a second time.

"Sect..." Parasect groaned as it was hit by it a second time, before glaring at us hatefully.

"Wait a second..." I uttered as a terrible sense of foreboding overcame me, right before Parasect began amassing a purplish energy in its mouth.

"RIOLU!" I shouted out while creating the strongest aura barrier I could manage.

Riolu saw what was happening and used the move Quick Guard to appear in front of my barrier while also using Protect, right as Parasect unleashed the powerful move, Dragon Breath.

A powerful stream of draconic energy was released from Parasect's mouth that blasted Riolu's Protect full on, which flickered but still held under the brutal attack.

"Exeggutor, NOW!" I cried out as Exeggutor hurried forward to use Hypnosis once again, while Charmeleon continued to attack the Parasect from behind.

The prolonged Hypnosis, combined with the damage Charmeleon had inflicted upon it and the exhaustion from fighting, all caught up to the giant Parasect as it FINALLY collapsed.

"Haaa..." I let out a sigh of relief while letting my aura barrier flicker out, and everyone else also collapsed from exhaustion now that the fight was over. Well, mostly.

Though there were a few alpha Parasect remaining, Riolu, Charmeleon and Vespiquen all made quick work of them now that the big one was defeated.

Meanwhile I slowly walked up to the now defeated Parasect, my mind racing with everything I saw from it.

It's size.

It's power.

Knowing a DRAGON type move despite the fact that there was no record of Parasect ever being able to learn them?!

There was no way I'd pass THIS opportunity up. Plus I knew the professor would kill me if I didn't let him examine this Pokemon.

So, there was no hesitation as I pulled out an empty Pokeball and tossed it at the defeated Parasect, before it's massive body was sucked inside as the Pokeball fell to the ground.

For much longer than usual the Pokeball rocked back and forth on the ground as the Parasect fought the capture, prompting me to reach into my bag for another Pokeball if I needed it.

But then,
