Surprise showed clearly on both Liz's and Liana's faces.
(Liz) "Lil, you know something, don't you?"
(Lillian) "Yeah, I do. That spell doesn't work if you dream about it. If someone sleep talks, anyone could know the location of the room. The only one who could have heard it… Hunter?"
(Hunter) "Yes?"
(Lillian) "Could you go fetch Erich for me?"
(Hunter) "Erich… Why?"
Lillian looked him in the eye and said,
(Lillian) "Just go get him."
Hunter's eyes seemed to open really wide, then he bowed, and went out.
(Lillian) "Now, Emma, we will need you to stay for a while longer, when is your friend expecting you?"
(Emma) "How do you know I wasn't lying about my friend?"
(Lillian) "I have ways…"
When Emma's eyes opened wide, she smiled and said,
(Lillian) "Actually, no, the chief from your village notified me that a girl named Emma would be visiting my Clan, because she wanted to visit her friend. That is the reason the guards let you through the gates quickly, once you gave them your name. Did they not?"
(Emma) "How… did you know that…"
(Lillian) "I am the tribes chief, after all. I get notified of things that seem important, if they don't seem important, I get notified the day after."
(Emma) "So… that means…"
(Lillian) "The way you were acting at the city walls were enough for the guards to notify me. I was actually wondering when you would come."
(Liana) "Wait, now I'm confused. You knew she was lying the whole time?"
(Lillian) "Of course I did. Now Emma, I'm going to have to ask you to wait for a few more minutes and you'll be able to see your friend."
As she said this, Liz waved her hand and two people walked right through the wall. One was Hunter, and the other one looked strikingly like him, except that he had a huge scar running down the right side his face, going over his eye, making him seem more threatening. Hunter greeted Lillian, and the other guy did a greeting to Lillian. Liana noticed it was the same one that John used when he first greeted Lillian and made a mental note to ask about it later on.
(Lillian) "Erich, would you kindly tell us why a girl named Emma came in here and told us she recognized your voice?"
(Erich) "I'm sorry Chief. I have no recognition of meeting this girl before."
Liana noticed that Erich had the same accent as Hunter, plus the fact that he was almost the spitting image of Hunter, and assumed they were brothers. Lillian turned to Emma.
(Lillian) "Is that more like the voice you heard?"
(Emma) "Yes… That sounds more like it."
(Lillian) "Erich, give me the name of the person who used your voice to talk to this girl, would you?"
(Erich) "I don't know his name. I'm sorry chief, I needed money and he offered a lot if I only would just let him use my voice for a while. I also didn't see his face."
(Lillian) "Thank you Erich, you may go. Either do it yourself or get someone to tell Bridget I'm expecting her in the great hall."
After they left, Lillian turned back to Emma and the other two girls.
(Lillian) "We may have to delay what we were going to do by a bit, is that okay?"
(Liana) "Sure."
(Lillian) "Emma, I'm certain you would like to meet Bridget now, right?"
(Emma) "…How… Did you know her name?"
Lillian just smiled and stood up.
(Lillian) "Come on, let's go meet her in the great hall."
When they got there, a girl was already standing in the great hall, with an anxious look on her face. When she saw Emma, she cried,
(Girl) "Emma!"
(Lillian) "Hello, Bridget."
A surprised expression crossed her features, but she quickly schooled them.
(Bridget) "Chief!"
She did the same greeting that Erich did, and was the third time Liana saw it.
(Bridget) "I heard you wanted to see me?"
(Lillian) "Yes, I did. Come with me for a moment, would you?"
(Bridget) "Of course, Chief."
Lillian beckoned to the side, and when they were out of earshot, they started talking. After a while, they finished and walked back to the others. Lillian turned to Emma.
(Lillian) "Emma, would you come to the side for a moment?"
Emma turned to Bridget with a surprised look on her face. Bridget nodded, gesturing for Emma to follow her chief. Lillian noticed Emma was willing to follow her and led her a distance away. When Lillian stopped, she turned to face Emma. Instead of saying anything, however, she held Emma's wrist for a few seconds. After that, she led her back to Bridget and said,
(Lillian) "Bring her back and let her sleep."
(Bridget) "Yes, Chief."
After Bridget and Emma left, Lillian turned to Liana and Liz before saying,
(Lillian) "We better go back into the room before we talk."
Liana and Liz nodded. After they got back into the room, as they all sat down, Liana following Hunter's movements from the corner of her eyes. He walked over to the entrance and sat facing it, so his back was turned away from them. Once he sat down, Liana turned all her attention back to what was going on at the table. Liz turned to Lillian.
(Liz) "Did you…"
(Lillian) "Yes. She was under a spell, so I removed the spell, and her memory. The person who put her under that spell will also suffer from memory loss, thankfully."
(Liana) "You can remove people's memories?"
(Lillian) "Yes, I can. As can Liz. You probably can, too, as long as you learn the spells required."
(Liana) "Oh… Ok…"
(Lillian) "Okay, then, if you would like me to, I can continue with the story now."
(Liana) "Sure."
Lillian thought for a while and continued the story from where she left off.
(Lillian) "Everyone was happy that the Loyal Eagle Clan was growing so quickly, and everyone expected it to become the biggest clan in no time. Even the King and Queen. Everyone, that is, except the White Raven Clan, which was also the biggest Clan at that time. They took pride in being the biggest clan, and when that was challenged, they got angry. The King and Queen were distressed to hear about them planning an attack on the Loyal Eagle Clan. However, as it was both Clans within their rule, they couldn't do anything to help either Clan without showing bias. But they did all they could, informing the Loyal Eagle Clan of the imminent attack, the date of it, and anything else they could."
She paused for a moment to think.
(Lillian) "The Loyal Eagle Clan leaders decided they wouldn't force anyone to fight, so they decided to just send in those who were willing. What they didn't know, was that the bond within the Clan was so powerful, that more than half decided they wanted to fight for their Clan, men and women alike. And so, they assembled a very large army. But then, the leaders decided they wanted to do something slightly different. Instead of training their soldiers solely to do just hand to hand melee combat, they trained them to be move silently, able to kill without noise, and even specially designed a separate set of armour for them. Half the soldiers remained wearing the original armour, even though they were all trained the same way, while the other half, wore armour, that provided not quite as much protection, but it did let them get around without being spotted or heard. Because of these soldiers, they renamed the clan, just for the war, The Silent Shadow Warriors."
She let Liana process the information before continuing,
(Lillian) "The battle was not a pretty sight. But the Silent Shadow Warriors managed to win, because of their unique warriors, and they spared several of the soldiers from the White Raven Clan. Those that were taken captive were sent to jail. Because of that battle, The Loyal Eagle Clan rose up all the way, and was the biggest clan from then on. And from then on, whenever they had a battle, or war, they were known as The Silent Shadow Warriors. A few generations down, the Leaders of the Clan were very skilled with magic, so they put a spell, that a tattoo of an Eagle and a shadow will appear on the person who is meant to take over as Leader, or Chief."
Lillian turned to Liana.
(Lillian) "That is what the tattoos meant."
(Liz) "She saw the tattoos?"
(Lillian) "Yeah. Alright, let me continue. Ever since then, most of the leaders could do magic, which led to them initiating the training program for the soldiers who would have training in magic as well as the normal training. As Liz has probably told you already, the magic soldiers have a more vigorous training. A few more generations down, the Loyal Eagle Clan was once again attacked, but this time it was by a Clan that was outside of the Adrenian Empire. The battle was a very close one, and even though they won, they lost a lot of soldiers, and… Those that died… Included the Chief and his wife. They were very powerful couple, and they went down fighting. The two of them probably killed more of the enemy's soldiers than the enemy did theirs before they fell."
She paused, and Liana immediately saw the raw emotion in Lillian's eyes. She reached across and grabbed Lillian's hand, squeezing lightly. She wasn't entirely sure why Lillian was so affected by this, but she knew she would be finding out soon. When Lillian felt her hand grab hers, she shot a grateful smile at Liana and continued.
(Lillian) "The Clan mourned their premature deaths for a long time, and the Clan Leaders didn't know who to put as the next chief. The chief had two children, two young girls. So, they weren't sure what to do. But they soon found out that the older daughter had the chief tattoos. They doubted it, as the girl was still young, but as the spell had never been wrong before, they decided to go ahead and make her chief, with the leaders to help her. She was still mastering her magic, but when she found out that she was supposed to be the next chief, and that her parents had died, she told them to wait for a while longer while she trains. She took a trip out of the Clan, and when she finally came back six months later, she had mastered the art of using weapons and her magic. She was mourning her parents' death, so she trained harder than ever during those six months to master her magic and weapons skills. When she came back to the Clan, she proved to them that she could take over as chief. They let her, still having doubts, but their doubts were soon put to rest. I was seven then."
(Liana) "… Oh… So that's how you became chief…"
(Lillian) "Yeah…"
Liana noticed that although Lillian seemed upset, she didn't seem to be all too emotional about it, but still gave Lillian's had a comforting squeeze. She didn't like seeing her so upset.
(Liana's thoughts) 'How does she do it? She lost her parents at such a young age and even had to take over their duties as Chief.'
Liz thought for a while, then suddenly thought of something. She turned to Lillian and said,
(Liz) "You didn't tell me about your trip."
(Lillian) "You were six then. I told them to tell you I was training in seclusion as to make sure you didn't…"
(Liz) "Try to go after you?"
(Lillian) "I suppose so."
(Liz) "Oh…"
(Lillian) "Do you have any more questions?"
Lillian asked, turning to Liana.
(Liana) "Not that I can think of at the moment."
(Lillian) "Okay then, if you think of any, you're free to ask me or Liz."
Liana smiled as she replied,
(Liana) "I'll ask you."