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Primordial Chaos Dragon Tower: Système de Harem

[Avertissement : Contenu pour adultes 18+. Érotisme extrême tous les 10 - 20 chapitres] "Quoi, j'ai reçu deux compétences de rang SSS ? Tour, montre-moi." [Nom de la compétence : Toucher Divin du Pervers] [Nom de la compétence : Manuel des 10 000 Freins du Plaisir] --- Kent était un bel humain mâle qui, pour une raison quelconque, ne pouvait pas faire lever sa b*te, ni ressentir de plaisir. Il a vécu toute sa vie plein de regrets et de haine. Sachant que ses jours ne s'amélioreraient pas au fil du temps, il a choisi de devenir réalisateur de films pour adultes, où il a pu voir les choses de près et gagner grassement sa vie pour son professionnalisme. (Il ne pouvait pas bander, donc pas de bizarreries sur le plateau... Lol) Puis il a été tué, et son âme a été aspirée dans le royaume de la Haine et du Ressentiment. Tout a changé pour lui à partir de là. Il a reçu une Tour d'Héritage de Grade Céleste, qui lui a donné accès à un Système de Harem Surpuissant. Il a également reçu un corps avantageux avec une verge divine de 22 cm. Mais cela n'était pas gratuit... Il s'est vu assigner une mission consistant à tuer le dieu de l'alchimie par la déesse de la haine et du ressentiment. Bien sûr, il doit faire de la déesse le premier membre de son harem comme condition pour son premier défi. Après une année entière de sexe et de plaisir, il a réalisé son souhait. Puis, il a été envoyé pour commencer son voyage en tant que cultivateur avec un système de harem et deux compétences de rang SSS. Avec des femmes attendant son sauvetage et une déesse qui exauce chacun de ses souhaits, Kent a commencé son voyage avec la verge divine qui serait utilisée pour rendre les femmes heureuses. Un voyage plein de sang, de douleur, et de plaisir... ============ Pas de NTR Pas de Yuri ============ Rejoignez le Serveur Discord :
Pen_Drop · 3.9K Views

Après la Descente de la Montagne, Sept Grands Frères me Gâtent

Zhouzhou est née avec peu de chances, et après avoir entraîné la faillite d'un temple taoïste en mangeant, elle a finalement été chassée de la montagne pour mendier de la nourriture. Mais par inadvertance, elle a trouvé une source de subsistance à long terme. Après avoir adopté la petite Zhou Zhou, Madame Qin a immédiatement envoyé un message à son plus jeune fils, "Regarde, tu as une fille !" Qin Lie, qui aurait dû se réjouir de devenir père, est resté de marbre et a dit, "Envoyez-la loin." Les jeunes tyrans de la famille Qin, qui auraient dû se réjouir d'avoir une petite soeur, ont l'air dédaigneux et ont dit, "Nous n'en voulons pas. Elle ne sait que pleurer, pas amusant du tout." Même les ennemis jurés de la famille Qin attendaient avec impatience de voir Zhouzhou entraîner la famille Qin à la faillite. Cependant, Qin Lie signait des contrats tous les jours jusqu'à ce que ses mains en soient douloureuses, et la famille Qin prospérait, consolidant leur position en tant que famille la plus riche. Même le septième frère infirme de la famille Qin a pu se mettre à courir et sauter. Lors d'un banquet, les jeunes tyrans de la famille Qin ont entouré Zhouzhou, essayant de lui faire plaisir. "Soeur, nous te donnerons toute la nourriture délicieuse !" "Soeur, quel genre d'histoire veux-tu entendre aujourd'hui ? Frère te le dira !" Qin Lie s'est approché directement, a soulevé la petite fille et a jeté un regard froid à ses neveux, déclarant sa possession, "C'est ma fille !"
COL+Jin Gao · 37K Views

Rebirth of the genius entrepreneur

Nathan Valmont, un prodige des sciences, a toujours été parmi les meilleurs de sa classe. Malgré ses talents, il n'a jamais cherché à bâtir autre chose que des théories et des inventions sans concrétisation. Obsédé par la recherche pure, il a négligé le monde qui l'entoure, ignorant les opportunités qui auraient pu le rendre non seulement célèbre, mais aussi puissant. Un jour, à 35 ans, après avoir vu d'anciens camarades moins brillants que lui dominer le monde des affaires et devenir milliardaires, il ressent un profond regret. Pourquoi les génies se limitent-ils à la science pure, laissant les entrepreneur ou homme d'affaires capturer toute la richesse du monde ? C'est alors qu'un accident mystérieux lui offre une seconde chance : il régresse dans le passé, retrouvant son corps de 13 ans, au moment où tout aurait pu changer. Cette fois, il ne se contentera pas d’être le meilleur en classe. Avec son intelligence et ses connaissances du futur, il va bâtir un empire. Plan d’action : Utiliser sa mémoire avancée pour dominer les compétitions académiques tout en gardant un profil bas. Investir dès ses jeunes années dans les marchés boursiers émergents. Exploiter son savoir scientifique pour breveter des technologies avant l’heure. Révolutionner l’entrepreneuriat en appliquant la logique scientifiques pure des génies aux affaires. Son but ? Briser le mythe que seuls les businessmen savent créer de la richesse et prouver que les vrais génies de la science ne sont pas juste des rêveurs… mais aussi des conquérants. ---
Samirnasri · 3.6K Views

The Chronicles : Lament of The Forsaken (Ver. Bahasa Indonesia)

The Chronicles: Lament of the Forsaken adalah sebuah kisah tentang cinta, kehilangan, dan penebusan di tengah dunia yang dilanda kekacauan. Kehidupan Ian dan Gerude hancur ketika Kerajaan Veldron memusnahkan kota mereka, merenggut kedua orang tua mereka, Gaia dan Gram, serta membuat saudara-saudara mereka, Gorgoyle dan Siccyl, menghilang. Di tengah puing-puing kehancuran, kedua bersaudara ini berjanji untuk mengungkap kebenaran di balik tragedi tersebut dan menemukan keluarga mereka yang hilang. Perjalanan mereka membawa mereka melintasi lanskap yang penuh bahaya, dipandu oleh Elara, seorang penyihir kuat dengan hubungan misterius dengan keluarga mereka. Elara mengungkapkan sebuah ramalan yang mengaitkan Ian dan Gerude dengan perang kuno antara cahaya dan kegelapan, serta kekuatan yang tertidur di dalam diri mereka yang dapat mengubah takdir dunia. Bersama-sama, mereka menjelajahi hutan yang mempesona dan reruntuhan terkutuk, menghadapi binatang buas, musuh bayangan, dan pasukan Veldron yang tak kenal lelah. Ketegangan memuncak saat mereka menemukan Gorgoyle, yang kini berubah menjadi sosok mengerikan yang dikonsumsi oleh kegelapan. Dahulu seorang pelindung bagi mereka, Gorgoyle kini telah dirusak oleh kejahatan yang berada di balik kekuasaan Veldron. Ian dan Gerude dihadapkan pada pilihan yang memilukan: menyelamatkan saudara mereka atau menghancurkannya demi mencegah kehancuran yang lebih besar. Sementara itu, Elara menghadapi kekuatan besar yang mengancam keseimbangan dunia, mengorbankan dirinya demi melindungi kedua bersaudara tersebut. Saat pertempuran berkecamuk dan kebenaran terungkap, Ian dan Gerude harus menerima peran mereka dalam ramalan tersebut dan menghadapi ketakutan terdalam mereka. Dalam perjalanan epik ini, The Chronicles: Lament of the Forsaken menggali kekuatan harapan yang abadi, ikatan keluarga yang tak tergoyahkan, dan cahaya yang mampu menembus kegelapan terdalam.
Bookmoles · 1.1K Views

Imperium Maghrebium, the tale of the creation of a Great Empire:French

#KINGDOMBUILDING #MILITARY #SLICEOFLIFE Un groupe d'amis en la noirceur de la nuit se font dévorer par un phénomène pour qui le mot d'étrange n'est point suffisant a le décrire . Années 1200 les Almohade/Al Muwahhidun une entité surpuissante règne en maître sur l'Afrique du nord et la péninsule Ibérique , rien et personne n'aurait pus prédire que cette même superpuissance vivait ses dernières heures de gloire et qu'une sombre ère qui allait durer la moitié d'un siècle pointait son nez sur le cœur de cet empire du Maghreb . Nos protagonistes se retrouvent en plein dans la tourmente de cette période trouble où Sultans/Califes de l'empire se succèdent a un rythme alarmant rappelant la période l'Empire Romain d'Occident , la criminalité connais une hausse , l'empire recule de face aux chrétiens Ibériques et les dynasties vassales à l'empire , pour la première fois depuis 2 siècles les routes commerciales transSaharienne , d'Al Andalus et du Maghreb son sujettes à des raids constants des bandits et criminels en tous genres , le commerce ralentit , l'instabilité se repend , les vivres et marchandises ne circulent plus , les famines accompagnées d'épidémies se déclarent dans tous l'empire , les officiers et bureaucrates de l'empire meurts de façon étrange et misterieuse , ceux qui leur succèdent ne font chaque années que renforcer leur image d'incompétence et de corruption , tous dans l'empire espèrent un messie qui les sauveras eux et cet dernier rempart de l'Occident islamique des loups affamés d'Europe . que fera nos protagonistes pour survivre et vivre en cette période trouble et confuse ? parviendront ils a survivre face aux imprévus de la vie en cet empire qui n'est qu'une simulations titanesques du concept de décadence. English version A group of friends in the dark of night are devoured by a phenomenon for which the word "strange" is not enough to describe it. In the year 1200, the Almohads/Al Muwahhidun, an overpowering entity, reigned supreme over North Africa and the Iberian Peninsula. Nothing and no-one could have predicted that this same superpower was living out its final hours of glory and that a dark era that would last half a century was about to dawn on the heart of this Maghreb empire. Our protagonists find themselves in the midst of the turmoil of this troubled period, when the empire's sultans and caliphs succeed one another at an alarming rate, reminiscent of the period of the Western Roman Empire, crime is on the rise, the empire is retreating in the face of the Iberian Christians and the dynasties vassal to the empire, for the first time in 2 centuries the trans-Saharan trade routes of Al Andalus and the Maghreb are subject to constant raids by bandits and criminals of all kinds, Trade was slowing down, instability was spreading, food and goods were no longer circulating, famines accompanied by epidemics were breaking out throughout the empire, the empire's officers and bureaucrats were dying in strange and misterious ways, and those who succeeded them every year only reinforced their image of incompetence and corruption, everyone in the empire was hoping for a messiah who would save them and this last bulwark of the Islamic West from the the hungry wolves of Europe. What will our protagonists do to survive and live in these troubled and confused times? Will they manage to survive in the face of the unforeseen events of life in this empire, which is nothing more than a titanic simulation of the concept of decadence?
KaiserRayane · 14.2K Views

To be the misunderstood villainess

|Mafia boss×Mafia's son| Warning: extremely mature content. - Couple one: Despite her trying to sound cool, he could hear her slight pants. "What were you doing?" He asked, forgetting everything. That's how it was for them. They could be in the middle of the most serious issue yet the slightest change in their breathing would make the other curious. "If I say that I was, or more like, am fingering myself while thinking about you, would you come here and f*ck me?" She said while putting two fingers inside of herself. A moan left her lips and his d*ck hardened on the other side. "F*ck, Andrew, ah," she was moaning on purpose, to get a reaction out of him. She wanted to test him till he broke and later fulfilled her with his entire being. She knew that she wasn't supposed to want him and so did he but the heart wants what the heart wants. And forbidden fruits always taste better. - All of a sudden, he moved a little away and by not feeling the same sensation as before, she opened her eyes with an annoyed look. She was almost about to come. "Why did you stop -" she was cut off by her own moan. He did the most unthinkable thing. He slapped her pu*sy. She thought that it would hurt her but it had the exact opposite reaction. It ended up sending an electric shock through her body but one that was filled with pleasure. She was looking at him with pleading eyes. She didn't know what she wanted him to do but she wanted something from him and he understood even though she didn't vocalize her thoughts. He made a silent promise to fulfill all of her fantasies and with that, he slapped her again. And she moaned in pleasure again. Who knew that something that counts as a punishment could bring one so much pleasure? - Tangled by an interesting past, lust, and underworld matters. And most importantly heart. Both of them refused to fall for the other again but for how long? In this twisted game called lust, would they end up falling for each other? -- Couple two: "Stars are pretty," he said. She gave him a sad smile. "But people always say that you are going to lose the moon while counting the stars but the moon got scars and you can't stare at the sun for two minutes, you are bound to get blind by its light and how can you love someone you can't even look at?" "So we shouldn't love anything at all?" "If you are willing to take the risk then sure, you can." "Maybe I am or maybe I don't have any choice of my own. If you were given a chance, what would have you been?" "Dust probably," she said, not looking at him anymore. "Dust why? Don't they fly away?" "I wish to be like the dust so that I can fly away. Everything except the dust that flies is desired in one way or another, for example: A bird is caged in the name of love, just because someone wants to keep it. A flower that was torn away from its home and later toasted away in a place where the wind makes it blown, at least one person is going to like it enough to keep it with them till they don't like it anymore. Nobody can see dust, let alone desire it. Maybe being undesired isn't always the bad thing." -- "I trusted you but you broke my trust. You could have told me the truth." "You never seemed interested enough in my truth." "I wasn't? You never bothered asking me anything, you just assumed and ruined everything because that's all you can do. You don't deserve my trust." "I know," she muttered under her breath, fully knowing that he was too good for her to ruin him. -- "Don't do this to yourself just because you hate me. Don't ruin your life, I am begging you." "Because of you? Why would you think that you deserve any of my thoughts, my emotions? You don't even exist to me." And she was again feeling unworthy, a word that was never going to leave her side. -- In the midst of misunderstanding, complications, and hate, will they find love?
gottastudyyyy · 55.6K Views

She is Mr.Mo's beloved

Xi Corporations. "Hey, isn’t that Ms. Su Mei?" one of the women whispered. "Su Mei? That dumb heiress? I heard she embarrassed herself in front of everyone," another employee added. "It gets worse… she usually doesn’t even speak or respond to people. After that accident on her 19th birthday, her parents ended up in a coma, and her brother was jailed for being drunk when he drove that evening," another person commented. "People say she’s possessed, and thanks to her uncle, Xi Corporation still survives," someone else said. "I hope the company’s next heir can be Xi Yuan. She’s from the prestigious Premier League," a man chimed in. "Premier League? The one that only a handful of people from our country attended?" a woman asked. "Yes… her English name is… ah… Sera." Su Mei, who had just come to deliver the document her uncle needed, sat motionless, her heart numb to the cruel words being spoken around her. But one word caught her attention—Sera. Lifeless and distracted, she walked onto the road, only to be almost hit by a car. Hospital. ‘Su Mei...wake up…’ Su Mei heard a voice as she endlessly ran down a road with no end in sight. ‘Su Mei...enough...stop running away…,’ the voice spoke again, but Su Mei seemed confused and resistant. ‘Su Mei… wake up… you have a lot to do. The past seven years of torture are enough. You’ve lived long enough like a lifeless doll… please wake up. Please…,’ Su Mei’s eyes widened in shock. ............ A blurred man’s image appeared in front of her. She frowned as it seemed like a known face. “Se… Senior?” Her husky voice blurted out before thinking. ............ After an hour. Su Mei woke up again, this time looking calm and composed— She raised her head, sensing an undeniable presence in the room. The nation’s hero, Mo Hui. Su Mei gulped as she stared at him. “My car hit you. I’ll make the compensation accordingly,” Mo Hui spoke, making her turn back to look at him. “No, no… Mr. Mo, I wasn’t in my right mind while crossing the road,” she immediately replied with a smile on her face. Seeing her vibrant self, Fu Lei almost dropped the fruit bowl he was holding. 'What in the world? Is she really the lifeless doll people spoke about? No way. ..................... “I thought you called me Senior,” his voice broke through, shattering her morale. She felt like cursing her impatient mouth. No, she couldn’t afford to get exposed. She couldn’t dare to... her life, her parents' lives, and her brother's... sigh... she couldn’t. So... “I’m not sure what Mr. Mo is talking about,” she shamelessly lied. ......................... “I said I’m not sure what Mr. Mo is saying…!” She walked back as she saw the distance between her and the wall decreasing. The man in front of her didn’t have a single intention to stop this from happening but rather was pushing her to the wall. “He touched you…” Mo Hui spoke as his voice sounded like a demon god at the moment. Su Mei reached her limits. “Senior… you promised to help me in the act… also, he was yet to touch my hand before I quickly avoided him,” Su Mei wanted to cry. “Doesn’t matter… his hand touched your wrist,” his dangerous voice came through. “Okay, okay… how about you sanitize with your kiss?” Su Mei helplessly spoke. Mo Hui walked towards her, holding her hand, slightly rolling her sleeve as his lips touched her hand. “Argh… Ah Hui w… we a… are in pu…blic…” She barely spoke as she tried to control her moans. Join me to witness… the savage and demonic heroine and her little love with her senior. P.S: Cover is not mine.
Haru_o1 · 16.5K Views


“Please just kill me. Please.." with tears in my eyes I begged for my own death. I am not one to have suicidal thoughts but I could no longer bear the humiliating torture I was being subjected to any more. However my abductor smiled at my pain and suffering with joy. “You will surely meet your end but it will be when I decide your pu"*y is no longer of use to me and my men. But don't think that's the only terrible thing I can do to you. So you better apologize to me and my honored guest before I allow the dogs and horses to also get a taste of you too and make no mistake it's not going to be pleasant at all," he said wickedly and I felt so humiliated.. How did my life end up this way? Physically assaulted, starved, molested and made naked; being offered as an object of pleasure to his uncharacteristically attractive but intimidating guest? I used to have a perfect life. A family who cares for me and a man who loves and cherishes me. He only just proposed to me yesterday and I have been dreaming of raising a happy family with him. So where did it go wrong? Oh, I remember now. I was stabbed in the back by the person I love and trusted the most. I didn't know she has always been envious and jealous of my happiness. My best friend Gloria, she betrayed me and sold me out to a gang of ruthless thugs to be violated and murdered. However when it seemed all hope was lost the person I least expect to help me would be my savior.
Monday_Williamson · 21.9K Views

Hurtful Attraction

~~HURTFUL ATTRACTION~~ Can you be mine alone ? synopsis..... WHAT IS GOING ON HERE!!! What happens when the petite and foolish Jiang hee in Korea transforms to being the most successful , talented, beautiful and any other things one can think of ?... what happens when she becomes Clinton Eunice in England¿ how did she get there within just six years ? ... .......... ~jiang hee pov~ I am Jiang hee , I'm 18 I live with my Dad bcus Mum died in an accident 4 years ago when I was still 14yrs old .... it still feels like yesterday.... she died right in front of me ... FLASH BACK :( she wanted to cross over to meet me at the other side bcus I was angry at her and crossed alone ...she called out to me but I never answered her until I heard her scream ... I turned back I saw the huge truck moving towards her very fast and she was on the floor "seems like she sprained her ankle " I ran as fast as I could towards her but still... I was too late ... I still hate myself till date .. I really wished I answered her ... she wouldn't had been in a hurry to cross over ):... enough of that my dad and I lived happily until she came with her daughter... yes "she" ... my stepmom and he daughter yunxi .... does my dad loves me ? ... I think so... although he loved me less than before after finding out what happened to his wife he blames me and I blame myself .... does my stepmom loves me ? hell NO...... I still lived my normal life .... buh he came to destroy it and it hurts to see him like dis ... why ? who the hell is he ? why does he hate me ... yes! I'm talking about Diego Clinton .. why do I still want him even after everything . . ~Diego's POV~ ohhhh yes yes yes Diego ... yessss.... I'm cuming!... ahhhh... Di di di Diego stop... pls stop ... I can't... arrgghh ...harder harder....sssstttooooppp .. I can't take it all ... too huge .. arrgghh .... Boom she collapsed for the second time now ... bitch Boys! some bulky/huge guyz came in yes sir! take care of her .... that was all he said ND went out of the room .... That was refreshing ... you re wondering who I am right ?? .. the wait is over I'm Diego Clinton the hottest richest, smartest and also the youngest billionaire in England I don't believe Inlove not one bit ND I'm damn speaking from experience from my parents so called love ... always fighting inside ND being the sweetest outside .. you won't believe that for the past years now .. they have been collecting the award for the sweetest couple in the wtf .... (back to the present) The bitch I just fucked now is Becky or is it Janet or Suzy perhaps it's jenny I don't know ... buh her pussy was kinda gud ND she's gud in bed but I do pay her I don't f**k for free.... I lived freely until she came in yes until she came in .... Jiang hee and I feel a kind of attraction to her which I don't understand., ND about my work .... I guess you would soon find out dats all you need to know .. I wanna go f**k other pu****s ....... what happens after he falls Inlove with Jiang hee ... but why is the attraction hurtful ? . . What do you want wife? can I ask for anything? yes wife anything she looked into his eyes and asked him "Can you be mine alone? " what would be his reply??? YES or NO ? Keep on reading to find out ......
Mhiz_Authoress · 8.8K Views
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