Chereads / Emperor was a systemholder. / Chapter 16 - Noble's life.

Chapter 16 - Noble's life.

This was the first time, the emperor ended the meeting before the usual time and left in fury.

The quiet meeting hall became noisy as soon as the emperor left, many young bureaucrats tried to help their unconscious friends while the nobles, capable or incompetent, stood still thinking of how to deal with their fate.

The emperor's friends trio began to move, Solo asked Thiw and Woden to go back on his carriage. He did not want their longtime relation to turning sour, a talk was needed before the fracture became deeper and unable to put back together.

The other two accept and they walk out from the hall together, other people noticed and soon began to move out one after another.

The officers, nobles and military officers who attend today meeting came from the various place around the capital, some may reside around the high-end luxurious property quarter while some may reside at the outer ring of the capital, some may live in a military compound or lived at their own place around their base.

But the place they live was only a part of their differences, they may attend the same place under the same ruler but their standing in society still quite far apart. Their role and duty were different and the reason for their choice was different too.

We could distinguish the people who attend the meeting in three big separated groups, the nobles, the high ranking military officers and the new bureaucrats, excluding the other various palace attendant and a few numbers of big shots in the most inner circle.

And even if we only sorted out three groups, their respected choice may become largely different even between people of the same group. The details on each noble life could be led to their different view but to sum it up, let looked only the stereotype of their type.

The nobles whether capable or not most would look arrogant or conceited. They were wealthy and influential, they rode on the right side and kept their head on their neck, some became bigger and wealthier after help David in his long campaign, some may not put their mind on land and power but to expand their network and position in society. These type would mostly gather together at the noble quarter in the inner wall.

They exempted from some tax like inheritance tax and personal income tax, no need to report for war duty only provide an volunteer, the authority to self govern their domain and with the law of this newly established empire no need to worry about military budget anymore since the emperor was the one who controls all military force under his name. They still needed to pay tax to the empire, though.

The military garrisons in their domain would not fall under their jurisdiction but the military law was harshed and a few would reckless enough to lose their good career for jail or, at worst, beheaded. In Sacred Ramale empire, David put emphasize on any legal issues for his armed force must be responsible to preserve both military justice and the positive opinion of citizens. These include the preservation of good order and discipline for any conduct of troops, the legality of orders and appropriate behavior for members of the military toward the common citizen.

The military garrisons and bases around the empire also help the nobles in both economic and security. The military forces provide safety along the road they patrol or march between each fort, the troops did not take any money from the lords pocket and provide the thrive in business, thus provide local people in the community around military force area with money and the lord of the domain with more tax instead. These somehow also reduce the merchants guild monopoly, because there was no need for an escort in transport from peddler and merchant or coerced unfair contracted regulate wholesale against local artisans by the guild due to their power of purchase were reduce when the local exchange became easier. Khadija, the third queen who came from merchant families also helped the emperor in opposing the guild.

The nobles needed to respond with the security department to protect the people welfare in their domain and sometimes in the past the criminal would hide in other fiefdoms to evade the punishment as nobles did not have authority to pry into other noble domain business but the rumor said the emperor would provide the special force to take care of this soon. Whether the rumored department would be either FBI or Militsiya was in David decision.

These mean that their job would be less and less, no more headache problems like inside or outside protection force for people in his domain, they could just govern the land as they saw fit. They still needed to pay tax to the empire, though.

How pleasant is the life their lead, sound good?

Normally their life in the old times was a lot easier, at least they could have their own force but now they could not even have too much bodyguard. What would happen if the emperor decides to get rid of them whether they are good or bad at the same time? Well, that would never happen as long as they lived under the benevolent and reasonable ruler, lucky enough David was a reasonable man, not a tyrant.

Their job was easier with no needed for them to report their result for inspection but now it was hard, under the hawk eyes of audit officer in the financial department and even the other like law and social welfare, a miss single step could be a tremendous blow for their position, however for the past months, all nobles were never fallen under any charge, and it seems that all the guilty corrupted ones would retire from their status soon.

They did not need to join every meeting, only one time a month.

Since wither the head of the family or his children need to stay in the capital as hostages… his majesty guests in an alternative system inside the capital inner area. They would spend a lot of money to relieve them of their boredom; A normal tea party for ladies, a dancing party for show off their wealth, and auction for beauty craft. Some with good hearth may go to participate in a charity event or directly gave food to the poor that live outside the inner wall, this group would even go as far as exchanging their opinion to open the hospital or other welfare things. Many nobles in the capital also speaking of established the separate school for their descendants.

Where did they get money from?

Well, the trade was fourish and their need for huge expenditure was gone. The nobles now load with money, and money was meant to spend not hoarding.

As for those did not like to spend? Well, anything could happen in the world of human, a mysterious disappearing of whole family charge or link with law of treason was occurred before in our Roman empire. David already introduces many new things before, If David gonna introduce something later it was not surprising. Anyway, a cruelty and blatant excessive usage of force should be the last method.