Emperor words were the words that must be obeyed without question any acted to defy the order could lead to dreadful punishment.
Under the kind and mercy ruler, officers encouraged by the sovereign's kindness may offer their advice and opposed order of the one he served out of goodwill.
However, goodwill did not imply that a good outcome would come.
You must surely be a fool to oppose a tyrant, with one wrongfully words the entire household could be destroyed under the wrath of the emperor.
In Earth, numbers of account showed that sometime an Emperor could even go so far as to order the execution of those of his advisers who dared criticize him or just had heard one talked about him without respect.
Simply speaking most ruler under the absolute monarchy tended to believe in the phrase "Defy me, and you will suffer my wrath."
And those stupid people would understand that emperor decree was not meant to be ignored.
Was David started to change? Did his status blind him and made him into a tyrant?
The answer was No.
From the first month, David ordered his decree throughout the land informed every magic academies and sects to report at the administration office and became registered under the regulation of his empire.
Harshness, maybe?
Pure tyranny, absolutely not!
David did give them a leeway.
Every city hall officer went to magic academies and sects in their responsible domain and provide information for those magician groups, explain everything and inform them of the unpredictable consequence.
David also uses every marketing method he could think of to persuade those magicians.
For example.
The brochure.
The one he ripped off from some democratic country, famed for being the number 1 in military expenditure in which 7 of the top ten countries were its allies.
"Everybody who joined would be provided with steady Income, promoted based on job knowledge and performance, career path, tax advantage, commissary privileges, moving allowances, temporary lodging expenses, travel, survivor benefits, Veterans Administration home loans and more"
"The Few. The Proud. The magician bureau officers"
The picture of Mages went to the barren land fighting with monsters was on the background while young mage climbing to the top of the cliff with the narration of a gentle yet powerful voice of a military man.
"No matter the circumstance, no matter the enemy, the Magician bureau will always answer the call of our People. A call answered with the single greatest weapon in the Empire: The fighting spirit of the Magician bureau. Do you have the determination to fight and win against any obstacle? Contact a City hall."
The poster
"I Want YOU for Magician bureau" featured on a poster was David pointing toward the audience.
"Because You're Worth It" This phrase was good but David could not use it for the broadcasting device because the content would be different, so he only put it on the poster.
Remembered his former world and the country of liberty, he felt a bit sad. One of the things, David was sad about his death was that he could not see the new wonders of the world "The Great Wall of ….."
On posters, On Jewel broadcast and Word-of-mouth. Every way he could think of, the slogans to encourage magicians to apply for the jobs were post all over the continent.
David gave choice for those who already had a magic skill and hoped to encourage the common people at the same time.
If they were smart mages, who could read the wind, they would accept this recruitment and became officers.
If they were arrogant privilege-addicted, yet knew to keep their mouth, who did not join and did not complain, David would pay them no heed.
"I gave you a choice. Don't refuse my act of kindness. If you do so, then shut your mouth closed." David thought.
What's about those arrogant privilege-addicted and stupidly enough to oppose the emperor?
They should recite German's quote, "learn to suffer without complaining!".
However, they would not and David's patience was not bottomless depth.
In fact, they thought of David as a villain who robbed their rightful privilege of fame and glory.
"Want me to work? Bah!"
"I always lived without a care in the world and do as I see fit, why would I work for the government. Catch me if you dare?"
"My house was the house of the magician from the time of beginning. Why would I obey."
7 Months had passed, all was set, David finally decided to putt the last nail in the coffin.
David could wait if there was no warning message from the system, but he could not wait now.
"What doe the system mean by Demo version and open server? Will it move on to the next stage when I answer?"
His worry could not find an answer even if he tried to ask his two artificial intelligence, Iris and Aanetroc. Those two who always stayed and helped him but they outright refused to answer him this question by all mean.
When He desperately tried to ask them and forced them to answer.
They told him in a mechanic manner deprived of their usual interaction.
" Error 404 not found. This is beyond the authorization of the living being host named David, any more abusing of the system would lose you the system, Do you want to proceed?"
Thus David stopped, He was with Iris from birth, Anetroc came later but she was important none the less.
Therefore, David could not wait and proceed with his plan.
"Kill the chicken to scare the monkey"
According to history, Sun Tzu had the two concubines of his kings executed, then he chose two other concubines to lead the groups of women. Surprisingly, when he did this and again sounded the drums to start the march. This time the women performed perfectly with perfect accuracy and precision.
Did Sun Tzu kill two poor concubines appear too cruel to you? Then, what was a better way to train the concubines? Sometimes mercy was not an option.
After an offered of money rank and fame, it was the time to make an example out of some fools in order to threaten the remaining.
What would David do? Slowly killing liked Ling'Chi or crucify? How about mass execute anyone with their 3 steps of bloodline?
None was good. This Noseth was too poor in David's eyes and human resources were too precious for them to slaughter meaningless.
In fact, people of Noseth too thought the same. Human resources were scarce, to begin with, and the presence of magic made sure that Gods presented were unquestioned and everybody wholeheartedly believed in god. Mercy was given when the other force surrender and no further bloodshed was needed. The usage of a cruelty act was not popular.
Why killing? What's the point of fighting if there was no gain? Why would fight for land when the people to plow and harvested was gone?
When they thought about the commoner, living slaves were a lot better than corpses.
As for noble and magicians, most battles were started and ended between nobles and magicians, they too would be captured and ransomed than killed even if the money was not enough to pay for freedom there could still work to pay their ass off. A duel was thought of as a heroic and gloried way to resolve a conflict.
However, David was not. He knew from examples of his ruthless former world. Stick was need and with most frequently used skill "eyes of all-knowing," he knew who was incompetent and also had malice intents towards him.
The punishment would be known later as "Live burying of magicians"
David told his retainer that he copied this method from history but when historians read through the history books, the historian never found a record about said punishment before the time of David.
Before the punishment really took place, some magicians could not read the wind and criticize David for renounced the past tradition uphold since ancient, David did not care as he knew that it was hard to accept and he wanted them to change peacefully. But the foul mouth of those stupid magicians did not know how to shut, now those ignorance magicians would know the consequence.
However, there was something out of expectations for David.
Woden, David's friends and former grandmaster of the light tower, had opposed to the punishment as he stated that the acted was too horrendous.