Leskoria, Leskoria, gods shed their grace on thee!!
Resting south of the Barents Sea, settled on the northern portion of Scandinavia is a country under a blanket of snow. Founded officially in 1917 alongside Finland, the country is home to the leskorian people. Their architecture greatly resembled their neighbors in Norway and Sweden, but the people were different.
Leskorians boasted monumental physical structures which didn't clearly represent the normal human being. Their men stand around nine-feet tall, and the women hadn't lagged behind by much at eight-feet and seven inches. They appeared as giant versions of humans, but proportionate and beautiful. Many conspiracy theories surround them, including the Illuminati and alien genres.
The current date: 3 April, 1941, is the one-year anniversary of Nazi Germany having taken control of the leskorian government. Many women had lost their jobs, restricted and confined to tendencies of the household.
Word of a secret society, one of mystery and wonder drearily stained the nerve-racking streets of many small towns and cities. A place where men and women dedicated their lives to the liberation of their once proud land.
What will happen as turmoil rises, as secrets are uncovered? Only time can tell such a tale.