Chereads / Devotion [BL] / Chapter 14 - Little Things

Chapter 14 - Little Things

"Hey, your summer must have been awesome," Nozawa started.

"Hmm? Why would you say that?" Ren said easily as he eased into his seat before the bell rang, coffee flask in hand.

"I don't know, you just look like..." Nozawa struggled.

"Like he's been screwing all summer," Izumi chipped in helpfully.

Ren nearly sputtered his drink but somehow managed to finish his sip. He hoped he wasn't blushing.

No such luck. The guys caught it and whistled.

"Whoa!! Who's the girl?"

"Or is it girls?"

"Way to go, Fujiwara!"

"It's not what you think," Ren protested. "I was working full-time!"

"I know, Arai told us," Izumi grinned. "Doesn't mean you can't get laid."

"He said all the girls staying at the inn were practically fawning over you," Nozawa egged on.

"I wasn't.." Ren finished lamely. "Screwing around."

Being fucked was more like it, he thought. No, stop thinking about that in school!

"Say what you want, we'll get the details out of you," Izumi laughed.

Ren was going to correct them when Arai arrived.

"Arai! How was Kurosawa like?" Nozawa asked.

"Why didn't you ask me?" Ren demanded.

"Because you're both buddies and he's nicer to you," Izumi rolled his eyes.

Arai said thoughtfully, "Actually, he's pretty cool. Quiet guy."

"He didn't cause any trouble?" Nozawa arched an eyebrow.

"Of course not!" Ren exclaimed more forcefully than he intended. No one paid any heed to him though.

"Nah. My mom even gave him snacks to take home," Arai agreed. He turned to Ren. "You guys shared a room. You didn't mention about him sneaking off or anything though."

Three faces suddenly stared at him expectantly.

Ren managed to respond so casually that he thought he deserved a damn acting award. "Nope. Not while I was awake anyway."

That wasn't exactly a lie, he supposed. He hoped he wasn't blushing.

Izumi looked properly impressed. "Wow, must be your good influence."

Thankfully, the homeroom teacher entered the class. Ren sighed in relief.


"How are Tsuruno and Furuya?"

"Tsuruno's aunt seems to treat him well. Furuya says his parents are doing better these days."

Shinobu set the bowl on the counter for Ren. He was glad that both Furaya and Tsuruno had been picked up by their respective families. They were good kids. At least now they didn't have to wait for instant noodle from the likes of him for treats.

"That's good!" Ren smiled and slurped the noodles. "Maybe we can visit them one day."

"Maybe." Shinobu was not so sure. They probably wanted to start new lives of their own.

"Trust me. They'll be happy to see you. They still keep in touch, right?"

"For now," Shinobu nodded. "Have an egg."

"Are you sure you can give me a freebie?"

"Just eat it."

"You're changing the subject."


"Fine, fine. Thanks for the egg!"

"Oh, before I forget," Ren opened his bag and took out a notebook. "Here, I took notes from Social Studies."

Shinobu hated the subject with a passion. His expression must have been obvious because Ren chuckled.

"Now you know how I feel about math."

"I know. Thanks for this," Shinobu smiled slightly and packed the notebook into his bag in the locker.

When he returned to the counter, Ren was almost done with his meal.

"That was quick," Shinobu commented.

Ren sighed dramatically. "I've cram school today."

"You didn't have to come all the way here," Shinobu frowned.

"I wanted to. Besides, it's sort of eating with you. See you in the morning?" Ren stood up and paid for the meal.

Shinobu nodded. "At the gates."

"Bye!" Ren flashed a grin and waved to his co-worker before leaving the store.

Ueno, who had been observing their exchange, remarked gruffly. "You're doing better this year, Kurosawa. Keep it up."