Maybe be not a Hero, but certainly not a Zero

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Chapter 1 - Open Duel

Their blades clashed, with Aaron's being slightly stronger. He moved back and readied himself for another attack. He waited for William to go forwards, not actually going to strike him. William smiled and then lunged forwards, jabbing forwards with his blade, forcing Aaron to move to the side before getting hit with a spinning kick. It tagged his chin and stunned him, making him stagger back. He knew exactly what William was to do next, yet was powerless to stop it as he grabbed his collar and lifted his blade to Aaron's throat, "Stop, William Olberst wins," William rolled his eyes and sheathed his blade, "Aaron, take a break."

"I can do it, Mr. Rulist, let me have another go."

"Very well, someone else to fight," Aaron sighed as Selene Grand walked forwards, "Selene?"

"He wants to fight, he might as well fight the best," She said, tossing her blonde braid over her shoulder. She was one of the best knights of Hiltokia, despite her being only 17, she wasn't extremely strong but her skill made up for that lack. Aaron was the opposite, with less skill and more strength, wielding a heavier blade than most to utilize his raw power. She drew her blade and they made eye contact. She smiled before moving forwards, using a side stance, not using her usual stance but it was something that Aaron hated, having to close the distance quickly without being tagged by any strike and avoiding to lose balance by rushing her. He swung her blade down and she quickly threw another jab at him, making him back off. He slammed her blade down and then tried to get at her, only to feel cold metal on his neck, he stopped moving.

"Stop, Selene Grand wins," She smiled at him and then sheathed her blade, she was extremely fast, and clearly could tell what he had wanted to do before, allowing her blade to get struck and then force him into a bad position.

"Keep trying, Aaron," Her words were not cold, yet the others laughed, as if they were supposed to be taunting. Aaron sheathed his blade and sighed. He had been beaten faster than he had hoped for. He sighed and let someone else fight.

"Why am I even trying?" He mumbled, "2 years and I am barely above first years that just got here," He sighed and sat down at the back of the group, "Maybe Mr. Grim will help me this year," Mr. Grim was probably the best knight in Hiltokia and he had offered Aaron to train with him after school hours and he was going to take him up on it, despite it meaning that he would be more tired than he already was each evening, but if it could make him a good knight, he would take it.

That evening, he stood in the arena with his balde sheathed on his belt, "Aaron, you showed up," He turned and saw Mr. Grim slowly walking to the center of the arena, his bizarre blade drawn, "Does my blade arouse your curiosity?"

"Why is it like that?" It had a curving base before becoming a regular cutlass-like blade, "Doesn't it make it harder to fight?"

"I guess not, from where I am standing, I believe it makes it easier," He gestured for Aaron to come forwards, "Ready?" Aaron nodded as he held his blade in his right hand, "Then start," He lunged forwards and his blade was 'caught' by Mr. Grim's and then spun to the side, making Aaron stagger. Falling to the ground, he realized how Mr. Grim had knocked him down, with a simple push after the fact, "Balance, remember to use it and keep it," Aaron rose again and attacked again, striking hard, but unlike with his classmates, Mr. Grim parried it completely, stopping it with the curved base of his blade. He pushed it back and Aaron spun and their blades collided again, Mr. Grim hadn't moved from his original position, and was clearly much stronger than Aaron, even with a lighter blade. He snapped his fingers in his left hand and it made Aaron look at his hand before getting tripped up, "Sorry, threw you in on the deep end," He said helping Aaron up, "I think I know what to work on with you."

"Speed? Skill?"

"None of that, a knight does not need to be an all-rounder at your level, you naturally develop those instead of forcing them, but unless you are trying to earn a Queen's Guard title, you don't need to force it, but there are some key things you need, three to be precise, balance, strength and clearly, confidence."

"That is it?"

"You seem surprised, Aaron."

"Yeah, kinda, so I don't have to be like William or Selene to be good?"

"Selene is talented, William is only half decent, he is an imitator, of Selene, don't compare yourself to him," Mr. Grim said, sheathing his blade, "You should focus on being a strong style knight."

"What is that?"

"There are several types of styles that knights commonly use, the main ones are duelist and counter, I use counter most of the time, but the others include speed, taunt or strong, strong is a rare one, that relies on a heavier blade and larger strikes to break someone's guard through force, not through speed or movement."

"Why is not common to use?"

"Because it is rare to have a teacher that can actually teach it, Mr. Rulist, despite being a phenomenal teacher, he can't teach taunt or strong, those are very rare styles that surprise people who think that they know all styles."

"So you can teach strong?"

"I used to use it."

"You did?"

"It got me to the Grand Academy of Knights."

"Why did you change, Mr. Grim?"

"Because I got a new blade, and decided to try my hand at counter, and it has suited me better," He shrugged slightly, "Not really my fault."


"Now, let's go again."