Chereads / Strange Love / Chapter 408 - Questions better left unanswered

Chapter 408 - Questions better left unanswered

Arei followed Ry out, his eyes moving around the empty parking lot as he did. "Where's your savior? I figured she'd be waiting for you out here."

Ry grunted as he headed toward the SUV he'd driven there. "We parted ways once we made it back safe…"

Arei arched a brow. "That seems like a harsh over-simplification of what should have been an… eventful encounter."

Ry shrugged. "Perhaps…" Artemis's last words rang in his mind. He quickly shook his head to disperse them. "You getting in?"

Arei paused for a moment. He pulled the boat keys from his pocket and tossed them to Chery. "See that our friend gets my boat back to the hotel… and have him clean the seat after…"

Chery puffed out a laugh as she nodded and turned back to the warehouse. "Hey pissy pants, see that the boat gets back to the hotel safely, and mind the seats!"

Arei shook his head with a laugh. "I honestly believe she derives some kind of pleasure from degrading men…"

Ry arched a brow. "You think?" he replied sarcastically.

Arei chuckled as he got into the passenger seat. "Were to then?"

"It doesn't matter we can simply drive around for all I care… We just need to discuss Jos and her involvement with the children of Nyx… especially Hypnos…"

Arei groaned as he slumped down in the seat. "I've not seen you for several months and this is how you'd like our first conversation to go?"

Ry clenched his teeth as he thought back to the similar words Artemis had said as they parted ways.

The night before

Artemis could not believe her eyes as she watched the way Ry clung to Russ's every word over dinner. Her eyes continued to travel to the beautiful girl seated on the other side of Russ. She pitied the girl, and her obvious discomfort caused by whatever connection still lingered between the young king and the titan. It took everything in her not to follow and question the girl once she had dismissed herself from the table. Artemis had to admit, though, she wasn't sure she was ready for the answer. What had transpired between these two that could have led to Ry sacrificing himself to the many terrors of Ogygia? She'd been angry with Joslyn when she'd assumed the girl had been the reason for his actions… but now… she couldn't quite put her finger on the emotion she felt. It wasn't like she wasn't aware of Ry's varying tastes when it came to partners, and she too had rejected him in the past… so that couldn't be the reasoning… If she were honest with herself she'd known from the second she'd decided to follow him to Ogygia that there would not be a future for them past the here and now. So why did she feel like a vice grip was being clamped down on her stomach?

Soon Russ and Ry were both standing, and Russ was clasping Ry's shoulder. "This was nice. It's been boring here without you, but I'm sure it's about time for you to leave… after all, you've been saying for well over three hours now that you were needing to leave immediately."

Ry forced himself to hold back his true desires as he nodded in agreement. "You're right. I mean it this time. I'm leaving… I'll be back though as soon as this mess is wrapped up, so don't go and move anyone else into my room just yet."

Russ chuckled. "I didn't move anyone into it during the months that you were away… What makes you think I would now?"

Ry bit his lip as he held back what he truly wanted to say. "As long as we're on the same page." He sent him a wink as he turned toward the wide dining room doors. He threw a wave over his shoulder, not having the strength to continue walking away if he risked seeing Russ's face once more. "Later."

Artemis quickly shoved up from the table and chased after him, not caring who saw or what they would think. "Is that it? Are you leaving without another word to me?"

Ry shrugged as the butler opened the door for them. "What is there to say? This was your plan as well, right? Rescue me then leave without a word?"

Artemis clenched her fists. "I would have told you beforehand."

Ry turned on her with a snide curl of his lip and an arch of his brow. "When? As you were walking out the door? You made it clear on the island, you had no intention of staying with me or rekindling any spark that we once had."

"You don't seem to have a mind to rekindle anything with me either!" She bit out angrily.

He stared coldly down at her. "Perhaps you're right… or perhaps I chose to go with the option with the less painful rejection. At least Russ is still willing to keep me by his side even if it is not in the capacity I may wish. You… you would turn your back on me at the first sign of your father or brother."

She shoved hard against his chest. "How dare you! You know well my reasons!"

He caught her hands. "I know that it was you who asked to remain a virgin, your vows that bind you. I know that enough time has passed that no one would blink twice at seeing us together. There are enough stories in circulation that even most humans know them by now, yet you still refuse me and any other who may take interest in you."

Her cheeks reddened. "That is not true."

He rolled his eyes in irritation. "Then go back to fucking your nymphs and maidens. Go back to your harem."

She beat her fists against his chest. "That is not fair! You have done the very same!"

He caught her hands and pulled her closer. "I have never claimed to be a virtuous saint. I proudly accept my well-deserved title as man-whore." He bit out the name that had been used against him all too many times before, a name she herself had called him. The word burned his mouth like venom, but he continued on. "What would you have me do? Stay by your side as your humble pet? I think not. Not ever again. That is not love. That is possession, and one day your little maidens will realize this too. Then where will you be?"

She pulled her hands away from him and then shoved him as hard as she could. "Run away then! Leave! I never want to see you again!"

He gave a deep bow. "As you wish, goddess."

Ry's gaze moved over to his brother briefly. "I just want to get this job wrapped up so I can go home… Is that too much to ask?"

Arei did his best to hide his surprise at hearing the word 'home' come from his brother's lips. "And Jos is somehow part of this job of yours?"

Ry shrugged. "I don't want her to be… I want whatever is going on here with your current case to be all of it… but you know there is something more going on… why try to hide it?"

Arei frowned. "I just don't understand where this is coming from all of a sudden."

"Artemis told me about the night she was brought to Ogygia… It's one thing for Hypnos to protect Jos. We were already aware she'd drawn the attention of Nyx's children after seeing the security footage from the DeMarco mansion… But if Hypnos really told Artemis what she is claiming it changes things."

Arei blew out a long sigh. "Ry… I don't care…"

Ry couldn't hide the surprise or irritation in his voice. "What do you mean you don't care. You have no idea how deep this goes."

Arei shrugged. "I don't care."

Ry sent him a glare. "Hypnos wants to get revenge on Zeus and Hera."

Arei shrugged again. "Good. It's about time someone did…"

Ry's mouth dropped open. "You've got to be kidding, right?"

"I was part of a coup against him once… what makes you think I wouldn't be a part of one again? Can you really sit there and say you've never thought about exacting your own revenge against him and all that he put us through?"

Ry clenched his fists around the steering wheel. "Arei this is crazy. You know there is no winning against him…"

"There wasn't against Calypso either, yet you went anyway."

"That was a bit different. You have the person you love, and I'm sure the two of you plan to spend a long time together."

He blew out another sigh. "Exactly… and whatever she is a part of, so am I."

Ry glared at him doubtfully. "Even if it means the death of you both?"

Arei shook his head as he leaned the seat back. "It would never get that far. Jos and I are not vying for power, and I'm sure I speak for her as well when I say neither of us could give a shit what the other gods do once Zeus is delt with."

"Arei, you have to realize this is madness."

"It is due punishment. Justice, if you will. Zeus has taken too much for far too many for way too long. It's time he answered for that. If Hera has to be dragged down with him then so be it."


"You're either with us or you're not. Either way, all I ask is that you stay out of the way… I'll choose her Ry… I don't want it to come down to that, but I will… I'll always choose her."

Ry blew out a defeated sigh. "I understand all too well how that feels… There is someone I would choose over all others as well…" His sad eyes met his brother's. "Just be glad your feelings are reciprocated."


Jos forced a smile as April continued with her non-stop questions. She blew out a puff of air as she clicked pause on the show she'd been trying to watch most of the day. "I realize these things must be weighing heavier on your mind lately as you and Drake become closer, and your relationship matures into something else… but shouldn't these be questions for him to answer?"

April puffed out her cheeks in a pout as she squeezed the pillow she'd been hugging tighter. "Well… I just assumed with Shelly and Rin, and you and Russ… and… Xavier… ya know…"

Jos couldn't hide her frown. "I assure you, Shelly and I both had just as many questions as you going forward with just as limited answers. Lucky for Shell things seem to be working out well. The children have the more dominant traits of their father's… background… As for me, I was lucky never to have to seriously consider such things."

April tilted her head to the side. "Never once? Not even with R-"

Jos lifted her hand to stop her. "Not even with him." When April seemed unsatisfied with such a vague answer, and Jos could see more questions brewing in the young wolf's cute head, she blew out another long sigh. "Very well, I'll tell you what I know." She sent the girl a very pointed look. "But keep in mind I'm in no way an authority on such things, and I'm only relaying what I've been told by others. NOTHING I've learned firsthand."

April's ears perked up. "That is all I ask, nothing more I promise!"

"Fine…" Jos rubbed her temples. "Well, as I said with Shelly and Rin the wolf genes seem to be dormant or something as there are no signs with Cam or in the ultrasounds and other testing of the twins so far. We do not know if that means they may later show traits or if any children after will have mixed traits."

"Is there no research? No others that have mixed in such a way?"

Jos shook her head. "I'm sure there have been others, but there have not been any formal records that we know about." She thought back to one of the conversations she'd had with Xavier after he'd admitted to being a vampire. "Xavier once told me that his mother was Fae and that some of her traits had passed to him increasing his abilities as a vampire… especially allure and compulsion… The compulsion was so strong, in fact, he often wore sunglasses to keep from forcing his influence on others." She shrugged. "I suppose it is different depending on the creatures that are mixing. I know it is not unusual for conception between two different creatures to be hard or in some cases impossible… another reason why there isn't much record on the matter, I would assume…"

"So, you never even considered it when you were with Russ?" April pushed on in curiosity.

Jos's frown deepened. It was time to end this line of questioning once and for all. "I never did because I never planned to stay with him long enough for it to matter. I knew well what would be expected of him once he hit a certain age."

April seemed to only grow more confused. "But if that is the case, why start anything at all with him?"

Jos massaged her temples with both hands. "If you are determined to have this conversation I'll need wine and the bathroom first…" Jos pushed herself up and made her way over to the mini bar in the corner. She glanced back to April over her shoulder as she withdrew two glasses. "Would you like wine or something else?"

April hesitated for a brief second. "Just juice, please."

Jos poured the juice first then as she was about to pour the wine, she decided to take bottle and all. She set them on the table where she'd been sitting. "I'll be back in a minute..."

Just as the bathroom door latched behind her, chuckling filled the room as the images in the mirror seemed to whirl. Hypnos materialized a wide grin spread across his face. "So what? Do you plan on hiding out in the bathroom the rest of the afternoon?" His body seemed to emerge from the mirror in a ghostly haze. His pale hand extended to caress her cheek. "I must say, I was interested in hearing what response you'd provider to her question." He brushed past her moving for the door.

"NO wait!" Jos called in hushed worry as she caught the sleeve of the fine silk robe he wore.

He sent her a smirk. "Not to worry your little friend will not notice us at all." He slid his hand over hers and laced his fingers into hers before leading her out of the bathroom. "See."

April set slumped over, asleep on the sofa. Jos turned a suspicious glare back to Hypnos. "She'll not be out as long as last time, right?"

He chuckled again. "Would it be so bad if she were? At least then there would be a break in all her bumbling questions."

Jos shook her head as she pulled her hand free of his grip and walked over to the wide windows overlooking the canal. "You have to stop interfering so much. Having you in my head all the time is making me feel..."

He stepped behind her and slid his hands along her shoulders and neck, his strong thumbs working out some of the knots that had built there. His eyes locked with hers, reflected in the glass as he slid his hands around her neck encircling it. He bent forward, his lips nearly brushing the curve of her ear. His cool breath tickled her skin as his words came out in a lulling purr. "This is not your way of backing out of our agreement, is it?" A seductive grin curved his lips. His hands crossed around the front of her throat applying more pressure to the hypnotic strokes of his grip. "The deal still stands exactly as we agreed. You are mine to do with as I please if you do not deliver on your end of things." He used his grip to urge her around to face him. His eyes raked over her as he loosened his hold and began stroking the sides of her neck and tracing her jawline with his thumbs. "You know I have grown fond of our time together, perhaps I shall not mind the sab in the back quite as much as I'd once thought I would…"