Chereads / Strange Love / Chapter 331 - Eyes Wide Shut

Chapter 331 - Eyes Wide Shut

A light tap against the door brought Russ's gaze away from Jos and his thoughts.

"It's time to go. You've been away for too long as it is." Ry said with little enthusiasm in his voice as he walked over and brush a finger across Jos's cheek.

"I can't just leave... She's like this because I couldn't protect her-"

Ry stopped him. "Because we didn't protect her... I was there too and just as responsible." A frown creased his face. "Don't be selfish enough to believe you're the only one with feelings in this matter. You're not, far from it... but the rest of us understand that nothing can be done by sitting around." He stepped away from the bed and stared down a Russ. "What will you do if something happens at the palace while you're here? She's safe now. Can you say the same for your future wife?"

Russ frowned as his gaze moved back to Jos's still, pale body. "Just a year ago I would have fought anyone who would have told me someone other than Jos was going to be my wife... When I realized the pain I was causing her and saw how much more happy she was with Arei... It hurt, but I accepted it... then I met Jaden, and I thought I could put my infatuation for Jos behind me... but..." He cupped her hand in both of his and pressed his lips to her cold knuckles as tears began to stream down his cheeks. "But seeing her like this... Knowing I may never see her smiling face or hear her sweet voice again..." His tear-stained face lifted to meet Ry's turbulent gaze. "It only reminds me of how much I loved her... how much she still means to me..." His brows bunched in frustration. "I know you all keep saying it's her curse or the siren in her and not real love... but... It's all I've known my entire life..." He shook his head. "My father wasn't affected by her... So why am I?"

Ry let out a heavy sigh as his expression softened. "I don't know, kid." He shrugged as his gaze moved down to her. "My twin brother would die for her in the most painful and agonizing ways... But I've never felt more than a passing curiosity... a familiar fondness..." His eyes met Russ's with an unspoken pain behind them. "As you're well aware, I favor men more... maybe that's why her charms have never affected me. Who knows... As for your father he had imprinted on your mother years prior to meeting Jos. Maybe that is why. I really couldn't tell you... but I will tell you this much my brother will never give her up without a fight and that's one fight you'll never win. I've seen what he is willing to do for love, and it's not pretty." His eyes moved back to Jos, a frown settling over his face. "Say your goodbyes I'll meet you in the library."

It didn't take much to know where Russ's feelings were coming from. Of course, he would question these things, but it wouldn't do him, his new pack, or anyone else any good... not now... He pushed through the doors of the library just in time to catch the depressing conversation of the others.

"It's been three days already. I hate to say it, but if she were coming back... if she could be brought back... surely it would have had to happen by now. Her organs are going to start taking on permanent damage..."

Arei let out an irritated huff as he lifted the glass in his hand to his mouth and took a large drink of the amber liquid inside. "Do you think I don't already know this, Chary?" He wouldn't meet her pitying gaze, instead, he stared out over one of the many pools of the bottom floor.

Chary let out a sad sigh. "Then what will you do?"

"What I must when the time comes... but not a second sooner." Arei grumbled as he finished off the scotch and refilled his glass.

Ry nodded silently as Chary's pleading eyes moved to him, asking without words for help. He walked over and clasped his brother's shoulder with one hand and took the glass with the other. He sat the glass on the table. "I know you're hurting, but this is no way to deal with it."

Arei held his gaze with a defiant glare as he lifted the decanter to his lips and drank deeply from the bottle.

Ry rolled his eyes as he reached for the decanter, But Arei turned away. "Arei dammit, you're being unreasonable!"

"Unreasonable? And asking me to simply give up on her isn't?" Arei bit out as he brought the decanter back to his lips.

"Enough." Poseidon said with a snap causing the decanter to vanish. "Your brother and sister have a point and are trying to look out for your best interests. I know you'd rather handle everything on your own and at your own pace but things cannot always be so. Now, seat and let us all have a reasonable conversation for once." His attention moved to Ry and Chary. "Where are Russ and Shelly? They should be a part of this conversation."

"Shelly is resting in her room while Rin pops the baby over to his parents' home." Chary answered.

"Russ is saying his goodbyes to Jos. I was coming down to ask you to take us back." Ry answered after her.

Poseidon nodded. "I see... We'll wait on Russ, then I shall speak with Shelly once she wakes. The rest of you have a seat." He gestured to the seating area. "I've already informed Prometheus of the current events, and he has agreed to keep things quiet for now knowing as to how we have yet pin-pointed the mole inside the Embassy. Peg and Andy have been reviewing Embassy logs and security footage for the past days but have yet turned up any useful information." He paused as the library doors opened and Russ came dragging in, his emotional state obvious. His eyes moved to Arei. "Son... I know this is hard to accept... but it is time we decide on arrangements for her burial."

Tears stung Arei's eyes. He wasn't alone, the others in the room sniffled and dabbed at their eyes as well. "If I shall bury her anywhere it will be on the island, on our property... It's where she would want to be..." His eyes moved to Russ. "Where her family could easily visit..."

Poseidon nodded. "Very well..." His eyes moved to Ry and Russ. "We'll begin moving everyone over in the morning. That will also give you time to decide what you'd like to do about our two remaining vampires?"

Russ swallowed. "I... really don't know... I don't blame them... but I'm not sure I can look at either of them right now without getting angry..."

Poseidon and the others nodded in agreement. "It may be best to have them sent elsewhere for now."


Jos stared down at her ghostly hands. "What happens if I don't agree to this?"

Hypnos crossed his legs as he leaned back against the bed he was sitting on. "Is that what you want, to refuse?"

Jos glanced over her shoulder at the beautiful man that had been her near-constant companion over the past three days. He and his siblings had laid out an elaborate plan, and though she could see the pros to it... the biggest downfall to the plan was the freedom of such dark, powerful creatures. "It's not that... exactly... I only want to know what would happen if I say no..."

He narrowed his eyes at her as he leaned forward and rested his elbows on his crossed legs. "Maybe the problem is that we are not offering you enough in return for your assistance." He pushed up from the bed and walked slowly over to her, his hips swaying like a panther approaching a frightened rabbit. He hooked his finger under her chin and brought her gaze up to meet his. "What is it you want?"

She swallowed hard. "I want to leave here... I want to... to..."

"Live?" He asked, tilting his head and studying her. "What is it there that you are so despite to return to? Revenge? Lust?" His eyes sparkled as they studied her. "Or perhaps love?"

Jos swallowed hard trying her best to not react to his pensive gaze. "Must there be only one reason? Why do you want to return so badly? I've left so much behind. I simply want to say goodbye and wrap up any loose ends I've left behind."

The corner of his lips raised. "You didn't seem too concerned with those things three days ago. Why the change of heart?"

Jos turned away from his grip, temporarily happy when he released his hold. "I hadn't been able to see past my anger to think of such things then." She risked a glance up at him only to find him smirking down at her.

"Whether you agree to help out and leave this place or refuse and stay matters little to me." He stroked her cheek. "I have grown rather fond of our visits and could become just as fond of your company here." He looked around the dark cavernous room. "Your presence makes the darkness surprisingly bearable."

She swallowed hard. "What are you trying to say?"

He took a step closer cupping her face between both hands. "I'm saying, I could care less about freedom any longer. I'm sure it's not hard to understand what reasons I could have for that... after all, I have spent nearly every night with you for the past several months..."

Jos's eyes widened as she stepped away from him. "That may be so, but you have to know, I don't remember any of that! And I definitely don't want to stay here!"

He nodded as he too stepped backward away from her. "Then you have agreed to help my siblings?"

She bit her lip nervously. "I don't see that I have another option... not really."

He clutched his chest, a smile curving his lips even though he was pushing out his bottom lip in a faux pout. "Ouch, you wound me." With a clap, Thanatos appeared in the room. "She has chosen to help." He said not taking his eyes from Jos.

"Very well, very well indeed." Thanatos murmured, nodding his head in approval. He walked toward her causing her breath to catch. He raised his hand and slapped his palm against her forehead.

Jos dragged in a sharp, painful breath as she shot up in the bed. One hand flew to her chest as the other clasped her throat. A groan from the bed beside her pulled her attention away from her current pains. Her eyes moved around the room. Familiarity dawned, but she couldn't pinpoint exactly where she was. She nearly jumped out of her own skin as an arm wrapped around her waist. Panic seized her entire body until her eyes adjusted to the moonlight coming in through the windows, and she saw the tattooed patterns that had been permanently engraved into her memory. A smile curved her lips as she traced the familiar patterns.

"Um... Kitten..." Arei's low sleepy voice filled the dark, quiet room. With a snort of sleepy realization, Arei's eyes popped open. "Kitten?!" His hand shot up to her face as if he couldn't believe what he was seeing was real. "Kitten? You're awake? It's not just a dream..." He sat up, determination in his movements as he cupped her face. "I don't care if it is..." He pressed his lips against hers. "If this is the only way to have you in my arms now, then I wish to never wake up." He whispered as he showered her face with kisses and held her tightly in his arms.