Chereads / Strange Love / Chapter 314 - Killer Plans

Chapter 314 - Killer Plans

Vivian tapped the long, crimson nails of one hand against the mahogany desk as she rubbed her temples with the other hand. An irritated smile curved her lips as she studied her son from the other side of the table. "You are serious about this? You want to allocate a fund for the restoration of that bloody island and its werewolf trash? You realize by doing so we would be admitting guilt in not only the attacks as well as the illegal activities involving those girls as well?" She laughed sarcastically. "You are just as ignorant as your useless father." She shook her head.

Drake glared at her. "How can you speak so coldly about him? If it wasn't for him you wouldn't be where you are now, sitting high on our blood-soaked throne." He bit out.

She gave a huffed laugh. "You think I should speak more warmly about that imbecile after he all but fed himself to the same beast that killed his father? Ha, if anything I should be sending her a thank you card and gift basket for getting the whole lot of them out of my way." She held out her hand studying the perfect manicure. "I really do appreciate being able to keep my hands clean for once."

"You're ridiculous." He growled as he pushed away from the desk to stand. Just then a buzz of the phone caused him to freeze in his seat. He watched as his mother answered the page.

Her brows arched in surprise. "Oh really? Yes, send him in." She hung up the phone and pressed the fingertips of each hand together, tapping the long, nails together impatiently as she watched the door. A calculating smile curved her lips as the door was opened by one of the guards and a familiar man stepped inside. She took in his disheveled appearance and untidy clothes. "My word Marcus, you look absolutely horrid. I should send you for a proper wash before you ruin the leather with your filth."

He sent her an impatient glare. "Sitting won't be necessary, it shan't take long." When she only arched her brows farther, he continued. "I need a place to stay. Somewhere safe to lay low for a while."

She gave an amused chuckle. "And why would I risk such a thing for a fugitive?"

"Why?!" He growled as he bent forward, his hands slamming down on the desk. "Do you forget all I've done for you? All that I've helped you sweep under the rug?" He lifted and crossed his arms over his chest sending her a smug smile. "My freedom is just as important to you as it is me."

"Is that so?" Her smile mocked him. "The way I see it, I only require your silence... regardless to how it is obtained." Her expression grew cold and serious as she held his gaze, watching worry replace the previous smugness.

Marcus narrowed his eyes. "Even you do not have that power, Vivian."

She shrugged nonchalantly. "Maybe not..." A wide, devious smile curved her lips as she pushed up from her chair and leaned forward over the desk. "But it would be fun to try!"

"Do try, but you should know, I've taken precautions for just such a thing. If I die, all the information will be related to your involvement with Fernando Boosilis and all of your other dirty deeds I've helped cover up over the years will be released to the authorities and media. You'll be ruined, Vivian." A smirk spread across his lips as her smile finally faded. "All that new power the death of your husband and his brother has brought you will vanish." He lifted his hand and snapped. "Just like that."

She narrowed her eyes as she sat back down. "What is it you want exactly, Marcus?"

"I want access to all the DeMarco properties and adequate funds to live comfortably until this blows over. I want a shadow member to be appointed to my previous position so that I may retain my authority."

She arched a brow. "A bit ambitious, aren't we?" Her attention moved to her son who was sitting quietly across from her still. "Very well, I'll see what I can do about both of your requests..."

Drake didn't like the smile that curved his mother's lips. He knew very well what that expression meant, and it wouldn't bode well for anyone involved. His attention moved over to the old councilmen. The man seemed unsure as he cleared his throat and nodded in agreement.

"I'll stay here until you're able to make arrangements. I assume your guards can see to my safety?"

Her wicked smile widened. "Oh, not to worry, my guards can see to you just fine. Need not worry, Marcus dear."

Drake pushed up from his chair. "Then I'll see him out." He grabbed the man's arm and dragged him from the room. Drake released him with a shove as soon as the doors were closed behind him. "You are a fool if you think threatening my mother will get you what you want."

Marcus straightened his disheveled clothing indignantly. "Are you threatening me?!"

Drake's lips curled over his upper teeth in disgust. "No, I'm warning you. You should be less worried about luxury housing, pocket change, and maintaining your power and more about simply surviving." He rolled his eyes. "Why do I even bother trying... Do what you like." He spat out as he pushed past the man. His rapid steps didn't slow until he reached the outermost walls of the property. He tapped out a code on the door, and it opened.

"What is it, boss?" The vampire sitting behind the desk lined in security cameras asked.

Drake quickly found the camera inside his mother's office and tapped on the screen. "Can you get me audio on this one?"

"Sure thing, boss."

Drake pulled out one of the seats and watched as one of his mother's most trusted guards entered the office. He waited impatiently as the audio was adjusted.

"What would you like us to do about it, Miss?" The guard was asking.

"Kill him! But first, get rid of EVERYTHING that could link us with him or the werewolves." She tapped her nails on the desk as she glared at the door. "I'm not sure if he truly has a fallback plan as he says, but we can't leave any loose ends this time. I want to be finished with all this nonsense."

"Understood. I'll gather a team tonight." The guard bowed and left the room.

Drake's shocked eyes tracked the guard as he made his way through the mansion. "Audio there! Now!" Drake exclaimed as the man stepped inside the interior guards' office.

"On it, boss." The vampire worked quickly to make the mandatory adjustments.

"...Three teams, the first in charge of tracking down any files or associates Councilman Marcus could still have, the second dispatched to the island for cleanup, and the third to keep an eye on Marcus and wait for the termination order." The head guard was saying.

"Cleanup? Haven't we had enough messes where that bloody island is involved? I only see going there making things messier." One of the men spoke up.

"No, it will be one final clean sweep. Eliminate the remaining merchandise and suppliers, retrieve any and all documentation left, and get out undetected. Shouldn't be too difficult on that front, reports say most of the documentation was destroyed by the Usurper before he fled and died."

"Died?! You mean mauled by those bloody bitches?! I'll stay and keep an eye on that cheeky bastard, you boys have fun with the rest."

The guard narrowed his eyes. "Very well, but if you're unable or unwilling to follow through with orders, it will be your head on the pike next to his."

The man cleared his throat. "I can handle one man, even one of his age. He's probably lost his edge with all that lavish living he's been spoiling himself with over the past several decades."

"Keep a check on that arrogance. He is one of the elders after all."

Drake pushed up from the chair, hearing all he needed to hear. He clamped the security guard on the shoulder as he made his way toward the door. "Thank you again, Ralph."

"Any time, boss." The man smiled up at him, but his smile dropped when he saw the uneasy expression on Drake's young face. "Where you off to, boss?"

"Don't worry about it... just keep an eye on my brother while I'm gone." He was already closing the door behind him before the man could ask further questions. {I'll have to drive... It will be the hardest way to track... I'll also need cash...} Drake's mind worked quickly as he made haste to his room and packed. {It's going to take damn near an entire day to get there... A flight would be under three hours... I hope I can get there fast enough!} He growled to himself as he plugged the location into his GPS.


Deafening beeping filled the dark, quiet room as Jos shot up breathlessly in the bed. Her hand quickly clamped over the watch in the hopes of muffling the loud beeping. She jerked in surprise when a large hand began stroking her back.

"What is it, kitten? Another nightmare?" Arei's rough, sleep-heavy voice was barely audible over the loud beeping. He sat up and pulled her into his arms, holding her head against his bare chest as he stroked her hair soothingly. "Shhh, calm down, kitten. I have you."

Tears streamed down her cheeks as she tried to recall even the tiniest detail of the nightmare that had awoken her. "Why can't I ever remember them?!" She sobbed.

He rubbed the knotted muscles of her back as he continued to soothe her. "I'm not sure, kitten, but you have to calm down. That watch is going to wake up the entire island if you don't."

"They have to mean something!" She cried out as she pushed away from him and climbed out of bed.

When he realized she was pulling on her nightgown and robe instead of going to the bathroom, he pushed himself out of bed as well. "Where are you going, kitten?"

"I need some fresh air... a walk maybe..."

"Wait for me, and I'll go with you."

"Ok..." Jos nodded as she wrapped her arms tightly around herself.

They'd just pulled open the bedroom door when movement followed by smoke caught their attention. Arei's eyes widened as another smell hit his nose. "Gas!" He caught Jos's hand and pulled her back inside the room. "Someone's lit the house on fire! They could still be out there!" He hurried over to his nightstand and pulled out a handgun, wracking a round before handing it to her. "I'll need you to cover us while I get us out of here, ok."

Jos's features were riddled with worry as they ran toward the balcony. She let out a surprised gasp as his wings shot out and his arms wrapped tightly around her. "Are you sure about this?"

"Yes!" He was already pushing away from the balcony as he answered. Gunshots echoed from the ground, but they'd already gained enough altitude before being noticed that none of the bullets neared them. Without thinking, he headed straight for his father's palace. His feet had barely touched down on the grass as Poseidon came storming out.

Poseidon pulled them both into a tight embrace before holding them out and examining them, then giving them another hug. "Your brother just called. No one could get ahold of you. We were all worried." He braced himself against the pain his next words were going to cause both him and the couple in front of him. "You were not the only ones attacked tonight... The hospital and palace were as well. Ry and the guards were able to detect and protect the palace with minimal casualties to the guards... but the hospital..." Pain reflected in his eyes as he cleared his throat. "The three girls still admitted were killed along with some of the staff who tried to step in... and four more from the palace..."

"What about Russ?!" Jos cried out in terror.

"He's safe... for now." Poseidon responded.

Jos quickly spun sending Arei a pleading expression. Arei nodded immediately and spread his wings again, but Poseidon stopped him. "Wait, I'll take you. It will be quicker."